Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 20 The most important factor for a person's success is excellent family education

Father and daughter.

This is the word Wang Luo summed up that can best describe his relationship with Shi Yue.

"..." When Diqi Qingyi heard this, she was speechless and was stunned for a long time, "If you are really her father, I will arrest you right now. Shi Xiu Sheng owed tens of millions, and as soon as he left, there was someone pretending to be him!? However, no matter who you are, since you live here and you seem to know Shi Yue, you can come with me and use it for a while. "

Wang Luo didn't mind being used for a while, so he followed him and asked, "What happened?"

"The old Qin who lives in your hospital, Qin Yu, has been in trouble again." Diqi Qingyi said, "When he was patrolling in the factory at night, he was reported by some aunts in the bathhouse next door that he was acting strangely and was suspected of voyeurism. He was turned away overnight. We arrived at Qingping Division. We have just checked the surrounding trees and basically confirmed that he is innocent. However, according to the procedures, we still need someone from your side to provide a guarantee before we can release him immediately. After all, he was renting a house in Qingping. The guarantor registered by the company is Shi Yue, so I came over early in the morning to call someone..."

Wang Luo was a little curious: "He just rented Shi Yue's house, and the landlord still wants to guarantee his innocence?"

Diqi Qingyi sneered: "There are so many floating people in Shijie, and there are always people who want to commit crimes. However, we have limited manpower and cannot catch all the criminals. So what else can we do? ?”

Wang Luo nodded: "I understand. If you can't catch the hard-to-catch ones, just catch a few good people who live in the local area to take credit."

"That's it, so remember not to vouch for others randomly in the future, and don't bully Shi Yue all the time. For an honest person like her, one less person is needed."

"Then Shi Yue is not here, can you vouch for me?"

"Aren't you Shi Yue's father? Then of course you can vouch for it."

While talking, the two of them had arrived in front of the small white building on Stone Street.

Although Diqi Qingyi is greasy, he obviously has considerable influence in the Qingpingsi system. After entering the door, he saw the younger Qingyi and Baiyi in the hall nodding to him. There was even a pretty little girl in white who sweetly shouted: "Good morning, Senior Han Yu!"

The middle-aged man named Han Yu only snorted lightly and responded to everyone.

At this time, a senior Qingyi with a red skirt was walking down from the second floor. When he saw Han Yu, he couldn't help but frown: "I asked you to call Shi Yue, can't you even tell the difference between men and women?"

Han Yu said: "Shi Yue is not at home. I saw that he also lives at Shi Yue's house. It is almost usable, so I took it back."

Senior Qingyi said angrily: "What do you mean it's almost usable?! How can handling cases be almost the same?!"

Han Yu also said calmly: "Whenever we handle a case, it is almost finished... Just like this time, those old ladies are clearly self-aware and unruly people. If we really want to continue the investigation seriously, we should first investigate their false accusations." He is innocent. What do you think, leader, do you want to investigate it responsibly?"

Senior Qing Yi immediately looked embarrassed.

Han Yu said: "Really? We can't investigate, right? If we really want to investigate their false accusations, it's not disgusting enough for those old ladies to mobilize seven aunts and eight aunts to come and roll around at the door of our building every day... So this kind of thing can be fooled easily That's it. Tell them that this is the guarantor. Is it possible for them to confirm the authenticity? At most, let Lao Qin apologize to them and say a few soft words. He doesn't care about this shame anyway. It’s over.”

Senior Qing Yi sighed: "Okay, you still have experience in handling this kind of thing."

After dealing with the team leader, Han Yu took Wang Luo to the second floor and warned as he walked: "You heard what I just said. Stop gossiping and don't get entangled with those old ladies. Just take the person away and that's it. "

Wang Luo nodded.

Later, in a corner room on the second floor, Wang Luo met his daughter Shi Yue's sponsor, Qin Yu, a neighbor who lived in the south wing.

Seeing this person, Wang Luo felt as if there was a bitter taste in his face.

Qin Yu looks to be in his late fifties, about 1.7 meters tall, but his hunched and hunched posture makes him look very short, and his facial features are like a figure painting that has been soaked in water, hanging downward unnaturally.

The cultivation is in shambles, and the framework is that of the foundation-building period, but whether it is true essence, physical body or soul, they are like ruins riddled with holes, leaking wind everywhere, and every wisp of wind is full of the bitter taste of life!

