Am I Interested When I Just Arrived In The Second Element?

Chapter 48-Tama Sougou is "Fearful"

Appreciation of Japanese Reasoning Works.


It's called this name, yes.

On the day of the meeting, Sougo Tama was a little late due to things (helping a certain waste material to make more lunches). Fortunately, this kind of meeting was only serious, and he was not the only one who came late.

Said it was an appreciation meeting.

But in fact, it's just a group of people who are acquainted with each other for chatting and farting, although the status of this group of people is so high-in Japan, as long as it is not a light novelist, the profession of a writer is quite enviable.

"Woo, Mr. Kimura’s "Flower and Sword" describes the current situation in Japan.

"Ms. Suzuki is not bad either. That "Wailing" not only wrote the last roar that humans can make when they experience unbearable weight, but also wrote..."

"You forgot Natsume-sensei?"


The above are all traditional literature.

However, a group of reasoning people are discussing tradition, and it is strange to think about it. In this atmosphere, it seems that, not to mention a few traditional literature, they will be despised...

Tōma Sougou entered the venue for a few minutes. He was very low-key, but he stayed in the venue for a while and he was stunned.

"Excuse me, is this a mystery appreciation meeting?" Looking at a group of mystery workers who are still discussing traditional literature, Sougo Doma raised his hand to ask questions!

Ask if you don’t understand, this is a good habit!


Silence, silence is the current theme, and the faces of several authors have changed slightly.



"Shi Bansang's "Killing on Page 2" is the representative of the reasoning world!"

"Shen Qisang's "The Barren Land" is also the top priority!"

What about ""Northern Sun Pursuit"?

"Ah, that's also a good work." Someone touched his chin.

A group of people began to chat awkwardly, and at the same time they cursed in their hearts: "Who is so incomprehensible about the atmosphere?"

Who of them didn't know that this was a reasoning work appreciation meeting? But compared with mystery novels, traditional novels are obviously more compelling...

Just like everyone else is talking about Beethoven, you are talking about Cai Xukun...

When others open your mouth, it is "Symphony of Destiny."

The same is true.

In Japan, the status of traditional literature is much higher than that of mystery fiction. Before the conference started, it was obvious that the discussion of traditional literature sounded high-level and compelling.

No way, in the literary world, the authors of traditional literature often look down on the authors of mystery novels, and the authors of mystery novels look down on the authors of light novels—even the author himself thinks so, let alone other people?

If it weren't, they wouldn't talk about traditional literature.

Of course, this is all superficial phenomenon——

For example, the guy who discussed Beethoven with you might be chasing classmate Xiao Ming, and the guy who opened his mouth in "Symphony of Destiny" heard it privately as "Two Aunts and One Lang".

Speaking of singing, dancing, and RAP, the guy who is good at basketball, maybe sitting down can play a piece of Chopin's "Nocturne".

After all, the guy who looks sloppy may be wearing the same JACK underwear.

Therefore, these famous open-mouthed, closed-mouthed literary guys may have read "Playboy" YY in private.

For this kind of guy, Sougen Tama doesn’t like it very much, especially the guy who looks traditional but watches "Playboy" YY. If he runs into it, he will definitely take the book away and never read it. After all, he is A noble person...

Of course, this is not the main reason for Soma Tama to speak. The most important thing is that he really doesn't understand what these guys are talking about.

How long has it been since he woke up from his ignorance? Does he take his head to read the masterpieces of this world?

Originally, he was thinking, "Is there a reasoning work appreciation meeting? It is probably a group of writers gathering together to play reasoning games, at most, discussing some popular reasoning works."

For this reason, Tōma Sougou even made up some of the mystery novels of this world. To be honest, he almost cried after reading it-his powerful logical thinking ability often made him analyze the book halfway through the book. Who is the murderer.

It’s okay once or twice, but after being spoiled by myself seven or eight times...

Toma Sougo: "Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻".

What a mess!

This f*ck looked at Conan before crossing with him, and then, was pointed at someone with a red pen and wrote, this is the little black-I thank you, I didn't tell him directly that this was the murderer.

Enduring the MMP in his heart, Sougo Doma flipped through more than a dozen mystery novels, and after reading it, he felt like he was unlovable.

No way, the mystery is originally based on suspense to attract people. How much can you expect from him? There may be this kind of mystery novels, but they are often a clear stream in the reasoning world. If the plot does not collapse, it will definitely cause a sensation in the industry.

Don't even look at this kind of thing, just follow along with it.

Moreover, novels like this will definitely not be discussed for too long. There is no way. The results are too good, and there will always be a feeling of inferiority when talking about it. Therefore, a few words show that everyone has mentioned it, and it will not be too Was slapped in the face.


All of the above are the considerations and preparations of Soma Tuma.

However, after preparing for so long, the venue is like this,

"Woo, Mr. Kimura's "Flower and Sword" describes the current situation in Japan"

Tama Sovereign "@_@"

Who is this so special? What the hell is "Flower and Knife"?

"Ms. Suzuki..."

Tama Sovereign: "@_@"

and many more!

He has to slow down, what is the connection between the mystery and the unbearable weight of human beings, and it is not good to use shouting to describe it?

In response, Zhou Shuren issued a death gaze,

Having said that, he is not looking for the wrong venue, right?

He looked up and looked at the banner—the venue of the Appreciation of Japanese Mystery Novels. He didn't find the wrong venue either.

After listening to it for a few more minutes, Tujian always felt unable to sit still. At this moment, he felt like a wolves who had entered a pack of wolves.

He was originally young...twelve, or thirteen years old? Among a group of adults, Sougo Tama felt he was trembling, and he even yawned with fear.

Under this circumstance, he didn't even dare to chip in--what the hell are these guys discussing?

It was in order to avoid this feeling of fear that Tuma Sougou spoke weakly and raised his hand to ask questions.

Ah, people really want to take the first step bravely,

Look, they finally talked about serious matters.

Listening to works that are fairly familiar, Tuma Sougou feels better, and his fear of fear has alleviated a lot. Perhaps he can also participate in the conversation.

How good is this?

He was thinking about it, and the topic of the chat changed again, but a few chatty bosses felt that they were disturbed. They first asked the familiar author next to him: "Do you know whose child this is?"

Shaking their heads one after another.

Immediately afterwards, he began to question the staff again.

The staff is also dumbfounded. In his memory, there are no invitees with children today.

"Impossible, if not, what's the matter with that kid?"

staff member"……"

He doesn't know either, but whether it's in the service industry, you have to look for answers if you don't know.

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