Am I Interested When I Just Arrived In The Second Element?

Chapter 57: The Current Three Dimensions

How to break the embarrassment when a lie is exposed on the spot, wait online, not too eagerly.

When this embarrassing situation happened, Rao Yi Tujian's temperament could not help scratching his cheek and turning his head to the side.


"Cut!" said lightly, "Hey, forgot to delete the printing time!"

On the mountain: "((‵□′))"

If it were not for the manuscript in his hand, he would have invited the Gatling Bodhisattva he enshrined, and then, in an instant, three hundred and six thousand revolutions, the pedestrian teacher, even if it is a lie, I beg you for a snack. In addition, why three days Manuscripts that were written before will be available now?

"That's right!" Sougo Tama once again clapped his hands with his fists: "When I rushed to the draft, I felt that time flew by, and I felt that it was about 70 words per minute, and I could travel through time. It was not an illusion..."

On the mountain: "((‵□′))"

Pedestrian teacher, come, you edit, you continue to edit.

"Einstein once said:'Be a...'" Seeing the editor on the hill who was full of anger and distrustful eyes, Sougen Tama was extremely wronged. Isn't it just dragging the manuscript? Should Shanshangsan look at him with that look?

Yamagami: "No, Einstein never said..."

"Now, as long as I run faster than you, goodbye."

All of the above are the daily contact between the editor on the mountain and Sougo Doma.

After this. The mountain found that he actually had signs of declining before he was old.

The first is the delivery arrangement.

"Mosimosi, is it the editor on the mountain? Me, I'm playing mahjong..."

Mountain: "?_?"

"I found that the girls in our school are super good at playing mahjong..."

Mountain: "?_?"

so what?

Doma Sougou: "In order to win the game, I decided to exercise my card skills. I will postpone the draft this week."

On the mountain: "..."

Wait, pedestrian teacher, let's not say that you are old enough to participate in gambling, but what does your school do? Why is there such a thing as a mahjong contest?

My head hurts.

Then there are party arrangements.

Tuma Sougo refused quickly: "What, this year's newcomer award? Don't make trouble, I will feel like bullying the children when I participate, no, no, besides, I still have to take a look at the scene now."

On the mountain: "..."

Looking at the resumes of the youngest newcomers who are over twenty years old in front of him, he suddenly felt so tired. Pedestrian teacher, are you sure that you are bullying the children, not you being bullied by the children? How old are you this year! ?

Looking at the manuscript "Dongdong Suspension Bridge Falling" sent by Sogo Tama again, the mountain felt that if the pedestrian teacher participated, he was really suspected of bullying the children.

Books are good books, but every time I see the ending, there is always a feeling of IQ being thrown on the ground and rubbing repeatedly on the mountain-this is probably the only book received on the mountain in recent years that does not win with a plot, or even counts it. In a mystery novel with a plot, the author repeatedly uses homophonic sounds in the book to mislead and exclude the reader from the trail of the right path.

"But that's not the right direction." The mountain muttered to himself, and then read the words describing pedestrians in the novel: "This sentence in the book is really your style, genius teenager, pedestrian teacher..."

Time is coming.

Since knowing that Tama always realized that it was difficult to deal with, some authors on the gathering hill have also helped to push them off one by one.

Fortunately, it's hard to deal with, it's hard to deal with, Tama Sougou just has nothing to do to let him run errands, let him go, and he hasn't delayed the manuscript too much.

To this.

Toma Sougou deeply regrets-he hasn't even dragged the manuscript. He is embarrassed to admit that he has been in the literary world. In Japan, which of the famous authors are not chased by the editor?

Thanks to Tama Sougou who also kept a hand, he learned to play mahjong during this period...Bah, it’s gambling, otherwise, he would be really embarrassed. ? Is it equipped with a key? Match a few! ?

After getting accustomed to the rhythm of Tujian Zougou, the mountain began to enter the state. If today's appreciation conference is really irresistible, he would want to hide Tujian Zougou. There is no way, only he knows that the pedestrian teacher is in life. How unreliable is it?

It seems that I care about everything, but in fact I don't care about anything. The evidence is that the mountain has hinted countless times that I want to visit Tujian's house, but they are all pushed back.

You know, they are responsible for the relationship between the editor and the author. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have been invited in long ago, but the soil will always find a different place to meet each time, making it like a confidential transaction.

At the beginning of today's appreciation meeting, the mountain was already trembling with fear.

Shanshang still remembers that Sougo Tama asked him such a question: "Sangsang, what do you need to prepare to participate in the exchange and appreciation meeting?"

"You don't need to prepare too much. In fact, it's just some library authors who exchange writing experience with each other and cheer for it. By the way, does Xingren teacher have any serious literature that he likes?"

"Huh?" Tuma Zouwu tilted his head: "Does "Tang Poems and Song Ci" count?"

"Teacher Pedestrian is too formal..." The mountain wiped the sweat from his forehead, "What about "Many Leaves Collection", "Chrysanthemum and Sword"?"

"The Chrysanthemum and the Knife is too dissecting of human nature, and I hate the life to death inside. As for "The Collection of Many Leaves", it is just a product of imitating Tang poetry and Song poetry..."

"On heroism is not as good as Tang poetry, and on gorgeousness is better than Song Ci, and the foundation is far from "Tang Poetry and Song Ci". Since I can learn "Tang Poetry and Song Ci", why should I read the faintly learning "Many Leaves Collection"? At that time, even reading "Yuanqu" was excellent."

"I'm the one that can't be steamed, cooked, or chewed--" Sougo Tujian suddenly hummed in Celestial language.

On the mountain: "..."

Rely on, rely on, rely on!

Is it okay to say the quintessence of the country? It's him, and it's been heard by others-Don't want to take off the title of Tama Sougo betrayer, although he didn't want to get rid of the horse either.

However, the appreciation meeting was indeed pushed. If the pedestrian teacher came to the stage to sing for a while, the mountain would feel that the picture was so beautiful that he couldn't imagine it.

Think about it, a group of literati sitting together to chat about people's hearts, tasting good texts, and an unreliable pedestrian teacher came to the stage: "The murderous spirit shocked Tokyo, and the city was full of golden armor."

The mountain had no doubt that Doma Sougo could do such a thing.

After a brief contact, the mountain knew that Tujian always realized that this person is not bad, but a little unreliable. He does his own way and is stingy... (10,000 words omitted), and he doesn’t seem to look down upon himself. people.

In fact, everyone knows that Japan seems to be a country of cooking, but only they know that Japan’s class has solidified. There is a saying in this country that “the children of the poor have already decided before they are born. Fate."

Like the drama "What Genius Brain Fights..." that Sougo Doma has seen in his previous life, it is hard to ask for.

If this fantasy shines into reality without the Patriarch of the Fourth House taking action, countless interest groups will destroy the actor. There are too many things like this, so he often reminds himself:

This seems to be the second dimension.

But it is also the three-dimensional element of his current life!

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