Am I God

Chapter 469: Task

Hearing what Zhao Yao said, Xiaoyu rolled her eyes and said bitterly, "A cat is always a cat, and sometimes people are not people."

"Huh?" Zhao Yao's ears suddenly trembled again: "It seems that there are others."

The two Americans on the other side also seemed to have discovered something. The two stepped out in one step, and their bodies were light and fluttering, like ghost shadows rushing out.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Zhao Yao's heart moved: "Superpower? Wind? Gravity? Mass or what?"

While thinking about it, Zhao Yao has also pulled the light rain and rushed over, through the thick fog, and soon saw more than a dozen hazy figures sitting together on the beach, because the fog was too thick. The relationship made Zhao Yao completely unable to see their appearance.

At this moment, these people seem to have not realized the arrival of outsiders, and are still talking to each other.

"When will the fog clear? Are we just waiting here?"

"Don't move around in fog, it's too easy to get lost in this situation."

Another said: "This place is very close to the river and sea, and there are many boats coming and going. After the fog clears, we will be rescued soon."

After listening to what they said in a few words, Zhao Yao probably understood that this group of people should have strayed into the fog at sea and then got trapped on this island.

Of course, what made Zhao Yao even happier was that the heads of the dozen or so figures in front of him all had golden exclamation marks on them. Even if he couldn't reach his fingers, he could still see the golden light on each other's foreheads.

However, he suddenly let out a small yawn and looked at one of the figures in surprise, but there was no golden light on the other's head.

Zhao Yao thought to himself: "The victims trapped here should all want to be rescued, doesn't this guy have this idea?"

Different from Zhao Yao's silent observation, the Americans on the other side walked up after listening to a few words, and said in some twisted Chinese: "Hello, I'm Captain William Johnson of the US Pacific Fleet, now I am working with the Chinese army to deal with the fog incident at sea, please tell me everything you encountered after you went to the island."

Hearing what William said, Xiaoyu glanced at Zhao Yao who was beside him: "Hehe, Tom and Jerry?"

"You can believe his nonsense. His real name is Tom."

As soon as Zhao Yao heard it, he knew that the foreigner didn't tell the truth, that Lao He didn't cooperate with any Americans at all, and this was China's territorial waters, and it was even more impossible for Americans to come in casually to deal with super power incidents.

However, for the victims on the beach, the sudden appearance of William represented the hope of rescue, and a group of people rushed up immediately, crying out for help.

William frowned, raised his pistol and aimed it at the people in front of him, which immediately caused them to burst into exclamations.

William frightened casually: "I'm not here to rescue you, the people who rescue you will arrive later, I'm here to carry out the secret mission of the United Nations, and now you immediately tell everything after encountering the fog, and no one is allowed to have any. Omit, or I can deal with you in accordance with wartime principles."

With the hope of rescue and the threat of pistols, the people present did not resist, and they all talked honestly about the situation after encountering the heavy fog.

Zhao Yao also stood by and listened. In general, there was no difference. The sea suddenly became foggy. After they entered the fog, they lost contact with the outside world. Then they hit the rocks, went to the island, and finally gathered here.

Seeing so many golden exclamation marks, Zhao Yao simply let Xiaoyu stay aside and wait, while he got in through the thick fog. He started to ask: "Do you need help? I can help everyone, who wants to help talk?"

His words did not attract the attention of the victims. Instead, two Americans looked over. William walked directly to Zhao Yao, squinted his eyes and looked at Zhao Yao and said, "Are you also the victim here?" He I just felt that the other party's tone was flat, and there was no panic, and it seemed that he was a little too calm.

Zhao Yao said: "Yeah, I came here with my yacht, and I didn't expect it to hit the rocks."

William raised his eyebrows and thought to himself: 'A rich second generation? I guess you haven't figured out the situation to be so calm, right? ’

Then they continued to listen to the information provided by everyone. William frowned and looked at his companions with a little disappointment in their eyes.

They have reliable information to know that the No. 0 experimental body escaped to the island, and gathered a large number of super cats to enhance the capabilities of these super cats with meteorite fragments, but the victims in front of them looked like ordinary people. The same as the victims, even the super cat on the island did not come into contact with it.

The victims in front of them had no intelligence value. After understanding this, the two American apostles did not intend to care about the victims. They stepped out one step. Continue deep into the island.

But after taking a step, they stopped and looked at the environment in front of them in shock.

William said solemnly: "We just walked forward obviously."

At this moment, the two of them were surprised to find that they were still standing in front of the crowd, motionless.

William immediately took a few steps out again, but he found that after each step he took, his body would return to its original place.

Everyone else looked at him strangely, only William's companion had the same solemn expression. The two looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

"It's a superpower. Among the victims, there is a superpower who stopped us."

The two winked at each other, and saw William walking out again, while his companion stared at William's body, as if trying to see what ability was stopping them.

In the world where time stopped, Zhao Yao walked out slowly, carried William who ran out on his back, and put him back to his original position.

When time resumed its flow, William was shocked to find himself still where he was.

He looked at his companion and asked, "How is it? Joseph, did you see what happened?"

Joseph shook his head blankly: "No, you just stepped out, but still didn't move."

Facing the two people who were in doubt, Zhao Yao smiled, but brought Xiao Yu to the figure without the golden exclamation mark. The reason why he left these two Americans was that he wanted to solve the victims. The task at hand, I just thought of following these two Americans, which can only make these two Americans wait.

The man in front of him without a golden exclamation mark on his looks just an ordinary young man. The only special thing is that the other party looks flustered, but his heartbeat has not changed from beginning to end. It sounds like Neither hurry nor slow, completely different from the victims who want to be rescued and want to go home.

At this moment, the whole island vibrated again, the vibration amplitude was far greater than before, and all the victims were shaken to the side, unable to stand up.

Zhao Yao was slightly startled: "Huh? This shock is even more severe than before. The more painful the rice cake, the stronger the shock, is she being abused?"

"We must hurry up, but it is too dangerous to take the initiative to attack when the super cat on the island is unknown."

Although Zhao Yao had defeated the apostles of various countries at the auction venue by himself, this did not make him arrogant and arrogant. When facing unknown abilities, he always maintained sufficient caution, just like In the previous battle at the auction venue, he also collected information for a long time before the battle, and he was confident enough to take action.

However, because of the changes in the rice cakes, Zhao Yao plans to speed up his next actions.

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