"Magic?" Guilong the earth was puzzled.

"Yes, it's about the magic of capital." Sougo Doma smiled: "Before this magic starts, let me tell you the real situation of the family."

"Is there anything else I don't know about the Tuma family?" Guilong Tuma disdainfully said. Although the guys who were separated from the family waved his hand, he already knew the situation clearly. Only when he returned to Tokyo this time, he would be able to clean it up. Those guys.

Doma Sougou smiled again: "So old man, you still don't care about looking at the information. I didn't read the final summary behind the Tuma family's industry distribution data, right?"

Guilong Earth: "..."

He really didn't read it, he just read it roughly, a thick pile of it, you can see the year of the monkey before you finish it.

"The industry controlled by the Tujian family accounts for more than 70% of the sunset industry - but it's no fault of you. After all, you don't want to make progress. When you see an industry making money, you will die until you fully tap the potential of this industry. It’s already the nature of this country to do, reject new things, and be afraid of change or something."

"Zongwu!" Guilong of the earth gritted his teeth, why this guy just couldn't spit out any kind words? Fortunately, there are only two of them here. Otherwise, people will be accused. The Tujian family looks down on this country or something, and he really can't stand the toss.

"Okay, I shut up, but in these sunset industries, another 20% of the industries have suffered losses-I really can't figure it out, they have already suffered losses, so why are the Tujians still holding them in their hands? ?"

"Every industry has a cold winter period. I believe that as long as this period of time passes, some industries will reverse their profits and losses." The rare old face of Guilong Tujian blushed. In fact, these industries were left to create unearthed houses. The prosperity of every family's big business is secondly because, if these properties are cut off, the Tujian family will have to pay a large amount of pension.

For capital, this is cutting meat! Tujian Guilong also hesitated for this.

"Don't make trouble, do you think it's still the Showa period? It's still the cold winter, and it's already a sunset industry-so many families are desperately exploring its potential. May I ask, how can we recover?"

"Zongwu!" Mujian Guilong gritted his teeth again and bit his scalp: "I have my own way of doing things!"

"Hey~!" Looking at the desperately desperate Tujian Guilong, Tujian always realized that he sighed with a rare sigh:

"Well, if it weren’t for fear of the Tuma family’s bankruptcy, and I wouldn’t be the second generation lord, I wouldn’t bother to take care of it. Now, let’s take a look at the emerging industries, old man, I really admire you-the emerging industries invested by the Tuma family. , There is no profit point."

Guilong Earth: "..."

What can he do? For emerging industries, everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and investment failure is normal.

"By the way, what projects are you investing in? Just talk about this virtual reality technology..."

Tsushima Guilong: "If the development of virtual reality technology is successful..."

"You are not afraid of taking a big step forward, and you're going to be a mess? 3D projection technology is still under development. If you are good, just skip it. You don't want to think about the Internet speed enough? Infrastructure..."

After being judged by the total enlightenment, Guilong in the soil became angry and said:

"Enough! I'll sell the shares when I go back."

"Then someone has to buy it too-then, you are not stupid, how could you think of investing in such an unreliable thing?"

The face of Guilong in the earth was uncertain.

"I don’t know if I don’t check it, the now seemingly strong Tujian family is actually the same as the big tree whose core is hollowed out by insects. , If you fall down, it doesn't matter if the Tujian family is destroyed, how will I live the life of the second world master in the future?"

The corners of Guilong's mouth twitched. It doesn't matter what the earth's house is ruined? The Tujian family is no better than your second world lord? Rebellious son.

"After the introduction, the magic officially begins!" Before Tama Guilong could speak, Tama Sougo stretched out his hands with crossed hands: "First of all, old man, your phone is borrowed from me, the one for the public— —"

"What the hell do you want to do?" Guilong Tuma gave the phone to Zongwudao with a look of confusion.

However, Zongwu did not answer positively, but said: "First of all, it's hypnosis!"

Osmanthus Dragon "?"

Hypnosis? Guilong in the earth doesn't believe it at all. If there is hypnotism, then the society will be messed up soon. He wants to see it. After scouting him, he always understands what he wants to do.

As for performing magic? Guilong guessed that there was no such thing. He didn't believe that Zongwu specially asked him to come back, just to perform magic.

It’s just that, it’s still not clear what Zongwu thinks, he really wants to see what Zongwu wants to make, and what he has to do now is to watch the changes.


"Boom!" Mujian Guilong felt a pain in the back of his head, and his eyes went dark. After that, he didn't feel anymore.

"Physical hypnosis, great success!" Looking at the fainted Guilong Tujian, Tujian Zouwu walked out from behind him with a smile on his face and said, "Old man, you should rest first. When you wake up, everything Everything is fine."

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Tujian Guilong's complexion and frowned: "I also said that he has no kidney loss. What kind of illusion is this? Forget it, I can help you for the sake of Xiaobui. "

While talking, Sougo Doma took out a silver needle from his body and pressed it several times on the boss's chair, and a refrigerator slowly rose from the ground.

He took out a bottle of whiskey from it, and he tasted it himself first: "Lao Maozi is refreshing. It's almost catching up with medical alcohol."

Pour the wine into the glass and light it up.


The raging fire ignited in a moment, and then put the silver needle into the cup. This is the total comprehension disinfection method. Good children can't learn it.

After it was roasted for half a minute, Zou Wu easily fished it out, and then fished out the silver needle from the fire.

Looking at the remaining alcohol, based on the principle of not wasting, I just drank it in one sip, and the flame burned in my mouth and extinguished. It felt unspeakable joy.

Looking at the comatose Guilong Mujian again, Zou Wu easily threw it away, and several silver needles were directly inserted into his body.

Then, the head and legs...

The next day.

"The soil is always enlightened!" The soil Guilong awakened from the confusion, his last consciousness only remembered a pain in the back of his head, wait, a pain in the back of his head. Very well, he found the blind spot, so that as soon as he awoke, he shouted at the figure on the boss chair.

"Ha!" Toma Sougo just yawned in response to this. "Oh, old man, you're awake!"

"When is it now?"

"Woo!" Doma Sougo glanced at the time: "It's almost eleven o'clock noon."

"I was in a coma for more than two hours?"

"Probably..." Mujian, pretending to be a fool, always enlightened.

"This is what you call hypnosis?"

"Physical hypnosis is also hypnosis!" Toma always enlightened sensibly

"I think you want to kill your father!" Guilong Tujian gritted his teeth again.

"No, I see that you are quite angry, maybe a coma, will it help you?" Tuma, nonsense, total enlightenment.

"You..." Looking at the indifferent Tujian Zongwu, Tujian Guilong said angrily. He felt that his blood pressure was going to rise again, but why didn't he feel dizzy? No matter what, just when he was preparing to teach the total enlightenment, a sudden voice came from his stomach: "Guru~!"

"Hungry? There are dishes from the housekeeper on the table. If you are hungry, you will eat first. If you have anything to do, wait until the meal is over."

The rare old face of Guilong in the soil blushed again. He obviously had breakfast. It was only 11 o'clock at noon. How could he be hungry again? It is simply a shame for the famous family to make such a "grunt" sound.

"Old man, this is your own misunderstanding, you can't blame me then..." Seeing the puzzled Guilong Tujian, Tujian always enlightened him secretly.

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