Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 226 Lost my appetite

Facing the desolate things soaking in the lake, Wang Luo remained silent for a moment.

Han Wu's attitude was much more straightforward.

"Master Wangshan, please stand a little farther away to avoid accidental injury."

The lightning in the old man's hand was shining, and it was of the same specification as the thunder sword in Wang Luo's hand: the Governor's Mansion-style Bahuang Tiangang Lei, which had extremely lethal power against all wild creatures.

Obviously, Han Wu did not intend to save Yan Fuxue's life.

"Be patient." Wang Luo had a different opinion, "This is a rare prisoner of war."

"It's meaningless." Han Wu said, "Once desolation occurs, there is no possibility of recovery. I know you may sympathize with Yan Fuxue, and I feel the same way, but..."

Wang Luo interrupted: "He is a prisoner of war. He knows the desolate living prisoners of war better than any of us."

Han Wu sighed: "It's also meaningless. It's true that humans have never caught the prisoners of war in Huahuang, but they can't find anything at all. Once they are in Huanghuang, even a low-key coward will never tell the truth. ”

“Words lie, flesh does not.”


Wang Luo shook his head, temporarily suppressing the inexplicably rising appetite in his heart, and then said: "I have a way to dig out more things from him, but it just takes a little preparation time, so let's save his life first."

Han Wu was about to argue, but was interrupted by the light of the communication talisman on his waist.

Han Guming's voice came from it: "Let's keep him for the time being. This is indeed a very rare sample. It is also the first time I have seen a wild demon that can disguise itself at such a close range. I must at least analyze the principle of this disguise from him. , otherwise killing him would just cut off a rare clue."

Han Wu bared his teeth and extinguished the lightning in his palm, then took out a golden birdcage, shook it towards Yan Fuxue, shrank him to the size of a sparrow, and put him in the cage.

And when the door of the birdcage was closed, more Tiangang thunder bloomed and wrapped around the fence of the birdcage.

Obviously, this is a magic weapon specially made for catching wild animals alive. Although Han Wu said that once the wild animals are transformed, they are hopeless, but in order to save the wild animals, the Immortal Alliance did not spend less resources.

Afterwards, Han Wu took Wang Luo with him, left the ink-washing pool in a flash, and returned to the Governor's Mansion.

After the two figures disappeared, an old man in black clothes slowly appeared on the lake and shook his head.



Wang Luo and Han Wu returned to the Governor's Mansion with their trophies, and found that the atmosphere was slightly tense.

Han Guming sat behind the desk, clasping his hands in front of him, his expression seemingly indifferent, but a little of his inner anger was revealed in his eyes.

Seeing Wang Luo, he said in a deep voice: "The people from Yueyang stayed with Ziwu and Envoy Zhou Guo the whole time after inspecting Lingshan. They had dinner together and competed in a dojo in Jianmu District. The alibi was so complete that the team could not even find a chance to force the attack."

Wang Luo nodded: "I understand. I promise to find evidence from Yan Fuxue's mouth and break the alibi of Mu Yuqing and others."

"No, it's useless." A vague, male-female mocking voice sounded in the study. That was Han Ying's voice.

At this time, she was hiding her figure at the desk, but even if she was facing the prisoner in the birdcage, she would not risk exposing herself, and she carefully added a layer of cover-up when speaking.

"Nowhere in the hundred countries of the Immortal Alliance will admit the confession of the wild demon, not to mention that they are cunning and vicious in nature, and they are full of lies... Even if they don't deliberately lie, because of their cognitive confusion, they often mistake deer for horse, so no matter Whatever you find out during the trial can only be used for your own hearing at best, and it can never be used as evidence to accuse others. "

Han Wu snorted and said: "So I said there is no need to waste time capturing alive..."

After talking about it, there was even more reluctance in his voice.

"If Lao Yan were alive, he would never be happy to see his body so defiled by the wild demon..."

Wang Luo thought for a while: "Then he shouldn't mind if I recycle the waste?"

This question made Han Wu hesitate.

In the end, it was Han Guming who made the decision: "Let's go ahead and do it. The only one who can extract clues from Huang Mo now is you. You can put the other clues aside for now, but at least you have to figure out how he achieves the disguise."

So Wang Luo and Han Wu immediately walked into a small and thick-walled secret room directly below the study, carrying the bird cage.

Han Wu opened the birdcage and released Yan Fuxue. Wang Luo was about to step forward to extract the information in his own way, but saw the old man's body suddenly twitching for a while, and then he opened his eyes.

"I, what happened to me..."

The next moment, after seeing Wang Luo's face clearly, Yan Fuxue immediately showed a solemn expression: "Master Wangshan? Why are you here?! Please tell the Governor quickly that Mu Yuqing has turned away from the wilderness!"

There was silence in the secret room.

Yan Fuxue showed anxiety on his face: "Master Wangshan! I know that this matter is unbelievable and of great importance! But I guarantee with my life that Mu Yuqing has been able to overcome the danger! I was instantly subdued by her on the Baiyao Ningyuan Stage. The technique she used Magical powers are definitely not the means of the Immortal Alliance! If you can come to save me, you should be able to find traces of her transformation around!"

Wang Luo sighed and looked back at Han Guming: "Governor Han, how do you say this?"

Han Guming was silent for a long time before he said in a calm tone: "Sometimes, the creatures of the wasteland will pretend to be healed to deceive the trust of humans. For thousands of years, this despicable trick has been tried and tested. Even if they know that the wasteland is incurable, there will always be people who are close to them who are lucky... But now it seems that he is probably at his wit's end and will use this trick."

Yan Fuxue's eyes widened when he heard this, and then he looked at himself in disbelief: "I, I have already been transformed into a wasteland? Governor, you mean, I have already been transformed into a wasteland?! But... No, I understand, wait a moment, let me recall my experience before the transformation into a wasteland... No, my memory is not reliable now, right? Then, sir, why do you still keep me?"

Han Guming opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer.

"Sir, if you want to ask me if I have any last wishes, I only have one thing: please take good care of my granddaughter..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a lightning flash pierced through his head, interrupting all his words. The golden flame spread outward from the wound, and it seemed that it was about to spread rapidly.

But before the lightning and fire spread, Wang Luo had already stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pressed on the piercing point, extinguished the flame directly, and then silently absorbed the remaining nutrients from the remains.

"Master Wang, I'm sorry..." Han Guming sighed and put down the lightning sword in his hand, explaining, "Even though I knew that these wild demons would use their original bodies to say some offensive words, I still couldn't help it just now. The greatest pain in Yan Fuxue's life is his relatives. So, thank you for not letting his sacrifice go to waste."

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