Am I Interested When I Just Arrived In The Second Element?

Chapter 40-Xiao Bui's Original Life (Big Fog)

Akasaka Ryunosuke: "..."

No way, looking at the screen-Tamazuo's vast study room, coupled with the seemingly low-key but extremely luxurious decoration inside, Akasaka Ryunosuke felt a toothache.

There is no convincing rhetoric at all! Bastard, although the place you live in is not comparable to Chiyoda and Minato, it is also one of Tokyo's famous residential areas. Whether it is school or work, it is extremely convenient area. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with an inch of money... …

Looking at his Akasaka Ryunosuke, he lives in the apartment arranged by the school, or the Sakura Village where weird people gather. The room is not flat and the lighting is not very good. Then again, how can he be already involved in the project development? Of quasi-high-level people, why are the accommodation conditions so poor?

I haven’t thought about it before, but now I always realize that Akasaka Ryunosuke feels uncomfortable. Sure enough, without comparison, there is no harm...

Or else, he also learns to make a house? However, considering the problem of eating, Akasaka Ryunosuke once again flinched. After all, Sakura Sho manages the rice!

Besides, according to Akasaka’s estimates, even if he wants to buy a house like Doma Sougo, he will probably have to carry a mortgage for more than ten years. If he is replaced by an ordinary office worker, it will be less than four or five. Don't even think about it in ten years.

This is not counting the decoration. If the decoration wants to be comparable to Sougo Tujian’s home, hey, wake up and stop dreaming.

Given this condition, Sougo Tama is ashamed to say that I can still live here?

Ahem, this is all the conditions, you still dislike it, are you afraid that you want to live in the royal family?

Ignoring the painful face of Akasaka Ryunosuke, Sougo Tama complained: "I'm an honest person. Anyone who cuts the meat of the Sinomiya family is all rumors. You know, I still have Everyone has to feed..."

In fact, Sougo Doma is really wronged. Is the Internet bubble called cutting meat? He only expected that the bubble was about to burst, and he left the field early. How did it spread out that he would invade the house of the Fourth Palace?

Sure enough, the little belly chicken intestines of the family, it is no wonder that Sigong Huiye can remember so long for a trivial matter.

However, he didn't want to think that every time the bubble broke, the Tujian family had enough meat, but the Sigong family didn't even drank the soup, and even got embarrassed. Even once or twice, it’s too much. Everyone would doubt it-now, only the rumors of the Tujian family invading the Sigong family have appeared twice, which has been restrained. Of course, these are only spread by the Sigong family.

No way, after a few bubbles, the Sigong family also knew that the Tujian family was digging the pit, but they couldn’t bear the enticing pit. The Tujian family was full of oily food, and even the Sigong family evoked it. appetite--

But every time the Sigong family enters the arena with confidence, they will be calculated by Guilong from the earth, and then they will lose out. If you say that no one has leaked the secret, they will not believe the death of the Sigong family.

The Sigong family has never been able to investigate who the leaker is. Over time, there are rumors of the Tujian family invading the Sigong family, but the rumors are useless. As one of the biggest capital gainers, they The rules of the game must be followed.

However, the people of the Shinomiya family thought it was the old treacherous Guilong Tama, only Akasaka Ryunosuke who heard the news roughly guessed that there must be a figure of Sou Goku Tama in it.

However, how Tama Sougou invaded, he still hasn't figured it out yet, and he proposed it today just for a swindle.

If Sougo knew what Akasaka Ryunosuke was thinking, he would laugh out loud. What if you are the darling of the times? He, Tuma Zougou really didn't invade, he just had the memory of his previous life, and then roughly guessed the movement of the Si Gong family, and just dug a few pits.

The family of the Fourth Palace has a lot of business, and it won't matter if he eats a few bites of meat behind, it is the compensation of the family of the Fourth Palace for his slander.

Of course, this kind of digging and burying people should be known to yourself, and it must not be passed on to the outside world. Even if others ask it, you must deny it all at once, although the Sigong Family can be regarded as the defenders of the rules of the game.

But the wealth is touching—it’s okay to have the Tujian family as a safe haven, but now it’s coming out, who knows what the people of the fourth house will do, even if the people of the family won’t do anything because of their face, the fourth house is believed to be wrong. Those who have rarely been pitted by him are happy to clean up the soil.

I'm not afraid if I'm afraid, but I'm so stupid around me, if I get involved with him, maybe Soma Sougou will really ruin the world.

Thinking about it now, maybe leaving the Tujian family is not a good choice. As long as the Tujian Guilong is still there and the Tujian family is still there, the Si Gong family can only stare as long as they are not crazy.

Fortunately, only Tujian Guilong and Tujian Dahei knew that Zongwu had passed through the Sigong Family; Tujian Guilong attributed the credit to the Keng Sigong Clan to his wit and long-term vision; Tujian Zongwu now thinks. Thinking, at that time, I was afraid that the old man was trying to protect himself.

After careful consideration, he had provoked so many masters at that time, and he was still safe, fearing that it was also the deliberate protection of the old man. Thinking about it this way, he felt that he was very sorry for the old man.

However, since I have chosen to take away the waste material with a lot of it, let's go on, maybe, this is also the original intention of the old man.

After returning to his senses, Tuma Sougou continued to complain: "My sister is so pitiful, I have suffered a lot with me..."

Akasaka Ryunosuke: "#^_^"

It's muddy, how long has it been since you moved out of the house? Even if you suffer, you won't be able to talk about it now, right?

It's just that Tama Sougou can't stop at the beginning.

"She was supposed to be the eldest lady who lived in Chiyoda District, and the car to and from was at least Rolls-Royce. In her leisure time, she would have a special library, hold a book, and pour a cup of black tea, Akasaka, you can imagine that Picture? In the afternoon sun, I held a book and drank black tea in a lovely and quiet manner..."

"She was supposed to live this kind of life, but now..."

At this moment, a certain hamster that is being described as this is holding a gamepad.

"Wow ha ha ha... take it to death, O'Neill sauce No. 1, O'Neill sauce No. 2..."


Skip, skip...

Akasaka Ryunosuke: #@_@.

I don't know why, he almost couldn't help but want to complain, but considering the assets of the Tama family, it seems that Sougosang's sister is really such an eldest lady.

"You are stupid, thank me, I take care of your image again." Sougo Tama thought while continuing:

"Today, I will apologize to me for krypton gold in the game. You know, she is the treasure of our Tujian family. Ju, I actually apologize for krypton gold, you say, if I have money, I will I'm sorry for her..."


Treasure of a certain Tujian family: "I'm thirsty, what should I drink, um... sure enough, it's still Coke the most enjoyable! Hiccup..."


Fortunately, Akasaka Ryunosuke was not there, otherwise this treasure...

However, isn't Tama Sougoku's sister a daughter? Why do you play games! ?

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