The battle in Quyuan was compact and restrained.

Wang Luo held the thunder sword in his hand and weaved a brilliant thunder net in the spacious hall. Every line of lightning arcs can easily cut off a phantom of Yan Fuxue's clone. In just a few breaths, Yan Fuxue had been killed with heads rolling in, and corpses piled up like mountains.

However, in this limited space, the old man with short sleeves and shorts seemed to live like a leek. No matter how many times he was killed, he would always jump out of all kinds of weird corners at the next moment with a naive smile. , aiming at Wang Luo's relatively empty vitals and stabbing out the poisonous dagger!

Standing in the middle of the hall, Wang Luo seemed to be surrounded by thousands of people. Even though he was invincible, he was still in danger of being outnumbered.

"Master Wang Shan..."

After saying hello, Yan Fuxue's head fell to the ground, and the second half of the words could only be heard from another corner of the room.

"Have you ever considered such a problem..."

The old man in the corner had just emerged when he was hit in the face by a thunderball, and his entire upper body was blown to pieces.

So Yan Fuxue could only squirm out from the shadow of the beam, and after trying to block a volley of sword energy with his dagger, he asked: "I threw myself into the trap so generously, maybe I just lured the tiger away from the mountain? The Lingshan restricted area is now semi-open. Without you in charge, the half-finished restrictions can't stop my companions."

After the words fell, the thunder sword in Wang Luo's hand suddenly softened and turned into a soft whip. It circled the beam like a snake, and the tip of the whip hit Yan Fuxue heavily on the face, turning him into half a burnt corpse and falling down.

However, Yan Fuxue's voice still lingered.

"Besides, you didn't keep Shi Yue with you all the time and stayed in the Governor's Mansion, which is also a big mistake. The little housekeeper tree in Shi Mansion can't have the slightest protective effect. Maybe in a few minutes, you will I can see that stubborn little girl standing by my side.”

Wang Luo remained unmoved at all, and only focused on waving the thunder sword, as if he was unwavering, but also as if he was tired of dealing with it.

"Master Wangshan, since you and I can't do anything to each other, why don't we each take a step back? I know that there are also Governor Han's listeners outside Quyuan, as well as the desolation team of the garrison. How about letting me fight with them?"

Wang Luo's response was only a mechanical sword dance.

"Oh, Lord Mountain Master, you are forcing yourself so hard, but is there any reason why you can't back down? Is it because of Governor Han's daughter? Or let me change the question, is Han Ying really Han Ying?"

However, even with such a sensitive topic, Wang Luo could not waver in the slightest.

Although his figure standing in the middle of the hall was stained with Yan Fuxue's poisonous blood.

"Master Wangshan, if you really think that you can win in a protracted war, then I have to remind you that you are a little self-righteous. Every sword you throw now is equivalent to a full-strength strike at the Golden Core level, and you cleverly restrain your strength, and you will It can be controlled within a small range, not even damaging the walls and floors of the house, and the loss of soul is huge. So how long can you maintain this thunder sword technique for a quarter of an hour, but I can maintain it forever? So it is absolutely impossible to kill me with your sword alone. Your vain attempt will only make you look like a clown."

Wang Luo still didn't respond.

"Well, since the mountain master doesn't believe it, I can only prove it to you."

So time passed in the interlacing of lightning and light.

A long time passed, but it seemed like just a short moment. The huge hall was flooded with Yan Fuxue's blood, and the confined space caused the thick blood to reach people's ankles. Even though the piled up charred corpses were gradually baked into ashes by the high temperature, they still filled the room little by little... The battle was literally unfolding on the pile of corpses.

Yan Fuxue's brilliant performance also gradually fell silent.

All the words that can shake people's hearts have been said, and all the tricks that can be used in battle have been used. But Wang Luo still stood in the middle of the hall, tirelessly killing the clone that could never be killed cleanly, without getting tired or weakening.

"Master Wangshan, I admire your patience, but I'm sorry, I have things to do later, and I can't play with you all night. So I have a final question for you. Have you ever considered that I can hide? The darkness makes you wander around like a headless fly, but why do you have to expend so much energy to create so many clones for you to kill? Haha, have you ever considered stepping on my corpse and fighting for so long..."

Before Yan Fuxue finished speaking, Wang Luo couldn't help but laugh.

"Let me ask you a question too."

Yan Fuxue was stunned, but he didn't expect Wang Luo to suddenly speak after a long time since the war started.

"...Mountain Master, please ask."

"So far in the battle, you have summoned a total of 714 avatars. And if you put together the wreckage on the ground, how many can you create in total? Have you ever counted them?"

The next moment, Yan Fuxue's expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously murmured: "This, this is impossible..."

Wang Luo smiled and said: "It seems that there are too many. No wonder you are willing to play with me for so long in this late-night feeding game. However, since you are the inheritance of the wasteland of Tianzhizuo, you should not know that the innate Taoist body When eating, you don’t have to just use your mouth.”

"You, you are crazy!"

"Haha, wasting food is crazy."


The uncontrollable fear overflowed like a flood, and Yan Fuxue's endless momentum in the hall suddenly stopped.

After that, he immediately tried to calm down and prepare to launch the corpse explosion that he had been accumulating for a long time, but he found in despair that the magic that should have been ready to be perfect was missing a piece, as if it was eaten by insects and rats!

So the magic that was supposed to be activated naturally was also exposed! This instantaneous fluctuation was captured by Wang Luo without hesitation. The next moment, an unprecedented fierce lightning burst out, blowing the whole hall into pieces.


At the same time, as if glass was broken, the whole space also exploded.

The small hall, the mountains of corpses and seas of blood piled up in the space, all disappeared without a trace along with the shattering of the space.

Only an old man in short sleeves and shorts stood in a corner of the room, holding a dim oil lamp in his hand. The glass lamp holder was covered with spider web-like cracks, and the lamp plate was missing a piece, as if the gap was bitten by teeth... The old man was stunned and looked terrified.

Wang Luo would not let go of the opponent's flaw that was revealed in an instant, and stepped forward to grab his throat. The true energy in his body surged out, instantly locking every meridian in his body. At the same time, his mind was used as a lock to firmly control Yan Fuxue's soul.

Yan Fuxue looked bitter, and when he was about to speak, before the sound came out, he felt that everything in his body: the essence of blood and flesh, the true energy and mind... were all sucked away by the opponent like a tide.

Wang Luo said coldly: "No need to speak, I prefer to chew the answer from food."

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