If Shi Yue and Zhao Xiuwen last night were a sea of ​​suffering, then the Qin Yu we saw now was a sea of ​​suffering in human form!

This was the first time that Wang Luo had seen someone with such a miserable appearance. He didn't know how much suffering he had to go through in life to create such a person.

In the old days, among the three demon sects, the Due Valley demons who loved to manipulate fate and torture others with misfortune and misfortune would marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature when they saw Qin Yu.

Fortunately, this is a new era. No matter how hard life is, there is a big law that protects human beings. Therefore, Qin Yu still retains his human appearance and does not go too far with heavy taste.

Corresponding to Qin Yu, there is a group of middle-aged and elderly women with arrogant teeth.

"I'm telling you, this is definitely not the first time that old man has been peeping! Look at the obscene look on his face!"

"He is so good at admitting his mistakes and apologizing. If he really wasn't peeping, why would he admit his mistakes!?"

"Just because Shuyan didn't see it doesn't mean he really didn't do it..."

Comparing the performances of both sides, Wang Luo had naturally figured out the whole story.

Amidst the noise, Han Yu stepped up his steps, coughed twice, interrupted the women's output, and then said: "I have called the guarantor. According to his statement, Qin Yuping has not done any bad behavior. This time It’s also a misunderstanding, so Qin Yu, you can leave.”

Wang Luo said nothing, just nodded slightly.

On the other side, the middle-aged and elderly women's groups were naturally not happy and began to condemn and even yell.

Han Yu did not argue, but just nodded and said: "Yes, yes, we will definitely focus on preventing similar cases from happening in the future. We will never miss a bad guy..."

Then he stretched out his hand to signal Wang Luo and Qin Yu to leave quickly.

Qin Yu raised his head and glanced at Wang Luo. There was no curiosity in his eyes, only numbness like a puppet.

Wang Luo was not polite and waved: "Let's go."

Qin Yu followed behind obediently.

When the two of them walked out of the building, Wang Luo stopped and said, "Can you go home by yourself later? I still have things to do here, so I won't see you off."

Qin Yu nodded, grinned, tried to show sincerity on his bitter face, and said: "Thank you..."

Just as Wang Luo was about to wave goodbye, he suddenly frowned.

Qin Yu released a sincere expression. Although at first glance, it looked like a smile but not a smile, or a cry but not a cry, it somewhat swept away the accumulated bitter temperament.

Then, Wang Luo discovered that there was something wrong with his appearance.

"You shouldn't be so miserable."

Qin Yudun was stunned and shrank up at a loss. Wang Luo took the opportunity to look at the little old man more seriously.

Suffering is real suffering, and these traces of suffering cannot be faked... But on the other hand, he shouldn't be so suffering, his face is actually more inclined to a person of good luck!

Of course, appearance does not determine everything, and Wang Luo's physiognomy is only slightly dabbled in. However, the gap between Qin Yu's appearance and real life is too large, and it is even more outrageous than the case of Shi Yue, who was a debt-ridden girl with 18 years of luck. There are many, so Wang Luo will never get it wrong.

However, before he could take a closer look, he heard a particularly harsh noise coming from the side.

"Hey, old man Qin, if you don't go to the door, why are you wandering around here?"

Wang Luo turned his head and saw a fat man with blond hair and blue eyes charging towards him menacingly, his fat trembling as he walked, like waves on his body. Behind him, three horse boys followed step by step, equally full of will, with the momentum of "I can conquer this mountain".

However, before taking two steps, he was stopped by a passing Qing Yi.

"What do you think this place is? Are you making noises so early in the morning and running rampant in the street? Do you want to go to jail!?"

The fat man's momentum suddenly weakened, and he nodded and bowed on the spot: "Yes, yes, we must pay attention, we must pay attention!"

The Qing Yi's anger subsided a little, and he glanced at the fat man's blond hair and blue eyes, and cursed: "Fat Zhang, you have made yourself into a human being and a ghost again, be careful your father breaks your legs!"

Fatty Zhang's head was about to drop into his chest, but now he suddenly raised his head and said, "This is a trend! Blonde hair and blue eyes are particularly popular in Taixu recently!"

"Stop playing with Taixu picture scrolls. Your father's factory has been waiting for you to inherit it!"

"So I came to check the guard early in the morning, but I saw the guard fishing here!"

"Your factory is at the east end of Stone Street. Why are you checking here... Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. I still have to go to work. Remember to behave yourself and don't embarrass your father!"

