Mu Yue and the three paid homage to Li Mengyao's portrait in order.

She didn't even have a body, and the remains of the contaminated body that had turned into powder that day had all been blown away by the fierce wind.

Li Mengyao's father stood next to him, without saying a word.

And her mother had fainted in tears and was sent back to rest.

Mu Yue looked at the black-and-white photo of this young face expressionlessly.

The world, as dangerous as it is, is not desperate.

His world is exhausted of energy, and although an interstellar fortress has been created that can navigate the universe, if they do not develop endless energy in the end, then the parent star will be discarded.

This also means that only cutting-edge talents and some seeds on the planet can leave, and the other 99.999 percent of species will die on the parent planet as the energy is exhausted.

That was the real despair, Mu Yue was used to death.

That world is constantly at war to grab the only energy source.

I don't know if the endless energy left in the original world after he came to this world...

"Classmate Mu Yue, it's time to go. The

sudden voice interrupted Mu Yue's thoughts, he nodded, and followed Lin Rui out of the funeral venue.

At the door, Wang Chenning was still standing there, waiting for the three to come out.

"Lao Mu.

Wang Chenning said solemnly: "I think I understand, my magic qualifications are too poor to become a magic envoy, so I want to develop a weapon that can destroy the contaminated body in the future, at the very least... The power is not lost to the magic angel. Hearing

this, Mu Yue did not speak.

Lin Rui frowned, "Classmate Wang Chenning, do you know about the SE terrorist organization?"


a teenager who often surfs the Internet, Wang Chenning certainly knows this internationally renowned terrorist organization.

Scientific Extremism (SE Terror).

Unscrupulous, regardless of the cost, indifferent to life, has touched an extreme organization that has been taboo in human experiments dozens of times.

They want to use scientific means to develop a power that is not lost to magicians.

The League of Nations banned many research methods out of humanitarianism, and in order to meet the objectives, several scientists turned their backs on morality and embarked on a road of no return, forming this so-called scientific extremist organization.

Their most well-known act is the human experiment in which a hundred children were killed and injured ten years ago.

And Li Mo, known as the world's craziest scientist, is a representative figure and one of the top leaders of the SE terrorist organization.

Lin Rui looked at Wang Chenning's eyes seriously, and said in a deep voice: "The teacher hopes that you will not go astray.

"I won't.

Wang Chenning put his arm around Mu Yue's shoulder with a big grin and said with a smile: "Even if I am ready to go astray, isn't there still Lao Mu who can stop me."

Mu Yue: "..." He

was really more and more speechless at his table.

[Inform, unknown elf energy reaction detected, distance, six kilometers above.] Listening

to Xiao Yi's voice, Mu Yue showed a surprised look.

Elf energy, that is the power in Mu Yixue's body.

But that power is not unknown to Mu Yue, and since Xiao Yi mentioned the unknown, it means that a new "elf" weapon has appeared.

A full decade has passed since human experiments, could it be that Li Mo has developed a new elven weapon?

At the same time, a transport plane streaked overhead, and it was protected on all sides by more than a dozen gunships.

"Strange, has the military been so busy lately, first a third-level pollutant, what happened today?" asked Xia Xin.

"It's not the Xia Kingdom military.

Mu Yue said lightly: "This kind of model is only owned by the League of Nations. "

Lying groove, Lao Mu, do you have such good eyesight?" said Wang Chenning in shock.


Mu Yue hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I have something to do, so I left first." Looking

at Mu Yue's figure leaving in a hurry, Wang Chenning and Xia Xin glanced at each other, and they both showed doubtful expressions.


On the transport plane, the pilot was leisurely humming a ditty.

The adjutant sitting next to him in the co-pilot's seat was curious: "Captain, what are we transporting this time?

The captain thought for a while and said, "This time, we transported directly from the Xia Guo Research Institute to the Sky Tower of the League of Nations headquarters, what kind of military secret should it be."

"I heard that in that human experiment ten years ago, some scientists in Xia Guo used the residual data of the experiment to deduce the content of that human experiment, and then copied the products of that experiment.

"Although the power is certainly not as powerful as the product of human experiments ten years ago, if what we transport is real, I am afraid that we will usher in a new era for mankind."

