The restaurant where Sougo Doma and others are located, and the back kitchen lounge.

"Uh~! It's sad to say it's a holiday but still staying in an environment similar to work..." A yellow-haired man in casual clothes smoked a flue.

"No way, if I let Epo stay outside, a murder would happen." The yellow-haired man didn't finish speaking, and the blue-haired man standing next to him patted his shoulder.

The yellow-haired man silently glanced behind him.

"I'm sorry!" The red-haired girl named Yibo noticed something and bowed again and again.

"No, I'm not complaining anymore..." The yellow-haired man who smokes hurriedly said, "Actually, Ebo can stay at home, no need..."

"Sato, are you serious?" The blue-haired man next to him asked before the yellow-haired man could finish.

Huang, it should be said that Sato Jun was silent after hearing this for a while, and then said quietly: "Soma, if the murder happened here, who do you think the victim is most likely to be?"

Lan, it should be said that Soma was silent for a while before he moved his index finger up and said: "In terms of the feel of the blow, it is most likely that the bird swims!"

"Wait, why is it me?" A certain big month male Xiaoniaoyou classmate snarled: "I've heard your words and suffered from women's clothing!"

"Well~!" When Soma heard the words, he turned his head and stretched out his thumb: "Don't worry, I'm talking about Xiaoniao, you are now a Xiaoyou bird, so no problem!"

"How can this be reassuring?" The female eldest classmate Xiaoniaoyou roared.

"Huh..." Sato Jun heard this, but he raised his head and puffed up the flue: "Actually, Soma is right. You are a little bird, you are safe..."

"Sato-san, did you even say that? Since I am safe, why did you just ask who the victim will be after the murder?" Xiaotoriu said again.

"..." After Jun Sato was silent for a while, he said faintly: "Little Bird, no, Little Bird, since you are safe, then you think about it carefully. If a bloody crime really occurs, then the victim will be Who?"

Xiaoniaoyou was taken aback upon hearing the words: "..."

Eh! ? What do you mean, isn’t he all the people who have been beaten?

While the women's clothing boss was puzzled, the blue-haired Soma on one side broke out in a cold sweat: "Sa, Sato, do you mean the two of us?"

"Huh..." Sato spit out the smoke again, then looked at him and said, "It's obvious!"

Soma in a cold sweat: —_—! !

"Guru..." He seemed to think about it, and swallowed silently.

After a while, he also turned his head and looked at the red-haired Yibo and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if Yibo goes home now..."

"Huh!? Is it okay? Can I really go back?"

"EMMM..." As soon as Ebo's voice fell, the woman eating beside her raised her head and said: "It's all here, don't listen to these men's nonsense, if you go back now, terrible things will happen... …"

"Senior Baiteng, don't be scary while eating!" Xiaoniaoyou on the side couldn't hold back: "In other words, why do you eat so much in other people's stores? Eat so much..."

"Little Bird Tour, do you want to go to Bangkok?" Before the other party finished speaking, he said coldly while eating Parfait's Baiteng apricots.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: "..."

Eh? Did he say something wrong?

"Huh..." Just when the women's clothing boss was puzzled, Sato spit out the flue again: "Kyozi-san, I think Xiaotouyu is right."

"Sato..." Shiratō Kyoko's eyes flashed coldly: "Do you think I eat a lot?"

"No..." Sato Jun heard the words and leaned in the distance: "I mean, the master is not that scary, even if he knows that Ewa is not here, just explain clearly..."

"EMMM..." Before he could finish speaking, Shiratō Kyoko, who was still eating Parfait, looked at Sato and said, "Can you guarantee this kind of thing?"

Sato Jun: "..."

Before he had time to speak, Shirateng Kyoko ate Parfait again and said, "EMMM...if you are so irresponsible, I really don't want to give you Yachiyo!"

"Kyoko, Mr. Sato didn't mean that!" Before Jun Sato could say anything, Hiyachiyo, who was standing beside Shirato Kyoko waiting for his food, had already blushed.

"Um..." As soon as the voice fell, Soma took the stubbornly and said: "Sato is just scared..."

Sato Jun: "..."

"Who is scared! I just..." He squeezed the flue in his hand.

"Papa..." However, he still couldn't finish his words, and he patted the long sword on his waist and said, "Mr. Sato, don't worry, I won't let you become a victim!"

Sato Jun: "..."

Is he being protected?

"EMMM..." Shiratō Kyoko, who was still eating Buffy, raised her head after Yachiyo finished speaking, "Don't worry, there is Manager Otoo, you won't be a victim."

"Huh!?" Otoo, who was playing with Lin Lin Da, was startled when he heard the words. Although he didn't know what happened, did this treat him as a hero? If this is the case, then he must also shoulder the responsibility of a hero: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect everyone..."

"Hmm..." Shiratō Kyoko nodded when he heard the words, "Before Otoo Manager was killed, you are safe from Sato and Soma!"

Sound Tail Manager: "..."

Eh! ?

"Wait, wait, why is it that I am victimized?"

"EMMM..." Shiratō Kyoko changed the cup of Parfait again: "Probably Otoo had a victim appearance..."

Manager Soundtail: "Heh, heh, is that so?"

Wait, what is he talking about? What do you mean by that? What is it like to look like a victim?

"No, the uncle won't be a victim!" Just in the midst of grief and anger, the Lin Dai who played with him seriously said.

Sound Tail Manager: "..."

Mountain, Yamada! You really are a good girl...

"The uncle has not yet confiscated Linda as a righteous daughter, and before handing over the retirement annuity to Linda, Linda will not let him have an accident!" Yamada Aoi took it for granted.

Sound Tail Manager: "..."

Thank you so much!

"The manager, the store manager, and..." Just as Otoo was again in grief and indignation, the person involved, Eha Masiru, couldn't help but said, "Why do you all presuppose a bloody murder!"

"Kacha..." As soon as the voice fell, Sato had already taken out a cigarette and lighted it again: "Epo, you should ask Xiaoniao about this kind of thing. If you can't control it, attack Xiaoyou bird. !"

"..." Xiaoniaoyou was surprised: "Wait, wait, why did you attack me?"

"Probably because Xiaoniaoyou is very resistant to beatings? If Epo really can't control him, please help us to drag it until we escape..." Lan Fa Soma tilted his head.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: "..."

"Epo, do you want to punch someone now?" He gritted his teeth.

"Huh!?" Ewa Shinhiro was startled: "Little bird swims..."

"If you really can't help but want to beat someone, I can help Ewa to untie the rope tied to your body." Xiaotouyou classmate suggested to Ewa, who was tied to a chair when he came in.

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