Am I a person of interest as a newbie in the second dimension?

Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into work!


But Kasumigaoka Shiha didn't know that whether it was "Four Lies" or "Pancreas" and a series of writing ideas proposed by Sougo Tsuchima, in fact, to a certain extent, they were all high-quality products that had been tested by the market. Excellent works; of course, fine works can also be created by people. Kasumigaoka Shiyu may not be unable to create better works than stories such as "Four Lies".

After all, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is no less than anyone else!

But the problem is that she is too young - or should be said that her creative experience is not rich enough. Even though her previous "Metronome of Love" has reached the publication standard, what about the sales?

Even if sales volume is put aside, just talking about the extremely painful state she was in in the second volume of "Metronome of Love" shows that she has no control over long-form creation.

But that's not her fault - when you see the title of "Love Metronome", you should understand that this is definitely a story describing love. The question is, has Kasumigaoka Shiu been in love? Let alone falling in love, she has never even had much contact with Blue Child...

Although she forced herself to write the first volume of the novel with her own vision and fantasy of love, the fantasy is just a fantasy after all. She has never dated anyone, so how could she write a date scene? She has never communicated with anyone. , how can you write about the interaction between people? perhaps……

She can forcefully write all these things through her imagination. The problem is the most important point. She has never dated anyone, so how can she write about the sweetness and bitterness after dating?

It is precisely because of this that Kasumigaoka Shiu felt so painful when writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", because she really couldn't!

However, it can be seen from this that although Kasumigaoka Shiu is interested in creation, is quite talented, and even has good writing skills, her creative experience is indeed a bit lacking - she just confirmed the start and slapped her forehead. After the story was written, she was confused as to how it would develop next...

Therefore, if she wants to create a story that can surpass classic works such as "Four Lies" and "Pancreas", it cannot be said that it is difficult, it can only be said that it is very blue!

If not, she wouldn't have written the opening chapter yet. It's not that she didn't want to write it, but that the opening chapter she wrote was never what she wanted...

Of course, not being as good as she wanted doesn't mean that her writing was bad. In fact, the few opening chapters that Kasumigaoka Shiu wrote and deleted recently far surpassed the original "Metronome of Love", but she couldn't help it. Take "The Four Lies", "Pancreas" and other classics as your goals!

Therefore, writing and deleting, deleting and writing, writing and deleting, deleting and writing, has become the norm in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's recent creation...

And as a result, she became more and more suspicious of whether she had really exhausted all her talents? After all, sometimes she writes and deletes, then deletes and rewrites the opening chapter, which is not as good as what she wrote in the beginning!

In fact, this is normal, just like when making a plan, Party A’s father feels dissatisfied with the first plan, so he will ask Party B to modify it. Then after Party B revised it dozens of times, Party A’s father suddenly feels that it is still the first plan. A one-time plan is better...

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is probably in this state. It has nothing to do with the exhaustion of his talents. It is just a psychological effect. If he really wanted to exhaust his talents, she would not be able to write and delete, delete and write, write and delete, delete and write again. ...I have exhausted my talent, how can I still write it?

But she didn’t know this, until today Sougo Doma suddenly said: "I was chased by a certain Machida Enko to write a manuscript. Even if it is written, you will not be satisfied, right?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu finally realized that it turned out that it was not her fault at all. It was all Yuanzi, that old woman who kept urging, urging, urging. If not other things, let’s just talk about the time when she wrote the second volume of "Metronome of Love". If not Yuanzi kept urging her desperately, so there was no way she could write something so unsatisfactory, right?

Damn it, isn’t the deadline coming soon? Can't she be allowed to delay submitting the manuscript for a few months? If you give her a few months to settle, well, it seems like nothing will settle...

No matter what, it's all that old woman Yuanzi's fault anyway!

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded in response. Obviously, she recognized Sougo Souma's words. There was nothing she could do about it, although she liked writing.

Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into work! .

, but she also hates being urged!

"Tsk tsk..." Seeing this, Sougo Toma chuckled again and then continued: "Even you, Shiyu, are like this, let alone others?"

"Who else?"

"..." Have you forgotten? Sougo Toma's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"If you like writing, you will also feel bored, painful and other similar emotions when you are supervised by others, right?" Sougo Tsuchima said again: "And in this state, you will naturally not be able to write. It’s not wrong to come up with a work that satisfies you, right?”


"Then the question comes..." Just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, Sougo Toma said: "Since you like writing, why do you still feel pain?"

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging you from behind. This is what you said yourself, Sougo-kun!