"The birth of elven weapons means that people with poor magical qualifications, armed with such weapons, can do the same things as magic messengers.

Hearing this, the adjutant was surprised: "No wonder, for such an important thing, it is normal to send troops to protect it." The

captain smiled and said, "Be mentally prepared, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle in a while."

The adjutant also showed a solemn expression.

You know, ten years ago, Li Mo bore the world's infamy and created the weapon of the elf system.

Ten years later, his research results were copied by the Xia Guo Institute and are being sent to the headquarters of the League of Nations, the Tower of Heaven.

This is equivalent to what Li Mo created with a bad name, and was enjoyed by the League of Nations.

Then the SE terrorist organization cannot give up.

This transport mission, they are bound to be attacked by the SE terrorist organization.

Although it was a group of mad scientists, there were many magic people who worked for them.

Soon, the transport plane had already arrived at the border of Xichuan City.

As the seaside city of the Xia Kingdom, as long as they left Xichuan, it meant that they were separated from the territory of the Xia Kingdom.

It was at this moment that a black fog began to spread from the end of the sky, covering half of the sky of Xichuan City.

The citizens raised their heads in confusion and looked at the scenery in the sky curiously.


the same time, piercing air defense sirens sounded in everyone's ears.

A day later, the city was once again in a state of panic.

Near Li Mengyao's funeral, Wang Chenning and the three looked up at this scene, and Lin Rui was surprised: "This is...

Xia Xin looked at her in surprise and asked, "Teacher, you mean the darkness of rare elements?"

Lin Rui nodded and said, "In addition to our common ice, water, fire, earth, wood, wind, thunder, etc., there are other rare elements.

"Light, darkness, space, time

..." Lin Rui said in a deep voice: "There are no more than a hundred people in the world for this kind of magic..."

Xia Xin said a little nervously.


On the other side, in the living room, Gao Chengming looked at the gradually gloomy sky and sighed: "The nearest Xichuan City is really not peaceful." "

As a former lieutenant colonel, he knows some gossip.

Of course, the power of the elven weapons copied in the transport plane was far inferior to the one in Mu Yixue's body.

After all, one is textiles made using the same principle.

The other is a superweapon created by a hundred children with genius magic qualifications and top scientist Li Mo who has worked hard for most of his life.

However, the creation of the elven weapon system is bound to change the pattern of this world.

"Those two children, did they take refuge properly?"

Mu Yixue ignored the crowd around her desperately running towards the shelter, going backwards step by step, her face full of worry.

Just like yesterday, when the pollutant appeared, she rushed to the location of the pollutant for the first time.

She was afraid that her brother was in that kind of place.

Even if the odds are extremely small, she has to go and see.

For her, her brother is all she has in life.


The transport plane, shrouded in black fog, had lost its way.

Suddenly, as if gravity was out of balance, the transport plane, together with several gunships around it, fell vertically.

The captain controlled the joystick with all his strength, and the adjutant next to him said in horror: "Captain, this is..." "

The magic of gravity, I didn't expect SE to be so generous and dispatched two rare elements." "

In a corner of Xichuan City, two men in black stood together, one wrapped in black fog, the other unremarkable.

The former looked at the scene in the air and said calmly: "Release the 'Centipede Junior'."

After that, he said helplessly: "In just two days, the two polluted bodies caught by the organization were used up like this, what a pity." "

Yesterday's pollutant named "Black Emperor" was also caught by them and buried on this route in advance, but because the third-level pollutant body was very difficult to control, the awakening time of that thing was wrong, and it was advanced by one day.

It stands to reason that the tertiary pollutant could hit two cities, Dongchuan and Xichuan.

But on the other hand, I passed by a girl with the highest combat power of the Sky Tower...

The other man in black never spoke, although he couldn't see his face, but from the figure, this was a woman with a good figure.

The next moment, near the shelter of Nishikawa No. 1 Middle School, a behemoth emerged from the ground.

Its body resembles a centipede, with a black skin and a length of more than ten meters.

Wang Kai, who was fleeing, looked at this terrifying creature and stammered, "I... Primary polluters. "

Why are there two pollutants for two days in a row?"

This has never been the case before.

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