"Huh!" After a certain period of turmoil, Tuma Zougou calmed down a bit: "I don't know what's going on with the old man, now, let him go!"

Chiba, Japan.

The earth room home, the earth room this house.

"Are those people still making trouble?" Tujian Guilong asked the people around him.

"I have already left a few houses, and the people who separated from Tujian have gone clean. After all, it is Master Zongwu..." The person who seemed to be a housekeeper immediately replied.

"According to this statement, I would also like to thank the people who separated the family from the soil?" Guilong the soil frowned.

"They dare not!"


After a sigh.

"It's not that they don't want to, but they don't dare. It's really chilling to think about it."

The butler did not answer, but the head bent lower, and after a long while, he said: "Yes."

Mu Jian Guilong shook his head, and it was a long while before he said: "You said, are those people stupid? Even I dare not use a small burial to threaten Zou Wu..."

The butler still bowed his head.

"I don't know where their courage came from. They even dared to discuss Xiao Bui's marriage privately. Look at their choice, Suzuki's house, Shimiya's house..."

"Tsk tusk, do you want to use the four big chaebols to persecute our Tujian family? And all this is still in the time when the total comprehension comes back."


"Patriarch, the division of the soil has already paid the price for this incident." The housekeeper's head is still lowered.

"The price?" Guilong Tujian refused to give up. "What is the price? A few old guys with swollen noses and swollen noses? In exchange for the profit sharing that Zou Wu paid? What did the separation of families pay?"

"Patriarch, please speak carefully."

"If you hadn't served my Tujian family for generations, I could kill you just by your words, and be surrounded by bad news all day long, is there good news?"

"There was an urgent call from the Xuexia family, saying that it was what the head of the family said, and it was not the original intention of the Xuexia family. Is this good news?" The steward raised his head slightly.

"Xuexiajia?" Mujian Guilong touched his chin, seeming to remember.

The housekeeper on the side quickly reminded: "Chiba prefectural councillor's family, during this marriage event, Councillor Yukoshita did not make any statements. It was an act of accidental injury by Master Sougo."

Guilong Earth: "..."

"Tell them that the next county legislator will have their copy."


"By the way, what did Patriarch Yukoshita say?"

"There is almost no opportunity to speak, Master Zongwu will have all been beaten to the ground when he arrives..."

Guilong Earth: "..."

What should I do if my son is a monster or a violent man? Waiting online, very anxious.

Three days ago.

In the main house of Doma, in the conference hall, a group of people are having a meeting. Uh, it's a meeting, but it's just like a crap.

After all, the person in charge is still dressing up, and Guilong from the earth is finishing his manners.

Someone chatted:

"Japan's economy is dead."

"It's really dead! The GDP in 2000 was more than 4W billion US dollars. After twelve years, it did not increase but declined."


"Furthermore, the way to make money is controlled by the four major consortia. What is leaked out is thankless work."

"What? You can't build it either?"

"Don't mention it, demolition and resettlement, construction compensation... What is the occupation I face the most every day, do you know?"

"What is it?"

"Lawyer, it's so special. Every day I bring a bunch of legal provisions to find the person in charge. Thanks to them, I am about to learn those provisions by myself."

"Don't say, the catering industry is not easy..."


While a group of people sighed, someone suddenly said to Tujian’s family separation: “It’s better for you Tujian family. In such a sluggish period, the main patron can still buck the trend and take it from the four major consortiums abruptly. Lots of resources."

Hearing this, the person who separated the family quickly sat upright: "You are too reputed, and the owner of the family is just lucky."

"Master Guilong has never missed a large-scale investment. He has a business eye that is reputed to see through the market trend. How can it be described with good luck?"

"It's a pity." Someone sighed suddenly.


"It is no longer possible for Japan's resources to form the fifth largest consortium. The four major consortiums have divided up the resources. If there are no external factors, the soil..."

"Speak carefully!" Someone interrupted as soon as he said this.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people fell silent, quite a sense of sadness.

There is no way, everyone has an upward heart, but here, the uppermost layer has been locked by people. Everyone can see that road, but they can even see it. The flesh composed of four huge giants. The wall is stuck there, no one is allowed to approach.

It's Tuma's family now.

But what if it is replaced by them? The answer is-the same is true.

The reality is really desperate. No wonder there are so many otaku who like the second dimension.

When everyone was silent, someone suddenly spoke.

"How about marriage?"

"Marriage?" The other people didn't say anything, but the people who separated the family from Tujian were the first to say, "Tell me more specifically."

"Think about it, if the Tujian family has the support of one of the four major consortia, coupled with Master Guilong's prediction of the market, maybe the five major chaebols will appear like this."

"Wow!" Someone responded. These are the clan chiefs who eat together around the Tujian family. If the Tujian is strong, they are strong. This is quite sad.

As for the people who separated from the soil, they were meditating one by one.

"As for Master Daping, his age is already old, I don't know if the four chaebols will take a fancy to it."

"Master Sougo..." Thinking of the messy things that Sougo Tujian had made, the people who separated the family shuddered. Let's forget it. When the time comes, don't be happy or become funerals, get married and become enemies. That's a joke. It's getting bigger.

After thinking about it, the soil burial that had been kept outside by the lady was pushed out.

"Miss Buried? Indeed, no matter the looks and temperament, they are all suitable candidates for marriage."

"But is the grade too young?"

"Now get engaged first, and when you reach the grade, get married directly? Don't you have a relationship?"

"Indeed, Miss Bui is the best candidate."

"I heard that the eldest master of the Si Gong family is not much different from Miss Mu in age, otherwise, let Master Gui Long ask?"

"Sigong Family, I heard that Master Zongwu has some small conflicts with Sigong Family. If we can marry, wouldn't it be possible to turn fighting against each other?"

"In the words of the heavenly court, this is double happiness."

"However, the eldest young master of the Suzuki family is not bad. Although he is a little fatter, he can be considered a beautiful boy as long as he cleans up."

At this time, the people who separated the family from Tujian looked a little embarrassed: "I'm afraid that Miss Mu disagrees."

Everyone: "..."

After a long while, someone said:

"We are all grasshoppers on the same boat. Only when the soil family is strong can we grow bigger, just like the master's family and the retainers. Now, it's time for us to speak up." There is no one who can speak of the subordinates so openly. .

"Yes, just as the ancient counselor said for the patron, even if we are punished, we will not hesitate. This is the soul of the samurai." Will the soul of the samurai cry?


A burst of harmony caused the representative of the family division of the soil to draw a faint smile.

"Well, when Master Guilong comes over, I will be the representative of this branch as the initiator and enter Master Guilong..."


His words are not finished yet.


The closed tatami door opened and flew in.

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