"It's very simple..." As if she knew what Kasumigaoka Shiu wanted to say, she just started to speak, Sougo Doma interrupted: "Because writing has changed from your hobby to your job. Someone said this, If you want to quit a hobby, turn it into work, because work is repetitive, boring and must be completed..."

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was silent.

"Same reason..." While she was silent, Sougo Doma continued: "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their job, , have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, so how many people can persevere, even if...

If you can persevere, how many people can remain interested in painting as always? "

"Wait..." After hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful while writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to what I have to say..." She had just started to speak, Sougo Doma said: "What I mean by being interested as always is not that people will give up painting because they are bored, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting... …”

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, whether it is boring and repetitive exercises or being urged to paint by others, people will not get bored of painting because of this..."

"..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to understand something: "Are you talking about Zhenbai?"

"Huh?" Mashiro, who was called out again, tilted his head.


"No..." In response, Sougo Toma shook his head and said: "In fact, I don't think even Mashiro can do this kind of thing..."

"What?" Zhenbai was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu was even more confused. Since Mashiro can't do it, why are you talking about this, Sougo-kun?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Toma answered promptly, "The difference between Mashiro and others is that her world only consists of painting..."

"Who else?"

"..." Have you forgotten? Sougo Toma's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"If you like writing, you will also feel boredom, pain and other similar emotions when you are supervised by others, right?" Sougo Tsuchima said again: "And in this state, you will naturally not be able to write. It’s not wrong to come up with a work that satisfies you, right?”


"Then the question comes..." Just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, Sougo Toma said: "Since you like writing, why do you still feel pain?"

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging you from behind. This is what you said yourself, Sougo-kun!

"It's very simple..." As if she knew what Kasumigaoka Shiu wanted to say, she just started to speak, Sougo Doma interrupted: "Because writing has changed from your hobby to your job. Someone said this, If you want to quit a hobby, turn it into work, because work is repetitive, boring and must be completed..."

Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into work! .

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was silent.

"Same reason..." While she was silent, Sougo Doma continued: "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their job, , have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, so how many people can persevere, even if...

If you can persevere, how many people can remain interested in painting as always? "

"Wait..." After hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful while writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to what I have to say..." She had just started to speak, Sougo Doma said: "What I mean by being interested as always is not that people will give up painting because they are bored, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting... …”

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, whether it is boring and repetitive exercises or being urged to paint by others, people will not get bored of painting because of this..."

"..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to understand something: "Are you talking about Zhenbai?"

"Huh?" Mashiro, who was called out again, tilted his head.


"No..." In response, Sougo Toma shook his head and said: "In fact, I don't think even Mashiro can do this kind of thing..."

"What?" Zhenbai was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu was even more confused. Since Mashiro can't do it, why are you talking about this, Sougo-kun?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Toma answered promptly, "The difference between Mashiro and others is that her world only consists of painting..."

"Who else?"

"..." Have you forgotten? Sougo Toma's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"If you like writing, you will also feel bored, painful and other similar emotions when you are supervised by others, right?" Sougo Tsuchima said again: "And in this state, you will naturally not be able to write. It’s not wrong to come up with a work that satisfies you, right?”


"Then the question comes..." Just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, Sougo Toma said: "Since you like writing, why do you still feel pain?"

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging me from behind. You said it yourself, Sougo-kun!

"It's very simple..." As if he knew what Kasumigaoka Utaha wanted to say, she just opened her mouth, and Sougo Tsuchima interrupted her and said, "Because writing has changed from your hobby to a job. Someone said that if you want to quit a hobby, then turn the hobby into a job, because work is repetitive and boring and must be completed..."

"..." Then ~ Kasumigaoka Utaha was silent.

"The same reason..." Just as she was silent, Sougo Tsuchima continued, "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their main job, they have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, then, how many people can stick to it? Even if...

can stick to it, how many people can keep their interest in painting as always?"

"Wait..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Utaha had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful when writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to me..." Just as she opened her mouth, Sougo Tsuchima said, "When I say "still interested", I don't mean that people will give up painting because of boredom, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting..."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, whether it is boring and repetitive practice or being urged to paint by others, people will not get tired of painting because of this..."

"..."Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Utaha seemed to understand something: "You mean Mashiro?"

"Hmm?" Mashiro tilted her head after being named again.



Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, then turn the hobby into a job!.

No..." To this, Sougo Tsuchima shook his head and said, "In fact, I think even Mashiro can't do this..."

