Am I Interested When I Just Arrived In The Second Element?

Chapter 61-The Fury of Soma Sougou (Part 2)

A person's life is too short, and a hundred years are fleeting.

People's life is too long, so long on this road, you will encounter countless choices and opportunities.

Sou Wu Tama's voice just fell.

The mountain is like this: "Σ(⊙▽⊙"a"

Teacher Xingren, aren't you talking about the issue of the distribution of your novels now? What the hell is working for you? In other words, most people will be very angry when they encounter this kind of thing, right? Even going to the library to make a big fuss is excusable.

Although, a big fight will definitely be suppressed by the library, and then solved by other means-as for why it is so troublesome? The current authors are too jumping, killing chickens and cursing monkeys, and Tuma Zougou is the chicken. To put it bluntly, the authors' rejection is just a reason for Wenku to push the boat along the river.

Of course, these are tacit things, and in this matter, the authors can not only get the desired results, but also take this opportunity to understand the influence of the library. If nothing else, the editor of the library will be a reminder in the future. , And more emboldened!

And those authors who like to play mahjong and drag their manuscripts will also play fewer laps.

It can be said that everyone is happy, and the only victim is probably Suma Sou Enlightenment, but there is no way. Who told him to do this?

Tuma Sougo: "I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense." Denial Sanlian!

Doma Sougo has always thought that he is a kind, elegant and easy-going person, and he is very persuasive. Most people are targeted by so many people, so he must turn on the 怼人 mode. chance.

Regarding this, Tuma always felt that the mountain could prove that every time he let the mountain run errands, let the wind or something, as long as the mountain complained, he would slip away fast, or else he could slip so fast. ?

Skip these not to mention.

Although he said on the phone that he believed that he could find a job, Yamagami understood that in this society, it is difficult for an ordinary person who has resigned to find a job that satisfies him. The reason why the subordinates apologize, but the subordinates dare not say anything.)

Perhaps, he has to work for a period of day-time work, with good luck, before he can enter some small businesses and be the lowest-level employees. He consumes a lot of labor every day and does repetitive mechanical work...

It’s like the celestial dynasty. If you don’t feel comfortable with your work, you just quit your job. Because of your work experience, it’s much more sought-after than fresh graduates.

Therefore, Tuma Zougou always felt that this country is dead. It used to be for himself, but now it is for himself and stupid ones. In any case, he will escape!

"Oh, Yamagami-san, are you listening? How about it, are you interested in working for me?" Yamagami-san was still in a daze, and Tama Sougou's pleasant voice came again on the phone.

"Teacher Pedestrian, stop joking at this time!" The mountain smiled bitterly.

Okay, the mountain was really excited at first, but when I thought about Sougo Doma’s age, work, and what kind of work? Continue to run errands? Even if he was paid, he wouldn't be embarrassed to take it...

He doesn’t even doubt Doma’s earning power. With Doma’s talent, he only needs to change a vest and transfer to another library. Doma is careful, don’t make troubles, the speed of making money is right. ——

After all, the author's royalties are indeed very high.

"Well, I'm actually a hidden, rich and handsome man, do you understand?" On the phone, Tuma Zougou's voice seemed very mysterious.

On the mountain: "..."

If you are rich, wait until the royalties are received. If you are handsome, think about it. This kid is really handsome, but you are under thirteen. Who knows what you will look like in the future? What if it becomes disabled? What if you get disfigured?

As for height, he is about the same height as he is less than thirteen, but-what about his type? In case of a car accident, the leg will be amputated,

The mountain thought maliciously, don't blame him, human beings are always full of jealousy towards the outstanding, but some people can restrain it, others can't restrain it.

"Eh, don't you understand? I'm just afraid of being assassinated, so I'm a hidden young master, super awesome..." Normal volume.

On the mountain: "..."

I believe in your evil, your little thing is so bad, you dare to say it directly if you are afraid of being assassinated! He is also true, why did he forget how unreliable the guy on the other side was?

"So, Sankami-san, think about it. When you think about it, call me. Also, don't change your contact number recently. Although it's easy to find you, I'm afraid of trouble." Did not give the mountain a chance to speak, Tujian Sougo directly hung up the phone.


He glanced at the white paper in his hand and wanted to throw it away, but at any rate it was the first novel he published, "Hey", he sighed, and put the book in his pocket as a souvenir.

Looking up again, Doma Sougou still smiled.

This time, he was really angry. Originally, he didn't take this matter to his heart. He, Sougo Tama had never failed. Think about it, he suddenly stopped playing the piano in front of so many people. At that time, He was questioned like crazy, is he angry? No!


In short, because of Nagobi Gold Finger, he has failed countless times and has been questioned by countless people. Is he angry? No!

Therefore, Tuma Sougo always felt that he was really a great person, and his mentality was extremely good.

As far as the issue of the novel is concerned, Tuma always feels that as long as the library clarifies the matter and supplements him with a sample book, then this will pass, at most...

Just when he was idle, he sapped the guy who gave the order, and he played a little bit more when he was playing tricks on the mountain. Look, he is so civilized and polite, and he believes in the principle of not pressing if you can do it...

However, Dang was implicated on the mountain because of his business... Although this guy is a little stupid and naive, he is indeed a good person.

Earthma always realized that he was about to retaliate.


What is Wen Zhaoliu's revenge? By the way, to publish works anonymously in other libraries, it is best to use serious literature (Don't you respect serious literature, then I will use serious literature to slap you in the face.).

Wait until the work hits the spotlight before revealing your identity and telling how you were suppressed by the library in the first place, right?


Tuma always realized it for a while--it seemed that he hadn't read a few serious books.

Do you want to create it yourself?

Wait a minute, it seems that it takes a lot of time for serious literature to become popular.

With an awkward smile, Tuma Zougo silently gave up the idea.

What should you do when you are chased by a huge monster? The answer is to call Bump... The answer is to become a bigger monster!

The fangs of capital, the ability to make money? Who can't say it?

Thinking of this, Sougo Tama took out his cell phone, found a "money-sending" number and dialed it.


Click, the phone hangs up.

In the earth, full of perseverance, always enlightenment to dial again.




After several times, the other side finally answered the phone.

"Mosimosi, old man? I am your most beloved child Sogo." Mujian, Shameless, Sogo.


"Eh, are you shy? Don't talk?" Mujian, still shameless, Sougo.

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