"As the evolutionary representative of the terrifying erect apes, the human body has a potential that surpasses most animals in the world.

It is only for the body's self-protection that humans have blocked most of their potential.

However, this blockade will be released under certain circumstances.

For example, a mother can explode faster than a professional athlete in order to save her child who fell from a building, and she can also withstand the acceleration of gravity from a falling object from a high altitude, and the seventy-year-old lady can resist the weight of ten tons for her grandson. Truck..."

Seeing Tu Jian Zou Wu playing with himself on the hospital bed, Tu Jian Guilong couldn't help but recall the words of the doctor.

"Do you know what this situation was called in ancient times?" The doctor pushed the glasses on his face and asked Guilong Tujian.

"what is it call?"

"In the West, it is called the possession of the gods, and in the heavenly dynasty, it is called to fight for the gods..."

Tujian Guilong frowned. He wasn't very interested in these divine talks: "Doctor, just tell me, what is the child like now?"

"Hey..." It seems that the interruption of the introduction made the doctor a little dissatisfied. He sighed and said: "Those who spy on the power of the gods must leave with the gods."

"What do you mean?" Guilong Tujian asked again.

"Doesn't Mr. Tama still understand? Well, think about it, why is the body's self-protection, and why those people suddenly fell silent after the outbreak?"

Guilong's face changed: "You mean Zou Wu will die..."

"Who knows? However, for humans, adrenal hormone is the so-called power of God, it can release the human body's potential, but in the same way, it also secretes a lot of harmful substances. When the potential is exhausted, harmful substances When a lot of damage to the human body..."

"Asshole..." Guilong Tujian stepped forward and grabbed the doctor's collar: "First, what is the solution? Second, Zou Wu is less than twelve years old, and his life has just begun. I will never Will make him die!"

It seems that because of being overly excited, the aura of being a superior erupted.

The doctor's face turned pale, and then he noticed the extraordinary momentum of Guilong Tujian. He took two steps back: "Sorry, even if you say that, I can't control it. After all, it's because your parents squeezed his potential too much. That’s what caused it, unless..."

"Unless what?" Guilong the earth had a gloomy face.

"Unless there is a miracle, a child's body is not better than an adult..."



Thinking of what the doctor had said, and looking at the total enlightenment who was constantly tossing about in bed, Guilong Tujian felt his heart tense. Is he wrong? Perhaps, he shouldn't be so persecuting Zongwu, Mingming, Mingming Zongwu is still so young, counting, from his sobriety to the present, it has only been more than a year, but he has to face the great horror between life and death.

So Wu he is still a child, no matter how unreliable and irritating he is, he is always the son of Guilong in the earth, but now he is—

Thinking and thinking, Guilong Tujian burst into tears suddenly: "Zhou Wu!"

Zong Wu, who had already noticed someone coming in, turned his head and raised his hand: "Oh, old man, how come you cry into such a virtue? Has the Tujian family finally gone bankrupt?"

Mujian Guilong who is immersed in sorrow: "..."

No anger, no anger, Zou Wu is already a dying child, whether it's blood or affection...


"Enough, Zong Wu... don't talk now." The Tujian Guilong, who was immersed in grief, felt for a moment that it would be nice if Zong Wu just shut his mouth forever.


Half an hour later, Guilong Tujian helped Zongwu go through the transfer procedures. He believed in the private hospital of the Tujian family more than the noble hospital here.

In other words, he believed more in the private power of the Tujian family.

Looking at Sougou lying in the ambulance, Tuma Guilong secretly swears: "Sougou, even if you are a monster, you are also my son. I will never let you go so early..."

It's just that he hasn't waited for him to make up his mind.

"That, doctor!" Sougo Mumu with a lazy face suddenly raised his hand.

"Zou Gou, is there anything uncomfortable?" Tujian Guilong stepped forward.

"Ah, it just feels. I think alcohol works better than dextrose." Doma Sougou smiled indifferently.

Guilong Earth: "..."

Even if it is a monster, it is a monster who only knows how to make a fool of yourself!

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that if you continue to hang glucose, your hair will become naturally curled and people will become very lazy." Sougo Tsuchima tried to explain.

Guilong Earth: "..."

Is there any connection between glucose and natural rolls? Besides, don’t you just slacken after drinking?


This is really not always realizing to make troubles unreasonably.

It's because of the consumption just now-the unknown killing skill burst LV1 (1999), the battle mode engraved in DNA. However, the human body is too weak after all. Compared with the great existence, it is like the difference between dripping water and the ocean.

The moment he saw this skill, only one sentence flashed in his heart-I read a little, don't lie to me. Isn't this a gene lock?

It took 1.3 million years for humans to evolve from apes to Homo sapiens, and it took only more than 100 years for Homo sapiens to evolve from Homo sapiens to humans today. After evolving into humans, the evolution of individual humans began to stagnate-in human genes A lock appeared, blocking the evolution of mankind to a higher life.

And breaking this lock is the constant transition of the essence of life.

As for the description of Gobi Gold Finger-Sougen Tujian is too lazy to believe a word, it really doesn’t work. This skill has long since increased and his mother doesn’t know him anymore. The more useful things are for him, Gold Finger describes it. The more understatement, the more the skill that can destroy the world, the more temptingly described Gold Finger.

Fortunately, this Gold Finger is just temptation, not persecution, it is like a set program, it will only simply deny and boring temptation.

Of course, this may have something to do with Zongwu's original chaos. After all, he has experienced the void-and just now, during the skill explosion period, a lot of combat experience engraved in his DNA was in his mind, and it made Zongwu feel a burst of time. Headache, which is why he passed out in the end.

And he was awake, the instinct engraved in his genes, the influence from the void, the nature of life, etc., kept coming to mind, stinging, crazy stinging-if not in the hospital, he would have thought about it. He stunned himself with a punch.

Now, in order to overcome the large amount of disorderly information in his mind, he needs two bottles of alcohol to get ethanol as a help, which is reasonable, right?


Of course, it is reasonable to be reasonable, but in this case, Guilong in the earth is dead and refuses to take out alcohol.

Only this time, Tujian Guilong didn't think about how to get Zongwu on the hospital bed as usual. Thinking of the examination results just now, Tujian Guilong's eyes softened subconsciously.

"Sougo, if Dad said he could not go to Tokyo to preside over the overall situation, would you be happier?"

"Huh?" Sougou, who is begging for alcohol, said: "I don't care anymore. Besides, facing a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties every day, he won't be too happy to think about it?"

Guilong Earth: "..."

Hold it back, Zou Gou is a dying person, and people who will die are good at words-a fart, it's weird that he would feel sorry for Zou Gou just now.

Uh, it's father and son after all!

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