"What?" Mashiro was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Utaha was even more confused. Since Mashiro couldn't do it, why did Sougo-kun say these things?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Doma answered in time, "Mashiro is different from others. Her world is only about painting..."

"What other people?"

"..." Forgotten? Sougo Doma's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"When you like writing and are supervised by others, you will also feel bored, painful and other similar emotions, right?" Sougo Doma said again: "And in this state, you naturally can't write a work that satisfies yourself, right?"


"Then the question is..." As soon as Kasumigaoka Shiyu started to speak, Sougo Doma said: "Since you like writing, why do you still feel pain?"

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging you from behind, and this is what you said yourself, Sougo!

"It's very simple..." As if he knew what Kasumigaoka Utaha wanted to say, she just opened her mouth, and Sougo Doma interrupted: "Because writing has changed from your hobby to your job. Someone said that if you want to quit a hobby, then turn the hobby into a job, because work is repetitive and boring and must be completed..."

"..." Then ~ Kasumigaoka Utaha was silent.

"The same reason..." Just as she was silent, Sougo Doma continued: "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their main job, they have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, then, how many people can stick to it? Even if...

can stick to it, how many people can keep their interest in painting as always?"

"Wait..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Utaha had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful when writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to me..." Just as she opened her mouth, Sougo Doma said, "When I say "still interested", I don't mean that people will give up painting because of boredom, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting..."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, whether it is boring and repetitive practice or being urged to paint by others, people will not get tired of painting because of this..."

"..."Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Utaha seemed to understand something: "Are you talking about Mashiro?"

"Hmm?" Mashiro tilted her head after being named again.


"No..." To this, Sougo Doma shook his head and said, "In fact, I think even Mashiro can't do this..."

"What?" Mashiro was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Utaha was even more confused. Since Mashiro couldn't do it, why did Sougo-kun say all this?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Doma answered in time, "Mashiro is different from others. Her world is only about painting..."

"What others?"

"..."Forgotten already? Doma Sougo's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"If you like writing, you will also feel bored, painful and other similar emotions when you are supervised by others, right?" Doma Sougo said again: "And in this state, you naturally can't write a work that satisfies yourself, right?"


"Then the question comes..." Just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, Sougo Toma said: "Since you like writing, why do you still feel pain?"

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging you from behind. This is what you said yourself, Sougo-kun!

"It's very simple..." As if he knew what Kasumigaoka Shiyu wanted to say,

Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into work! .

Just as she spoke, Sougo Doma interrupted: "Because writing has changed from your hobby to your job. Someone said that if you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into your job, because work It is repetitive and boring and must be completed..."

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was silent.

"Same reason..." While she was silent, Sougo Doma continued: "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their job, , have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, so how many people can persevere, even if...

If you can persevere, how many people can remain interested in painting as always? "

"Wait..." After hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful while writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to what I have to say..." She had just started to speak, Sougo Doma said: "What I mean by being interested as always is not that people will give up painting because they are bored, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting... …”

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, whether it is boring and repetitive exercises or being urged to paint by others, people will not get bored of painting because of this..."

"..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to understand something: "Are you talking about Zhenbai?"

"Huh?" Mashiro, who was called out again, tilted his head.


"No..." In response, Sougo Toma shook his head and said: "In fact, I don't think even Mashiro can do this kind of thing..."

"What?" Zhenbai was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu was even more confused. Since Mashiro can't do it, why are you talking about this, Sougo-kun?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Toma answered promptly, "The difference between Mashiro and others is that her world only consists of painting..."

"Who else?"

"..." Have you forgotten? Sougo Toma's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"If you like writing, you will also feel boredom, pain and other similar emotions when you are supervised by others, right?" Sougo Tsuchima said again: "And in this state, you will naturally not be able to write. It’s not wrong to come up with a work that satisfies you, right?”


"Then the question comes..." Just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, Sougo Toma said: "Since you like writing, why do you still feel pain?"

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging you from behind. This is what you said yourself, Sougo-kun!

"It's very simple..." As if she knew what Kasumigaoka Shiu wanted to say, she just started to speak, Sougo Doma interrupted: "Because writing has changed from your hobby to your job. Someone said this, If you want to quit a hobby, turn it into work, because work is repetitive, boring and must be completed..."

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was silent.

"Same reason..." While she was silent, Sougo Doma continued: "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their job, , have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, so how many people can persevere, even if...

If you can persevere, how many people can remain interested in painting as always? "

"Wait..." After hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful while writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to what I have to say..." She had just started to speak, Sougo Doma said: "What I mean by being interested as always is not that people will give up painting because they are bored, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting... …”

"What do you mean?"

