Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 228 The country cannot be without a crown prince for a day

Before today, Wang Luo had never thought that there were so many forbidden laws in the world...

Fortunately, the so-called forbidden methods can be divided into two types. One is just like the reddish whirlwind that Wang Luo just rolled. He learned it from Yan Fuxue, the man who transformed the desolation. It is a clear-cut forbidden method of desolation. Once used, everyone will be killed immediately. In short, it is an absolute taboo with no possibility of turning around!

Another kind of prohibited law, although it is also expressly prohibited by law, is a restricted area that is demarcated by the governing bodies of various countries based on various considerations and calculations. Even if people occasionally touch her, they often end up with fines, detention, lowering of the rules, etc. Sometimes they will even say "I'll do it first, my lord!" or "My lord, may I ask if the beauty's service last night was to your liking?" end. It is a daily business item that many large business groups, dignitaries and celebrities love to see.

Wang Luo's technique of transforming pure energy into jade fell into the latter category, so he only got a sigh from Han Guming and it was ignored. The many complete and incomplete technologies extracted from Yan Fuxue must not be exposed to any outsiders.

Because even Han Ying, who is also an ancient monk, has always had some doubts about his ability to skillfully use the Forbidden Law.

She didn't mind Wang Luo mastering the Forbidden Law, but she never expected that Wang Luo could master the Forbidden Law so efficiently!

Because according to common sense, practitioners who belong to the civilized side, even the ancient monks who were born in the old immortal calendar era, are still quite separated from the desolation. It seems that the two sides once came from the same origin, but in the sudden change of history Mutations in reproductive isolation between two species are common. Perhaps the ancient monks could master some of the barren and forbidden methods, but the efficiency of their practice was very low, and the side effects were extremely strong.

At least Han Ying herself is like this, and all the pioneers of desolation in her memory are like this. Except for the Lord, I am afraid that no one can naturally understand the way of desolation and easily roll out a Reddish whirlwind!

Of course, at this moment, Han Ying had no other choice. She had already chosen to trust Wang Luo, and she did not want to change her trust.

It's just obvious that she can't be demanding on anyone else and trust Wang Luo like she does. Even Han Guming, who was loyal to the king, was barely able to suppress his objections. As for the others...

On the other side, Wang Luo naturally understood why the Immortal Alliance was so sensitive to the concept of "ancient monks" and at the same time, how much political capital Han Ying had overdrawn in order to protect him.


For a moment, Wang Luo couldn't help but be in a trance, until about half an hour later, Han Ying broke the silence in the secret room.

"Han...Dad, how did you break the disguise?"

Han Guming looked at his daughter with complicated eyes, then forced a smile and said: "It's already four to five tenths, where are you, Yingying?"

Han Ying said: "I have launched a plan, but I am not in the best condition at this time, so the plan needs to be verified with others before I dare to use it."

Han Guming sighed: "Yingying's talent is indeed far better than mine."

After that, Han Guming took the sapphire from Han Ying with an even more complex expression, poured his spiritual thoughts into it, and soon sighed.

"...It's amazing. I don't have anything to add. Using this method to crack the disguise of the wild demon should be a sure thing."

After saying that, Han Guming looked at Wang Luo: "Master Wangshan, please stop the whirlwind behind you. I can recognize desolation, but it doesn't mean I like the smell of desolation."

Wang Luo smiled: "It seems that we are really done. Let's go and attack Yueyang's special envoy at night without further delay."

Han Guming hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and the next moment, the burly incarnation of Han Wu emerged from a whirlpool and came to the crowd.

"The men of the garrison have been waiting outside the restaurant where the special envoys are staying, and have found nothing unusual. However, no one can guarantee that the surveillance of the garrison is effective."

Obviously, Yan Fuxue was seriously injured and escaped in the Quyuan courtyard before, but he ignored the surrounding circle composed of listeners and desolation teams outside the courtyard. This has proved that this group of desolate demons who sneaked into Rong City have extremely strong concealment capabilities. They were apparently staying at the restaurant, but they were probably asking the guards outside the restaurant to provide alibi for them!

Han Guming said: "Without further delay, you first briefly understand this technique, and then go to Yueyang Special Envoy to identify their true identity. No matter what the result is, don't act rashly... Master Wangshan, you understand What do I mean?"

Wang Luo smiled: "I think that now that we have reached this point, we should stop saying 'no matter what the result is'. The result should be decided before we set off. It seems that you have never heard of the story about washing powder. ?”

"They are the special envoys of the Immortal Alliance! Even if they are not the highest-level envoys, they are still the special envoys authorized by the Immortal Alliance!" Han Ying said, "If I were still on the throne of the Golden Deer Hall at this time, I could indeed find a way to authorize you to kill first and then report later. We can always convince the other four countries by fighting for the reputation we have accumulated over hundreds of years. But if an international dispute arises now, the fact that the throne is empty will inevitably be exposed. We cannot afford this risk, so we must do things but keep a low profile."

Wang Luo's thought was: "So as long as the Amyrlin Seat is not empty, there won't be any risk, right?"

Han Ying sighed: "Sorry, I still haven't found a way to return to the Amyrlin Seat."

"Then you can give way temporarily."


Wang Luo asked curiously, "You've never considered this issue, have you?"

After the words fell, the secret room was silent. After a moment, Han Wu spoke up to break the atmosphere.

"I'm afraid you're the only one who has considered this question."

Wang Luo said, "Excuse me, after the changes in the way of heaven and the blessing of Dinghuang's merits, the life span of the king is much longer than anyone else, even comparable to the real immortals in heaven. Even today in the year 1202 of the new immortal calendar, she is still in her teens, which means she may have nearly ten thousand years of life! I'm afraid she will still be alive and kicking until humans completely drive the wasteland out of Jiuzhou. Could it be that the king of Zhuwang will never change?"

The silence in the secret room continued for a while, and Han Wu was still the first to speak.

"It won't change for eternity, what's wrong with that?"

Wang Luo said: "If she can return to the throne freely, of course it would be great. But in case of emergency, giving up the throne temporarily should be a good emergency plan."

Han Wu asked again: "Who should give up the throne to? Zhu Wang has never considered the replacement of the head of state, and the Golden Deer Hall has never cultivated a successor..."

"Then I will do it." Wang Luo showed unusual confidence at this time, "Since no one else but me has considered it, then give up the throne to me. Anyway, there is no need for me to really rule the position of head of state for a long time, just deal with the war of words of the Immortal Alliance. My professional quality in this regard should be stronger than that of the head of state."

"Don't joke! The Immortal Alliance will send a special envoy to inspect you when you are appointed as a pioneer. If the position of head of state is given to you, I am afraid that the Immortal Alliance will fall apart!"

Han Ying also sighed and said: "Only one person can decide the ownership of Zhu Wang's throne, and that person is not the current head of the throne, so your emergency decision cannot be established at all."

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