Am I Interested When I Just Arrived In The Second Element?

Chapter 16 The Danger of the Second Element (Fog)

As a secretary, what do you do if you see an unconfident eldest lady?

Scarlett tells you, that is to exaggerate vigorously.

"Master Erikai, "The Metronome of Love" on Twitter is about to become a hot topic now. Coupled with the book review by Mr. Doma, Master Erikai doesn't believe in himself, should he believe in Mr. Doma too? "

"That guy..." Nanakiri Erri's teeth tickled with hatred when he mentioned someone.

Scarlet sand sees a needle.

"In fact, Tuma-senpai still cares about Master Erikai very much. Otherwise, he wouldn't have written such a long book review just because of a word of Master Erikai."

"That's because when he left, he promised me three requests. It was the first thing I asked for to make "The Metronome of Love" fire..." Erikari Nakiri's tone was slightly weaker.

Scarlet Sand: "..."

My eldest lady, what the hell are you doing?

"I, I will never forget that guy's humiliation to me!" As if thinking of something, Nagiri Erikari's face returned to normal, and it was as cold as ice.

"Heh, hehe..." Feisha chuckled dryly, "Master Erika, I think Tuma-senpai was just a joke at the beginning, there is no need to be so serious."

Two years ago.

"Now, Tama-senpai, why did you say that the first step is to escape from Japan?" Nagiri Erikari, who had been impressed by Tama's cooking skills, asked her doubts.

Tuma Sougou: "..."

Here again? To be honest, when he woke up just after fusing Gold Finger, he was very happy, had a new life, and went abroad.


In his constant memories.

Buried in the soil,

Zecun, it’s all pears,

Shiina true white,

Nagiri Erikari...

Plus a bunch of colorful hair.

Goubi, what he traveled through was not Japan, it was the second dimension.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, crossing the second dimension is a happy event, but Tuma always realizes that it does not look at it this way. Although it is like a daily life, it is safe, but:

First of all, before you meet, you can't be sure if there is a woman named Xiaolin who is riding a dragon and being served by a one-stop service.

Secondly, before you can be sure, you don't know if there will be a lazy angel who suddenly blew the horn proclaiming the end of humanity. Damn, daily life is more troublesome than fighting.

Finally, you have to see if there is a PK academy in this world. If you anger the Qi Shen inside, then you really don’t know how to die.



This is still the general situation. When it comes to the second dimension, one thinks of the traverser.

The ghost knows if he is the only traveler?

If another Schrödinger's traverser appeared, it would be troublesome.

As the saying goes:

Crossing to crossing,

The two dragons didn't meet each other.

If they come together,

One party must be destroyed.

The ghost knows what Gold Finger the enemy traverser is carrying. To this end, Sougo Tama can only say, I admit it, if I escape back to the heavens, do you dare to come? Come is the river crab monster attack.



The traversers are still minor problems.

The most fearful thing is that indigenous forces will join Schrödinger’s chat groups. It is said that those chat groups are organizations that traverse the heavens. He, Sou Ma Tama, a weak traverser, what else can he do besides escaping back to the celestial dynasty ?


Just as he was thinking about these questions, the ghost knew that the commander of the Sigiya family would suddenly ask questions?

At that time, he was still photographed, saying hello.

Stimulated by that slapping, I always blurt out "Of course I escaped from Japan" subconsciously. Does anyone believe this?

But, how do you want him to export this fact?

"Ahem" after a dry cough, Sougo Tama looked away.

"Erika, do you know Luminous Cuisine?"

"Luminous cuisine?" Nagiri Erikami looked surprised. Perhaps for others, Luminous cuisine is a joke, but the Nagiri family has been in charge of the Japanese culinary world for many years, but they have found a record of Luminous cuisine in ancient books.

"Yes, it's luminous cooking." As he spoke, Sougo Tama still smiled and looked ahead, as if he had fallen into a certain memory.

at this time.

Scarlet Sand is on his way.

"It was the winter when I was seven years old. It was very cold and there were snowflakes everywhere. An old gentleman was lying in front of the snowy field in front of my house. Body ginger soup..."

"Senior Doma still has such a side?" Nagiri Eri asked heartily.

"However, he said to me like this, ‘I haven’t had such a terrible tea soup for a long time. Can this be called ginger soup?’"

"How come?" Hearing this, Nagiri Erikami looked surprised. In that case, no matter what it was, everyone would be grateful, okay?

Doma Sougo waved her hand, motioning for her to be quiet.

"Then, the old man said again, ‘however, I feel your heart from this ginger soup, thank you, it’s just that this country can’t use your talent.’"

Hearing this, Ticchi Erijan put her hands on her chest, and only kept tapping the fingers of her arms to show her uneasiness.

Doma Sougo smiled and continued speaking.

“Japan is really too small. It’s been a miracle for chefs to appear in Japan for a month. But those who really want to learn their skills go to the Hawaii Vocational and Technical Training School. Although the cooking skills are not as good as Totsuki’s, it is about the use of firearms. , Helicopter piloting and a series of life-necessary skills..."

Nagiri Erikai: "..."

God's gun use and helicopter driving are essential skills in life. You misunderstand life too much, right? Also, Hawaii still teaches this?

"Perhaps because of the bowl of ginger soup, the old gentleman talked to me again after the meeting. He asked me'know neweast and blueshit' again?"

"What did Senpai say?" Nagiri Erikai became curious.

Doma Sougo smiled: "Of course I shook my head. After all, I am not familiar with those two places."

"It's just..." As he spoke, Sougo Tama once again looked farther away, trying to be true.

"The old gentleman handed me a book, "Drink you a bowl of ginger soup and give you a cookbook. We don’t owe each other, but, if you can go out from Japan, bring the cookbook back to neweast. Then, I'm telling them that Ergouzi was wrong before, and Ergouzi shouldn't sneak away with the recipe, so that now they can't even see the shadow of Luminous Cuisine.'"

"Luminous food..." Nagiri Erikai muttered to herself without knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing the devastated Nagiri, Sougo Doma wiped away the non-existent sweat beads, and he flickered again without too much trouble: "That day, the old gentleman had to have a meal after drinking ginger soup at my house. Cooking, what to say in return."

"What's the smell?" As the tongue of god, Nakiri Erikaku asked this sentence for the first time.

"Stop~!" Sougo Tama said in a timely manner: "This smell should only be found in the sky, and the world can't be heard a few times,..."

"You~!" Nagaki Erikai gritted his teeth.

Sougo Tama smiled: "Okay, I should say why I want to leave Japan."

"Huh?" Nagiri Erikami was slightly sluggish.

Tuma Zouwu was silent for a while, before he exhaled:

"Because, in Japan, you can't make luminous dishes..."

"Na~Nani!?" Nagiri Erikami looked surprised.

Sougo Tama looked at Erikari Nagiri with a serious face: "Yes, it is precisely because Japan can no longer produce luminous cuisine, I want to leave here."


"That's prejudice!" Sougo Tama's face was stern.

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