After Qing Yi left, Fatty Zhang let out a deep breath, and the blond hair that had drooped down on his head straightened up again, and then his slender eyes swept behind him.

The three horse boys immediately raised their chests and raised their heads without squinting.

At this time, Fatty Zhang was of course no longer impressive. He just glared at Qin Yu, then turned around and walked into a gorgeously decorated shop not far away.

Wang Luo was a little curious: "What does that shop do?"

Qin Yu did not answer, but said in a timid tone: "I, I'm going to work."

Wang Luo turned around and asked, "I just worked the night shift and was forced to come to Qingping Division. Why don't you even take a break?"

Qin Yu smiled a twisted and twisted smile again: "No, no need... I'll take my leave now."

Looking at the stooped and stumbling back of the little old man, Wang Luo felt that the sense of disobedience was getting heavier and heavier.

However, just as Qin Yu still has to go to work, Wang Luo also has business to attend to - he still has to rush his own Jianmu Seed.


After reporting to the woman in white with ease, Wang Luo got some bad news.

"Senior Sha Shuang is still on duty today... I just handed over a reminder note, but there was no response at all."

Wang Luo frowned and turned his gaze behind the woman in white. On the wall was printed the work code of Qingping Division, the words "Follow your duties faithfully and enforce the law for the people" were shining brightly.

"So, because of his discrimination against Nanxiang, he blatantly violated the work rules and trampled on the rights of others. How can such a person be able to hold a normal position in Qingping Division?"

The woman in white didn't want to say more, but after seeing Wang Luo's arm muscles, she explained softly: "Senior Sha Shuang is an elite from a serious academy. Although he offended the upper class and was unable to be promoted, he was assigned to this small white building. In the end, if he didn't intentionally cause trouble but was just slacking off, none of us would be able to do anything about him... Fortunately, there is a rotation system. If you wait a few days and the next person comes in, don't worry, the matter will be done quickly. Although Sha Shuang often makes things difficult for others, he doesn’t work overtime just to make things difficult for others. He will take a rest when the time is up.”

Although the woman in white was sincerely comforting her, Wang Luo only felt more ridiculous after hearing this.

Is this Shashuang a natural disaster? Do we have to wait for the natural disaster to pass before we can enjoy our legitimate rights and interests?

However, considering that the identity of the drifter in Nanxiang that he applied for now was almost fabricated from beginning to end, and it was not particularly justified, Wang Luo temporarily ignored it.

"Okay, then I'll wait for a while."

As a result, he turned around and saw an acquaintance.

An old man in a white shirt and a gray waistcoat was waving at him gently.

"Kong Zhang? Are you here to do business as well?"

The old man smiled and said, "Only half of the formalities were done yesterday, and I'll do the remaining half today. What about you? Sha Shuang's turn is not that fast, right?"

Wang Luo said, "It's still him, so the Jianmu seed still can't come down."

"Don't be impatient, the rotation of the wood planters in Qingping Division is very slow, and Sha Shuang has been in a bad mood recently. It is very likely that he will deliberately extend his rotation period to disgust people like you from the south. If you are unlucky, it is possible that you will be stuck for a month."

Wang Luo asked, "What if you are lucky?"

Kong Zhang was stunned, and then laughed, "Good luck? Then we can hope that Sha Shuang's practice goes wrong, he goes crazy, and has to take sick leave, then Qingping Division will let the next rotating wood planter take place as soon as possible..."

As soon as the voice fell, a young man in white rushed down from the second floor and came to a senior green-clothed man on the first floor to whisper something. The green-clothed man's face changed, and he summoned the work manual and wrote down the latest work instructions on it.

After a while, all the white-clothed people in charge of reception received the instructions, and their faces were different. Among them, the woman who was most familiar with Wang Luo hesitated for a moment and quietly waved to Wang Luo.

"Just got the news that Senior Sha Shuang somehow went wrong in his practice, became possessed, and even his Tao heart was cracked. It just so happens that the successor to the planter is here. I have applied for expedited processing for you, and you can go to get the Jianmu seeds later."

Kong Zhang, who witnessed the whole process, was stunned.

"Your luck, no, is this really luck?! You are not the inspector of the Golden Deer Hall who came to visit incognito, right?!"

Wang Luo smiled.

"Okay, let's take it as luck. If you have such good luck, why do you still work for others? Any casino in the world is your private bank."

"My senior sister doesn't let me gamble."

"...Your family education is really good."

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