Am I a person of interest as a newbie in the second dimension?

Chapter 2: Cute new author, let’s bully her together


Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt something inexplicably broken in her mind, and for the first time in sixteen years, she had the urge to hit someone.

It was fine to introduce myself and start the performance, but halfway through the introduction, she was inexplicably interrupted. It seemed that she didn't want to inquire too much about her. She was a bastard. Her personality was too bad.

She, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, decided to leave immediately. Who wants to deal with such a bad bastard...

"Let's talk about the advantages of this novel first." However, before Kasumigaoka Shiyu could turn around, Sougo Toma's voice came over slowly.

"Excellent, advantages, eh..." Stopping before taking a step forward, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stared at Sougo Tsuchima on the top of the building with her burgundy eyes.

"It can be seen that although the author is a newcomer, his writing style is indeed better than that of most light novelists. Under the author's writing, the second volume of the novel follows the style of the first volume. The relationship between Sayuka and Naoto unfolds in daily life, which makes People feel warm..."

Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's lips raised a nice angle. Sure enough, her writing was not bad, but why wasn't it popular?


The turning point came, Sougo Toma smiled evilly.

"What the hell is this Zhenwei? Why does a third person suddenly appear when two people are in a good relationship? Why do you like the male protagonist because the male protagonist looks like Asasi? Can Asasi see that? Besides, Wow, the author described this Zhenwei too well, didn’t he? Hey, which fantasy star is this!!"

Faced with Sougo Tsuchima's doubts, Kasumigaoka Shiyu took two steps back unconsciously and murmured to himself: "There are many reasons, editor... brainstorming and so on..."

"...To sum up the above, Zhenwei's appearance is probably the poisonous point of the metronome of love."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was silent.

"If I'm not wrong, this novel should be cut in half..."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that she had been hit hard.

Looking at this scene, the smile on the young man's face became brighter and brighter. He, Tsuchima, was shaking his head. Did Sougo get his fame in vain?

"But!" The topic changed and Sougo Doma said again: "This novel is not hopeless..."

"What do you mean?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu slightly raised his head that had just been lowered.

"Because I just looked at it from a different angle. The character Zhen Yui is simply a goddess in the eyes of serious otakus and light otakus. Coupled with the author's sophisticated descriptions, she can surely satisfy that group of people. In other words, this This book is very likely to become a hit in the geek circle..."

"Eh? The potential for explosion..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu unconsciously covered her mouth, looking a little in disbelief.

Seeing the girl whose expression kept changing due to his words, Sougo Doma looked quite happy, and then, it was time to strike.

"It's just that I have paid attention to the recent promotion of the novel. In the geek circle, this novel has never been mentioned. Instead, it is occasionally listed in bookstores..."

"But most of the people the bookstore faces are light-hearted nerds and artistic girls, so the character of Shinyu has become a completely poisonous point."

"However, this is normal. This is how the industry is. For novels that fail to produce results, where can the recommendation resources come from? In the current employment industry, the only thing that can be done is to let novel authors hold book signings to save them."

Listening to Sougo Tsuchima's analysis, Kasumigaoka Shiu looked confused. She didn't expect that a random reader she asked at school would know so much about the industry, even including the autograph session.

It was only today that she received the notice that her editor Machida Enko was going to hold a book signing!

"Well, Teacher Kasumi Shiko, when will your autograph session be held?" Before Kasumigaoka Shiyu could finish being shocked, Sougo Doma's joking voice sounded again.

The rooftop of Toyosaki suddenly seemed to be quiet for a moment.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu slowly raised her head. At this time, something black seemed to be attached to her body.

"You know everything?"

"That, after all, is too obvious...Eh, hehe."

"So, is it fun to tease a girl who has been whipped in this way? Sougo-kun calls himself a scumbag." Looking at Sougo Sougo with a sunny face, Kasumigaoka Shiu suddenly changed his mode: "Especially in this When the girl is about to betray her ugly appearance, she still comes to tease her first. Could it be that the scumbag wants to take advantage of the opportunity to do it first..."

Speaking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu covered her mouth with one hand: "Wow, you are indeed a scumbag. This is a very bold idea, especially now that there is no rooftop..."

"Stop it!" Sougo Toma stretched out a palm: "There is no need to show off your poisonous tongue here..."

While speaking, he had already jumped down from the roof: "Now that we have finished talking about the business, please ask Teacher Xia Shizi to sign your name for me."

"Ara..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned by this sudden request to stop talking.

The rhythm once again returned to Sougo Doma's hands.

"If you can, please sign it and give it to UMR. Although you asked your Onii-chan to introduce himself as a scumbag, Teacher Kasumi Shiko can see that your Onii-chan is a gentle person." Facing the stunned girl, Doma realized that he did not hesitate. He was typing on his mobile phone and handed over the book in his hand.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "..."

A long while.

Only then did she glance at Soujian Doma in confusion and said: "Hey, now, how shameless do you have to be to make such a request? I won't mention the signature. No matter how you look at it, the inscription goes against your heart..."

"Hey, is that possible?" Sougo Toma replied with a slightly surprised voice, but he didn't even raise his head. He only looked like typing something into his phone, so he couldn't show any sincerity.

"I'm talking about you..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't hold back after all: "When you ask others, can you look at them!!"

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