Am I Interested When I Just Arrived In The Second Element?

Chapter 30: The Sovereign Enlightenment of the Soil

What is the difference between men and women?

People holding the banner of equality between men and women will say: "There is no difference!"

However, scientific research has shown that women have countless more sensibility than men. Similarly, men view the world in a more rational way. Of course, except for female doctors, perhaps, they cannot be excluded...

Regardless of Tuma Sougou, the silver-haired young Loli in front of him no matter how he claims to be in love against him! But when Sougo spoke extremely indifferent words with a smile on her face, she couldn't bear it either.

As long as it is a woman, who doesn't have a princess and prince dream in his heart?


For a rational man, a princess and prince? Don't be kidding... Some extremely sane men even dare to say: "Do you love her (him), have you solved him (her)? Haven't even tried it. Why do you say love?"

Of course, Sougo Tama hasn't reached this level of sensibility yet.


Seeing a guy who claims to be a love opponent refutes the scientific basis, Tuma Sougou still finds it interesting. He stated in advance that this is by no means an act of revenge because of inexplicable being frustrated.

Tuma Zougou always felt that he was a big belly and never held grudges. Generally, he would take revenge on the same day.

"For example, if you men don't bother..." Silver-haired Loli took two steps back, muttering to himself.

In other words, is this two-step movement of the hind legs serious? Looks lack of confidence!

In the earth, I will accept it if it is not good. "You want to say that men are all big pig's hoofs, right?"

"Big trotters?"

"Probably, just nibble, it's not a good thing... There are many meanings, but generally, men are not good things!"

Silver hair Loli: "..."

Hello, is there anyone who says that your gender?

"But even so, there are still countless women who are willing to fall on the big pit of men, don't they? So, in summary, isn't it the woman who greets our boy's body?" Sougo Doma raised his hand. .

A silver hair Loli: "@_@!"

Hello, are you talking the other way around? Shouldn't men greedy their bodies?

"Looking at your expression, it is obvious that you can't accept it. Let me put it another way. How about male and female hormones attracting each other? The so-called love is not about men and women greedy each other's bodies?"

Silver hair Loli: "..."

Why did that elegant statement change in the end?

"To sum up, if there is any parental disharmony in the family, it is not only because of emotional reasons, but because two people are together, they can no longer secrete excess dopamine and other hormones..."

Polytechnic boys never need feelings! As for Soma Tuma, he is still in the chaotic stage of Kazun. What is his feelings? The non-existent, not bringing chaos and disorder into this world, is already the result of total enlightenment and restraint.


His words seemed to violate the taboo of Loli the silver hair.

"That's not the case!" shouted!

Immediately afterwards.

Countless eyes on the beach stared at Sougo and Silver-haired Loli-no way, it is human nature to watch the excitement.

Tuma Sougou: "..."

Al? Now, can a smile on his face be fooled?

But Loli, the silver-haired person who was one of the parties, opened his eyes wide, staring at the soil, and said:

"Absolutely, it's definitely not what you said, it's not a human secretion..."


Before she could finish her words, Doma Sougo had already moved forward with a single hand, and put it on his shoulder with a glance, then burst out quickly and led him into the back wall of the dressing room.

Look around for a while-well, it's safe, at least there are no people.

After the inspection, Doma Sougou rubbed his hair and said, "I said you are crazy, yelling for no reason."

"Absolutely, it's definitely not what you said, although I hate love..." The little Loli didn't panic when he was taken to a remote place, but still stubbornly said.

"Well, I know, a steadfast opponent of love." Sougo Tama said, touching his chin.

"But love..."

"Hormones attract?" Sougo Tama raised his hand to answer again.

"It's not that simple!" The little silver-haired Loli seemed to be angry: "And future responsibilities, affection, love..."

Before she was finished, Zongwu spoke again when he inserted the sword to teach the leader.

"I think so far, you really are a love mind in your heart?"

Silver hair Loli: "..."

In self-doubt, come, listen, listen to Zou Wu's flicker, and keep you in a wheelchair without breaking your leg next time!

"Stop talking? So, you can't refute it. The so-called love is that male and female hormones attract each other, leading to the secretion of a series of brain hormones such as dopamine?"

A certain silver-haired Loli didn't have any thoughts of replying: "..."

"So, Baimao, you want a body like you that doesn't have much, and a face that is not too cute. How did you come to the conclusion that I have a fever in love?"

In the earth, aggressive, Sougo smiled and said, um, it's comfortable!

A certain silver-haired Loli-she almost doubts life, is this guy coming?

Shaking his head, Loli spoke again: "Yeah, even if that's the case, then, what is the attraction-it must be because of the man's fancy and..."

Tuma Sougou: "At least, you don't emit any hormones!"

The rhythm of the conversation must be in your own hands, the soil, the negotiation expert, Sougo said so.

A certain silver hair Loli: "..."

After a while, she said.

"Then, why did you just stare at me?"

In the earth, embarrassing and divine, big eyes, always enlightenment-my eyes blame me?

"Besides, you said you were not attracted if you weren't attracted? Hehe, men—as long as you see a more beautiful woman—"

Tuma Sougo really wanted to say, you are not a beautiful woman, but he wants to see what else this white hair can say.

"I said, it's just a bit more beautiful, maybe it's not as good as my fingernails..." The silver-haired Loli gestured: "Even if it's a little bit, it will be sought after."

The total enlightenment of the earth: "Σ(°△°|||)︴"

What a narcissism...

"So, it's normal to guess that you will go crazy in love?"

"Stupid!" For the first time, Sougo Tama made a knife and knocked it on Little Loli's head: "Where did you learn this messy knowledge? A real man, it's not what you think!"

"His, it hurts!" Silver-haired Loli covered her head: "Isn't it? Just like those in my house..."

"Stop!" Sougo Tama stopped instantly: "I don't care about what bad things are in your house, but I want to tell you that the world is big and there are many real men. I won't be seduced by those messy things, even more. It’s countless!"

"Do not believe."

"Would you like to make a bet with me?" Sougo smiled once more, not deceiving others.


"What bet?"

"Do you know why I am standing in front of the locker room?"


Very good answer, Doma wants to try, can he beat this guy with a punch.

"I'm waiting for someone, waiting for someone!"

"Male, female?" The silver-haired young Loli asked again, but this time his tone was a little anxious.

"Nonsense, of course it's a man."

This time, little Loli didn't say much, but just nodded, indicating that he knew.

Doma Sougou is not nonsense.

"The bet we made is related to my friend."

"Huh?" Silver-haired Loli felt a little confused.

"Didn't you say that men are all tempted by temptation? Now, you might as well try that guy." Doma, selling his teammates is unceremonious, Sougo said so.

"What are you betting on?" A certain little silver-haired man who was thinking in his heart also gave up.

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