“In other words, whether it is boring and repetitive exercises or being urged to paint by others, people will not get tired of painting because of this...

Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into work! .


"..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to understand something: "Are you talking about Zhenbai?"

"Huh?" Mashiro, who was called out again, tilted his head.


"No..." In response, Sougo Toma shook his head and said: "In fact, I don't think even Mashiro can do this kind of thing..."

"What?" Zhenbai was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu was even more confused. Since Mashiro can't do it, why are you talking about this, Sougo-kun?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Toma answered promptly, "The difference between Mashiro and others is that her world only consists of painting..."

"Who else?"

"..." Have you forgotten? Sougo Toma's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"If you like writing, you will also feel boredom, pain and other similar emotions when you are supervised by others, right?" Sougo Tsuchima said again: "And in this state, you will naturally not be able to write. It’s not wrong to come up with a work that satisfies you, right?”


"Then the question comes..." Just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, Sougo Toma said: "Since you like writing, why do you still feel pain?"

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging you from behind. This is what you said yourself, Sougo-kun!

"It's very simple..." As if she knew what Kasumigaoka Shiu wanted to say, she just started to speak, Sougo Doma interrupted: "Because writing has changed from your hobby to your job. Someone said this, If you want to quit a hobby, turn it into work, because work is repetitive, boring and must be completed..."

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was silent.

"Same reason..." While she was silent, Sougo Doma continued: "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their job, , have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, so how many people can persevere, even if...

If you can persevere, how many people can remain interested in painting as always? "

"Wait..." After hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful while writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to what I have to say..." She had just started to speak, Sougo Doma said: "What I mean by being interested as always is not that people will give up painting because they are bored, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting... …”

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, whether it is boring and repetitive exercises or being urged to paint by others, people will not get bored of painting because of this..."

"..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to understand something: "Are you talking about Zhenbai?"

"Huh?" Mashiro, who was called out again, tilted his head.


"No..." In response, Sougo Toma shook his head and said: "In fact, I don't think even Mashiro can do this kind of thing..."

"What?" Zhenbai was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu was even more confused. Since Mashiro can't do it, why are you talking about this, Sougo-kun?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Toma answered promptly, "The difference between Mashiro and others is that her world only consists of painting..."

"Who else?"

"..." Have you forgotten? Sougo Toma's eyes twitched: "Shiyu, you like writing, right?"


"If you like writing, you will also feel bored, painful and other similar emotions when you are supervised by others, right?" Sougo Tsuchima said again: "And in this state, you will naturally not be able to write. It’s not wrong to come up with a work that satisfies you, right?”


"Then here comes the question..." Just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu had just spoken, Sougo Tsuchima said: "Since you like writing

Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into work! .

, then why do you still feel pain? "

"Of course it's because..." Someone is urging you from behind. This is what you said yourself, Sougo-kun!

"It's very simple..." As if she knew what Kasumigaoka Shiu wanted to say, she just started to speak, Sougo Doma interrupted: "Because writing has changed from your hobby to your job. Someone said this, If you want to quit a hobby, turn it into work, because work is repetitive, boring and must be completed..."

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was silent.

"Same reason..." While she was silent, Sougo Doma continued: "Maybe some people learn painting because they are interested in painting, but when learning painting becomes their job, , have to repeat boring and tedious exercises every day, so how many people can persevere, even if...

If you can persevere, how many people can remain interested in painting as always? "

"Wait..." After hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had something to say. Although she felt extremely painful while writing the second volume of "Love Metronome", she did not give up writing.

"Listen to what I have to say..." She had just started to speak, Sougo Doma said: "What I mean by being interested as always is not that people will give up painting because they are bored, but that people should always enjoy the fun of painting... …”

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, whether it is boring and repetitive exercises or being urged to paint by others, people will not get bored of painting because of this..."

"..." Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to understand something: "Are you talking about Zhenbai?"

"Huh?" Mashiro, who was called out again, tilted his head.


"No..." In response, Sougo Toma shook his head and said: "In fact, I don't think even Mashiro can do this kind of thing..."

"What?" Zhenbai was puzzled.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu was even more confused. Since Mashiro can't do it, why are you talking about this, Sougo-kun?

"It's just..." Fortunately, Sougo Toma answered promptly, "The difference between Mashiro and others is that her world only consists of painting..."

Chapter 2619 If you want to quit a hobby, turn your hobby into work! .

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