"People are brothers and sisters, what does getting closer have to do with you?"

A girl appeared in front of Mu Yue.

Seeing her, Luo Cheng frowned and said, "Xu Qin, you are also a genius of the first class, why should you protect a weed."

"What weed?" It's all people who are noble, don't talk about your empire's set.

"What did you say? You violent woman!

"I'll just say what's wrong, Dead Tsundere!"

The two women seem to have a bad relationship in normal times, and at this time, they are even more likely to fight.

However, if you look at the figure alone, Xu Qin seems to have been crushed by Luo Cheng.

Is the genetics of the imperial royal family so strong? Whether it is Luo Ying or Luo Cheng, each person has long legs when they are convex and back?

However, while they were not paying attention, Mu Yue and Mu Yixue had already left casually.

After separating from his sister, Mu Yue returned to the accompanying class.

Chen Jingyan said excitedly: "Great God, how is it?" What did you do secretly with the vice president of the student union? "

Mu Yue: ...

Yes, great, you are even noisier than Wang Chenning.

"Don't talk about this, God, the club has been decided after the discussion of our class, and Teacher Lin Rui has already applied for it, just waiting for the student council to agree."

Mu Yue: ???

What's the matter with me?

"Great God, don't worry, I'm the president, you can just come to the club to put up a name."

Chen Jingyan had already finished his words with his own care.

"The name of the club is the Martial Arts Association, and one day, the beauties of the entire academy holy land will become my wife."

Hearing this, Mu Yue showed a surprised gaze: "Does the name of your society have anything to do with the second half of your sentence?" "

Why not?"

Chen Jingyan put his arm around Mu Yue's shoulders, and his face was full of treacherous smiles: "Didn't we say okay, I taught you martial arts, you taught me puff girls, I created a martial arts association, you become my member, then I won't teach you martial arts?" So, God, it's time for you to teach me to pick up girls. Hearing

this, Mu Yue's brain turned black.

What bastard logic?

But if you think about it, there is no flaw.

The only downside is, when did I promise to teach you to pick up a chick?

Wait, why do you think I'm going to pick up a chick?

Nan Nan looked at them behind them, and there seemed to be a trace of envy in his eyes.

Chen Jingyan turned around and pulled her over, looking familiar: "Nannan's wife, you also come, I will teach you martial arts, you will be my wife."

Although he didn't know the situation, after getting along for more than ten days, Nan Nan knew that Chen Jingyan just liked to joke.

She nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, when I become stronger, I will be your wife."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Jingyan's face was shocked and excited.

"Well, I will definitely make you a martial arts master!"

Mu Yue sat back in his place, holding his chin a little bored, his eyes looking out the window, thinking about when he would have time to go to the research institute on Academy Island.

Although he did not join the student union, Chi Jingxin still fulfilled this agreement in order to save his relationship with Mu Yixue.

In her capacity, helping Mu Yue become the deputy director of the institute will not take more than three days, just go through the process.

In the past three days, the quota for new students to join the student union has been determined.

Xu Qin joins the Wind Discipline Committee, Long Qingxi seems to want to train her to be his successor, and Xu Qin's character is deeply loved by her.

Luo Cheng also became a member of the organizational department of the student council, and her goal seems to be to become the future student council president.

There is also a person named Gao Xiaosheng, who is said to be a very cute little boy, only sixteen years old this year, who has become a publicity committee member of the student council, similar to the existence of a mascot.

After the first meeting of the freshman student council.


Qiu Yu clapped his hands and sighed: "Another year of new blood joining, I feel that I am about to grow old."

"Senior Qiu, you're still young." Chi Jingxin said gently.

"Hehe, or can Senior Sister Chi speak... Oh yes, what about Qingxi and Yu Qi? "

Although the meeting of the student council does not require the Wind Discipline Committee to attend, as the chairman of the Wind Discipline Committee, she should also be present.

And Yu Qi, as the vice president, is even more strange not to be there.

"Qingxi said she had a private matter... And Yu Qi, he went to find Mu Yue. Yu

Qi did not see Mu Yue at the scene, he knew that he had done something wrong.

He came to the accompanying class, found Mu Yue, and said solemnly in front of everyone: "I'm sorry!" "

Yu Qi's personality is indeed straightforward, and he does what he says, and he is absolutely unambiguous when he is wrong, and he bows his head when he says that he will bow his head.

Mu Yue said lightly: "From your point of view, you are right, you don't need to apologize to me."

Yu Qi's face changed, and he looked at Mu Yue with some admiration: "Senior Brother Mu, I looked down on you before, it was my dog's eyes that looked down on people, I should apologize to you."

"In addition, although I was careless, I really did not take your move, willing to gamble and lose, you will come to me in the future, the scope of ability, I will definitely help you."

"Well, thank you, Senior Yu Qi."

As one of only three magical universities in the world, the student union manages such a huge organization, and as one of the members, and is also the vice president with extremely high power, Yu Qi's character is naturally passable.


Training room.

Long Qingxi looked at the young man in front of him indifferently and said, "That's why you want to join the Wind Discipline Committee?" The

white young man knelt on the ground, his forehead covered with sweat, obviously there had been a fierce collision here just now.

He is Bai Chenfan, also a magic envoy from Xichuan City, and Mu Yixue is the same time.

"I want to fulfill Captain Dragon's wish."

Bai Chenfan stood up with difficulty, his eyes staring at Long Qingxi.

"Hehe, when you were in Xia Country, you couldn't even beat a first-level pollutant, right?"

Long Qingxi stepped forward, and a wave of water rushed up from under Bai Chenfan, knocking him out and smashing into the wall of the training room.

"Bai Chenfan, I said that my father died for the country, and it has nothing to do with you."

Long Qingxi looked at this white young man and continued, "You want to protect me? But you are not as strong as me.

Bai Chenfan lay on the ground panting.

His elements are metallic elements.

A very niche elemental attribute, but still an ordinary element, not a rarity.

However, the process of developing this element is more difficult, and most metal element magic makes them become elemental enhancers and have hard bodies.

It's so easy to become an elemental enhancer.

Bai Chenfan had not reached the threshold of an elemental enhancer until now.

But soon, he stood up again.

Long Qingxi sighed.

"Well, as you wish, I will give you a chance to join the Wind Discipline Committee, I hope you don't regret it."

After that, Long Qingxi crossed Bai Chenfan and left here.

Bai Chenfan is his father's 0711 magic envoy squad, the last person who is still alive.

Her father died in Xia Kingdom.

However, the verbal fiancé that her father left him was far from her vision.

It's too weak, Xiaobai.

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