The first day of the Xianmeng Special Envoy's trip in Rongcheng could be described as a successful conclusion.

They enjoyed a wonderful welcome banquet, during which they also enjoyed a peak martial arts showdown to add to the fun; they took advantage of the situation and completed the most important task assigned to them by the Immortal Alliance ahead of schedule - confirming whether Wang Luo was really reliable. Then they visited Ningyuan Pavilion and confirmed that the effect of Zhu Wang’s Immortal Family treasure was even higher than expected... And in the evening, the sumptuous dinner prepared by the Governor’s Mansion for them was also full of various wishes and wonders, which made many The envoy lingered.

Everything went incredibly smoothly, there was no verbal war with the wisher, and there was no sudden appearance of Lu Youyou to suppress with force. The envoys only need to report back truthfully what they saw and heard, and their mission will be considered successful. It should be said that such a simple task is simply an insult to the business capabilities of a group of elite envoys.

It's just that this kind of insult is so delicious that by the next day, many people are already enjoying the rest of the trip with a vacation mentality.

And the arrangements for the next day really lived up to people’s expectations.

On this morning, the Immortal League's special envoy came to the Immortal Platform in front of the Lingshan restricted area that had been dusty for thousands of years.

There is nothing particularly spectacular about the scenery on the Immortal Platform. Even the Tianchui Valley, the place where the famous Immortal Ancestor Chicheng died, has been repaired after the Battle of Dinghuang, and now there is no outline of the past. . As for the various dilapidated buildings and facilities around the mountains, they do not help to add a heavy historical atmosphere to the place...

However, even so, the special envoys from various countries were still very interested and full of curiosity about every plant and tree in this place.

"Wow, you can see the Skyfall Valley from here. Immortal Ancestor Chicheng fell here, right? His body has been sunk deep into the deep earth? Tsk, no wonder, even if this deep pit has been filled for thousands of years, it feels like I can still smell the scent of the earth!"

"Is this the Lingshan Temple? Was it really built by the Lord Lu Zhiyao himself? No wonder it is still standing after thousands of years of wind and frost. By the way, Lord Wangshan, I can join you in front of the ancestral hall. Photo? Wait, are the tablets inside real? Can I take a photo with you and your tablet?"

"The front is the Lingshan restricted area. It is said that breaking in rashly will alert the Great Law and directly strike down the tribulation thunder. Is it true? What, the restriction has been lifted now? Oh, it is such a pity. If only we could be together with the tribulation Just post it to Taixu Qinglu and get at least two thousand followers. "

"I never imagined that there is such a wonderful place outside the restricted area. Rongcheng is truly a land of outstanding people. No wonder the Immortal Alliance chose Rongcheng to start the first battle of westward pioneering!"

Listening to the kind words of the envoys, Shi Yue, the administrator of Lingshan Mountain who was responsible for explaining today's work, felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Once upon a time, it was a scene that would wake her up with laughter in her dreams, allowing tourists to praise the scenery of Lingshan Mountain before climbing to the Immortal Platform, and then generously donate money. But now that her dream has come true, she has lost the mood of her youth...

Of course, even though her heart was full of vicissitudes of life, she still retained her professional qualities. While showing off the beautiful smile of a young girl, she told the envoys from various countries the wonderful legend about this ascension to the Immortal Platform.

"According to legend, at the end of the old immortal calendar, a pair of childhood sweethearts once practiced here. Later, the two of them had their own destiny. The woman received guidance and guidance from an expert, and her cultivation deepened, and she soon became famous and had her own career. But the man did not Due to various reasons, time was wasted. Several years later, the two reunited unexpectedly, but they were completely different from each other. Seeing that their childhood sweethearts were now high-ranking fairies, the man couldn't help but have some beautiful feelings. Hopefully, the woman with a gentle personality also dropped her guard against that man after being a little wary at first..."

Then, under the curious gaze of all the audience, Shi Yue told the end of the story with a faint smile.

"Later, the man died suddenly and suddenly. This story teaches us that those who overestimate their abilities and try to reach high will die without a burial place."

After telling the story, Shi Yue bowed to everyone. Under people's astonished gazes, he naturally walked to two people not far away who were talking and laughing softly.

Seeing Shi Yue approaching, Han Ying waved to her in a funny way and said softly.

"The story is good, although I have never heard of this legend."

Shi Yue suddenly felt his scalp numb, and quickly explained in secret: "Yes, I'm sorry, but the script of the story was written by Lord Mo Yu, and she asked me to read it to Wang Luo..."

Han Ying shook her head helplessly: "I knew it!"

Shi Yue hurriedly took out a bottle of warm drink from the storage bag: "Also, Lord Mo Yu asked me to strictly abide by the schedule and urge you to replenish water, eat properly, and work regularly at the specified time..."

While talking, Shi Yue could already feel the high emotional pressure from the person in front of him. He felt frightened and relied on the fire in his belly to maintain his composure.

As the newly appointed clerk of the Internal Affairs Office of the Golden Deer Hall, she already knew the earth-shattering true identity of the beautiful and incomparable daughter of the Han family in front of her. But the head manager of the House of Internal Affairs entrusted her with the important task of taking care of Han Ying's daily life!

Mo Yu's reason is also very simple: First, Han Ying must not be without the care of the housekeeping officer. Even if she does not consider the basic status of the ruler of the country, judging from her many years of experience in taking care of Han Ying, if Han Ying is left to fend for herself, If she commits suicide, then she will almost certainly become picky about food, not drink water, stay up late, and go to too many places...

Secondly, it is not easy to find someone who is qualified to serve as an attendance officer and take care of Han Ying personally. The credibility alone can eliminate most of the candidates, not to mention that they must be able to get along with Han Ying reasonably day and night without causing suspicion... Han Xingyan was an excellent choice before, but unfortunately she went astray and ruined her future. Shi Yue is undoubtedly a good choice. She is the chief of the outer gate of Lingshan Mountain. She has Wang Luo as an endorsement. Her loyalty to Lingshan for many years makes Mo Yu very optimistic about her character. More importantly, she is young and cute, which is a perfect match for Han Ying now. Taking care of her personally will not attract too much attention.

So Mo Yu invited Shi Yue to serve as an attendance officer shortly after returning to Youcheng.

Shi Yue was initially hesitant about this, until Mo Yu introduced her to the welfare system of the attendance officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which instantly dispelled all her doubts.

Isn't it just taking care of the food and daily life of a big shot? How difficult can it be?

It was not until Mo Yu sent her script through the Great Illusion that Shi Yue regretted it!

At the same time, the Immortal Alliance envoys who had heard the story could not help but sigh.

"When will Professor Yan come back!?"

Although Old Yan talked about his granddaughter every other sentence, he was really good at telling stories!

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