Am I Interested When I Just Arrived In The Second Element?

Chapter 70-You let me have a sip, I will let you eat the pancreas (horror)

"Guru!" He pours a sip of medical alcohol into his mouth again, and Mujian always sneered while listening to the ups and downs outside.

At this moment, someone turned the door lock of the medicine room.


Hearing this sound, Tuma Zouwu's heart tightened, and then quickly walked around behind the door.

As soon as someone came in, Tōma Zougou quickly closed the door and sealed the person's mouth with his left hand, and his right hand was pointed together into a knife, and he was ready to issue a nirvana "Boom!"

Those with this nirvana will automatically fall into a coma without any injuries. It is really a must-have at home and a first-class move to robbery.

However, once he saw the incoming person clearly, Tuma Zougou's right hand couldn't shake it anymore.

That was a girl about the same age as Xiao Bui. She was wearing a hospital gown. She was frightened by Zong Wu’s sudden attack. Her face was very pale. Coupled with her seemingly weak physique, Zong Wu was really afraid of a "dong". "Go on, the girl faints until she is not dizzy, but she is out of breath.

"Huh!" However, I felt relieved, as long as it wasn't from the Tujian family.

"Listen!" It's just that there must be a warning: "I don't want to hurt you, I'm just avoiding some..."

Sougo thought for a while and redefined the Tujian family.

"Avoid some bad guys, do you understand? If you do, blink your eyes."

The little girl blinked quickly.

"Well, after I let you go, you are not allowed to call, otherwise, have you seen such a big fist of the casserole? Do you know what it means?"

The little girl blinked quickly again.

Sougo Doma let go, and he didn't scare the little girl to lie. Anyway, as long as she yelled, Sougo Doma didn't recommend going up as a "dong" to reduce the strength.

As for whether he will die or not, it has nothing to do with him.

The little girl was acquainted with it, but Zou Wu did not yell after letting go, but explained in a low voice: "Today there are many patients in the hospital, and many nurses have been sent out to take care of other people..."

The total enlightenment of the earth: "Σ(°△°|||)︴"

Well, does this have anything to do with him? Shouldn't it matter? Unexpectedly, the Tujian Family Hospital has such a good business. The patients who are admitted every day can't even take care of the nurses. Shouldn't we hire more people?

Sougo Doma, who completely ignored how many people he injured, began to ponder.

"Because of this, Dr. Takenaka, who helped me treat the illness, said that he put my medicine on the medicine cabinet on the left side of the pharmacy, and asked me to get some to eat first. When I'm done, today..."

The left side cabinet of the pharmacy?

Doma Sougou subconsciously glanced at the drug room that was messed up by him, not to mention the cabinet on the left. If someone who is not familiar with it comes, it will be considered a loss if he can find ethanol.

The little girl also saw the scene in the drugstore like a tornado passing by.

Her expression is like this: "Σ(⊙▽⊙"a"


"Me, my medicine..." The little girl opened her eyes to Sougo Domama, as if she was about to cry.

At this time, Toma, Huyou, Sogoro is online.

"Listen, the so-called medication and injections are all a scam. Ninety-nine percent of human diseases are cured by the immune cells in the body!"

"Guru!" As he said, Zou Wu took a sip of medical alcohol.

Seeing Zou Wu who was drinking, the little girl's eyes widened, and she almost didn't write the words "You are a lie" on her face.

"Don't look at me with that expression. This is medical alcohol, alcohol, not medicine. Don't believe you smell it."

After sniffing lightly, the little girl turned her head to the side in disgust, and she said for a while.

"Children are not allowed to drink."

"Who said I am a child?" Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

The little girl looked at Doma Sougo with a look that you couldn't fool me, but she didn't speak.

"On the road of life, some people choose to walk slowly, some people choose to go fast, but I grow up on a rocket, so psychologically I am already an adult..."

The little girl opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

However, she hadn't spoken yet, but Zou Wu pulled her to squat on the ground. Then, another word came from outside:

"Master Zongwu, the doctor said, there is really no need for an injection this time, so come out soon..."

Tuma Zongwu: "((‵□′))"

Ah~! What exactly does the old man want to ruin his reputation? By the way, does he have a reputation—it doesn't seem to be, that's it for him.

"Guru!" After taking a sip of alcohol again, Zou Wu only felt that, as expected, there is wine today, drunk today, fame or something, it will all be sad for tomorrow.

When the people outside walked away, the little girl stared at Tuma Zou Wu again.

"Are adults also afraid of injections?"

Tuma Sougou: "..."

After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not afraid!"

See you, Tuma Sougou finally understands how shameful it is to be used by a strange little girl and you are afraid of getting an injection.

"If you are sick, you should get an injection." The little girl patted Zongwu on the shoulder, and persuaded in a tone that I understand you.

To this, Doma Sougo smiled very kindly.

"First of all, I am not sick, and secondly, I am not afraid of injections. Finally, as I said just now, 99% of human diseases can be recovered by their own powerful immunity. Many people are looking for me, aren't you afraid?"

"Not afraid!" The little girl shook her head firmly: "And it's very exciting."

Sou Wu Tama covered his forehead, what happened to the children now?

"Um, I can try the wine..."

Before she could finish her words, Tuma Zou Wu raised her hand and said, "No, children are not allowed to drink."

Is this really ordinary wine? This is medical alcohol. If you drink it at this alcohol level, let alone children, it is an adult.

As for him, learn about body manipulation and self-detoxification.

"I feel that compared to you, I am more like an adult." The little girl looked unconvinced.

Tuma Sougou: "I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

"Actually, I'm going to die..." The little girl pointed to herself and said, "For me, one-half, or two-thirds of my life has passed!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Tuma Sougou subconsciously retorted: "Your life has just begun. Why do you say that you are immortal?"

As soon as the voice fell, Tujian Zouwu's eyes sharpened. Indeed, this little guy looked seriously ill. He took two more sips, but for a while, he didn't even notice it.


"What?" the little girl with a sick face asked in confusion.

"your name."

"Yamuchi, Yamauchi Sakura, and I didn't lie. If you say that your life is flying on a rocket, then I'm on an alien spacecraft." The little girl gestured.

Doma Sougo "..."

Uh, I haven't heard of it. It shouldn't be a creature in the protagonist, so he is afraid of being a hairy?

"Little brother, let's do it, you give me a sip of wine, and I will tell you a legend..."

Tuma Sougo: "What legend?"

"Legend, the human soul exists in the pancreas. As long as that person's pancreas is eaten, the two souls can be together forever."

Doma Sougo: "It seems to have already said it..."

Yamauchi Sakura Ryo: "Huh?"

"So, you are an idiot, and an idiot can't drink alcohol. There are already fewer brain cells. If you die a few, you won't be able to save it."

Yamauchi Sakura Ryo: "..."

"Then, if you let me take a sip, I will let you eat my pancreas, how about it?"

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