Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 198 You'd better follow the script next time

Wang Luo's straightforward response even shocked General Huang Long himself.

The old man frowned and asked the person accompanying him with some uncertainty: "General Bu, is there any ambiguity in what I just said? You also know that I have never been very good at this."

The person he named was a middle-aged man with a scar across his face. He had a golden elixir cultivation level and his true energy fluctuations were average. However, the strength of his spiritual thoughts far exceeded the golden elixir realm. Hearing General Huang Long's question, he respectfully replied: "Old General Huang, there is no ambiguity in your words. It not only accurately expresses our Molin people's hatred of desolation, but also vividly demonstrates Molin's cultural proverbs, and it also It fits well with the current scene. In my opinion, it’s a perfect response.”

Huang Long nodded complacently when he heard this, but then became even more puzzled: "Is that because I didn't understand what he meant? In the old immortal calendar, what did those gang of wild demon brats mean by coming to do this?"

General Bu said: "My subordinates know very little about the culture of the old immortal calendar, but as far as I know, it should be the literal meaning."

"I see, I learned it." Huang Long said with understanding, and then became furious, "So this kid dares to look down on me? How does he have the right to look down on me? He is just building a foundation, but he is so arrogant?!"

In fact, Wang Luo certainly didn't look down on his opponent, but he remembered very clearly that when Han Ying explained the precautions, he said that to defeat Mo Linren, you don't necessarily need to win. The Molin people value the process of fighting rather than the result, unless they are as strong as the two generations of wishing kings, who can forcefully omit the process and go straight to the result when fighting anyone - which is commonly known as instant kill. Otherwise, the Molin people would still value what both sides showed in the battle.

In addition, and most importantly, since Han Ying had known that the Molin people had an extreme attitude towards desolation, how could she unpreparedly invite an old general from Molin as the head of the special envoy? She enjoys high prestige in Molin, and her admirers are almost everywhere in Molin. In many cases, even the current generation of Yulong Lord is not as popular as her. So before inviting the special envoy to come, Han Ying asked Mo Yu to do the blending work in advance. The two sides seemed to be at war with each other, but in fact they had already prepared their own scripts.

Mo Linren's public attack was originally part of the plan. The Molin people with the most extreme attitude took the lead in challenging Wang Luo, and then Wang Luo proved himself in a fierce battle. The Molin people were able to take advantage of the situation and become brothers with different surnames... , anyone in the envoy who wants to raise another issue against Wang Luo's identity is equivalent to not being able to trust the vision of the Molin people, and not being able to trust the generous and tragic people who have been fighting at the forefront of the battle for thousands of years!

One of the main purposes of inviting the special envoy to Rongcheng is to allow Wang Luo, the suddenly born Lord of Lingshan Mountain, to be recognized by the Immortal Alliance. And getting Mo Linren to endorse Wang Luo is the first move Han Ying has prepared. .

With such a plan in place, although Wang Luo was a little surprised that the other party's seizure seemed to be much earlier than planned, improvisation was already a part of the script, so of course he didn't mind talking to Old General Huang Long. Gotta understand.

Now that I've decided to be less polite, let's get straight to the point.

And General Huanglong really cooperated. After getting furious, he slapped the long table: "Then let me test your skills! General Bu, clear the place!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked. Only General Bu nodded silently and took off a magic weapon from his waist.

The owner of this place, Governor Han Guming, just sighed helplessly and had no intention of stopping it.

On the one hand, stopping the Mo Lin people from exterminating demons and defending the Tao is often equivalent to falling out with the Mo Lin people; on the other hand, how could he, a father, not write the script written by Han Ying?

So before General Bu took action, Han Guming clapped his hands. The next moment, the scenery in the welcome hall suddenly changed. The boundary on one side suddenly extended outwards, forming a circular fighting arena in the valley.

"If you want to fight, let's fight there. That's where I occasionally test my skills. It should be able to withstand Old General Huang's tossing." Han Guming said, and then apologized to the other guests on the long table, "I can't entertain you." Zhou, please forgive me.”

The guests had different expressions, but no one could help but respect Han Guming. So everyone nodded and said hello, and then they picked up their wine glasses - Zhou Guo people even took the dinner plates and rice bowls - and went to the side of the fighting arena to watch. At a welcome banquet, you don’t necessarily have to rely on eating to connect with each other.

However, when everyone stood up and left the table, Han Guming noticed that Han Ying's expression was a little strange.

The old man hesitated for a moment and asked in a secret voice: "Yingying, what's going on? Isn't this part of the plan?"

Han Ying said: "The person responsible for launching the attack in the plan is General Liao next to him!"

"!?" Han Guming was suddenly stunned, and his eyes immediately turned to Mo Linren. He saw a middle-aged general with a beard wearing a brown cloak, shaking his head gently at Han Ying and making a helpless expression.

Han Ying further explained: "As for Huang Long, although my personal relationship with him is not bad, it is far from good enough to instruct him to act! He is purely acting on his own initiative!"

Han Guming said: "Huang Long has always been like this. Otherwise, with his merits, he would have been a candidate for Yulong Lord. But if this is the case, doesn't Wang Luo... need me to stop it now?"

"...No need, we originally wanted to win the trust of Mo Lin. If we can win the trust of Huang Long, it is naturally better than winning the trust of Liao Fan."

Han Guming was even more surprised when he heard this.

Aren't you worried that Wang Luo won't be able to defeat him?

Han Ying whispered: "If it was two days ago, I might have been worried... Besides, how could Huang Long fight Wang Luo with his Nascent Soul cultivation?"

While the two were talking, Wang Luo had already walked into the arena first.

The moment he entered, the space changed again. From the outside, the arena with a diameter of about 100 meters seemed to be stretched ten times longer after entering. And a arena with a radius of 1,000 meters is enough for anyone to spar and perform.

When he looked around, he suddenly felt a slight tremor under his feet.

General Huang Long had already stepped into the arena with a heavy step. His burly body seemed to have expanded again at this time, and he looked down at Wang Luo like a giant.

"Little bastard, I should have used all my strength to beat you to pieces... But just being beaten to pieces is too easy for you. Ancient cultivators like you who have inherited the legacy of the old world always think that they are superior to others in the same realm. Even many wild demons dare to claim to be invincible in the same realm after practicing one or two forbidden methods!"

As he said this, General Huang Long suddenly let out a long breath, and his body, which looked like a heavenly soldier, shrank a little. And the Nascent Soul in his inner palace just closed its eyes!

"So I not only want you to be crushed to pieces, but also want you to break this false confidence before you are crushed to pieces! I will fight you at the level of foundation building, we will fight each other, and I will let you see what the real foundation building looks like before you die!"

Wang Luo was so shocked that he couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Really?"

Huang Long exhaled a fiery breath: "When did I, Huang Long, tell a joke! Come on, I'll let you make the first move!"

The next moment, Wang Luo nodded, took a step, and his figure instantly crossed a distance of more than 100 meters. A punch like a heavy artillery hit Huang Long's abdominal armor, blasting the still burly old general away like a cannonball. The huge body rose and fell several times like a stone hitting the water, and finally hit the edge of the field and stopped with the sound of rocks breaking.

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