Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 236 Returning the Property to Its Original Owner

If the tacit understanding between people was scored numerically, Wang Luo would be willing to give Huang Long a score of 90 when fighting side by side.

This old general, who has a rather crude way of dealing with the world, once enters a fighting state, his thoughts are so delicate that it is almost outrageous.

Wang Luo never mentioned to Huang Long that he now had a trick - sitting in Buming Tower all night just to prepare for this move that could determine the outcome.

But the old general relied on his extremely keen insight and realized from Wang Luo's detailed movements what he wanted to do and what he could do.

Huang Long had no doubt at all that the little guy in front of him, who was still one step away from the golden elixir, could do something that even the veteran Nascent Soul couldn't do - knock down a desolate demon at the level of a god.

However, based on such full tacit understanding and trust, Huang Long still gave an extremely shocking instruction.

Save your special skills for someone other than Mu Yuqing.

Wang Luo was stunned for a moment, and there was almost an obstacle in the connection with Mo Lin's short formation.

There was someone else Huang Long was talking about...could it be Han Guming? Han Guming, who was struggling to support himself in the Governor's Mansion, was obviously getting closer and closer to ending the famine.

The change in the suburbs of the city has happened in a short period of time, but no one has come around. The garrison of Rongcheng, the green and red clothes of Qingping Division, these people who control state violence collectively neglected their duties at such a critical time!

The only possibility is that someone ordered them to do this, asking them to abandon their vocation and watch the desolate atmosphere spread in the suburbs, but do nothing.

In the entire Rong City, only one person has such authority.

It is difficult to say whether Han Guming has completely transformed into wasteland now, but it is only a matter of time after all. If he cannot be stopped before he transforms into wasteland, then he will be the most terrifying enemy in the entire Rong City.

Therefore, if there is any killer move, it will naturally be left to Han Guming.

But the problem now is: on the one hand, Han Guming has left insurance measures for Han Ying. Even if it is really necessary, Wang Luo's killing move may not be used; on the other hand, if the source of the pollution is not killed, Here, there will inevitably be more victims like Han Guming...

"No, I don't mean Han Guming."

In his mind, Huang Long's voice seemed particularly calm.

"The things under Longtai Dingshan have escaped. Just now, the desolate girl pretended to be restrained by my spell and used her hands, causing Longtai Dingshan to fall again before it floated. The desolate demon at the foot of the mountain was unable to struggle out, but that It's just a cover-up, and all that's left at the foot of the mountain is the empty corpse, whose spirit has escaped. "

Wang Luo was shocked when he heard this, because he really didn't notice such details just now! And, ran away! ?

"This is the best skill of this kind of wild demon. You can't tell it by looking at it... But they also underestimated Mo Lin's national treasure. Even though it was burned by the spiritual fire and its power was wilted, Longtai Dingshan and I The connection with the owner of the magic weapon has not been severed, so at least I won’t be able to tell whether the thing buried under the ancient white stone is a living thing or a corpse.”

"So, General Huang, do you think the escaped demon is a stronger threat?

Is it stronger than the desolate demon in front of me?

Just as Wang Luo and Huang Long were talking with their spiritual thoughts, Mu Yuqing had shattered all the apricot-yellow talismans through the air. In the blink of an eye, the thousands of talismans were turned into scraps of paper that had lost their spiritual power, and were destroyed again. The spiritual fire burned into ashes... The Yuanying veteran's unique move was only able to be launched with all his strength with the help of the formation. For cultivators at a higher level, countermeasures are just a piece of cake.

In Wang Luo's view, Mu Yuqing's ferocious power at this time was probably a short-lived outburst in some kind of overdraft state - after all, Huang Mo was fighting on the road in Rong City, and he was in a state of losing his soul. But at least for now, Mu Yuqing's power is genuine.

The realm reflected by his soul is about the middle stage of becoming a god. The inner palace of Duo She's physical body is only at the level of the golden elixir, but it does not constitute a strong restriction - after practicing and entering the realm of becoming a god, the divine thoughts can naturally stir up the aura of heaven and earth. , and in Rongcheng, the most indispensable thing is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that is almost overflowing.

Mu Yuqing is obviously very good at controlling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this state of seizing the body, and can directly perform spells without going through the internal meridians. The limitation of her physical body is that her defense is relatively fragile, and she is easily injured by the counterattack of her own powerful spells, so she cannot fight for a long time. But these side effects are not worth mentioning at all to people who don't care about the life and death of the main body.

Therefore, Mu Yuqing's actual strength, even by the standards of the old Immortal Calendar Era, is enough to dominate a party and is a genuine transformation of the gods.

On our own side, we only have a veteran who has just touched the threshold of the late Nascent Soul, a group of golden elixirs who are like fishes, and a Lingshan Mountain Master who only has golden elixir level combat power in addition to his trump card. Even taking into account the formations, ingenuity, and the burning Mo Lin national treasure, the gap between the strength of the two sides is still huge.

Under such circumstances, Huang Long still wanted Wang Luo to keep his unique skills for the wild demon he had suppressed in one fell swoop?

"Don't be seduced by their conversation. The one who really plays the leading role among the two is the one who is scolded. That person is extremely powerful, but he lacks a little detail in his work. That's why we caught him by surprise and used the dragon platform to settle the mountain. Suppress him. Now that he is out of trouble, his threat will only be greater. The desolate woman is deliberately inducing us to underestimate him! Master Wang, wait until we deal with the desolate woman in front of us before chasing the other person. It’s time for you to use your special skills!”

Wang Luo nodded seriously and understood the implication of Huang Long's words.

The one who ran away is a bigger threat, but now is not the time to worry about where he went. If we can't solve the one in front of us, it's all empty talk. As long as we solve Mu Yuqing and then liberate Longtai Dingshan, then the remaining wild demon, no matter how strong it is, will have a much greater chance of winning against him!

"Finally, I'll give you some good news: these two people are so powerful that they must be the first type of wild demons that are stronger than their personal cultivation, rather than the second type that is good at spreading wild poison. This kind of wild demon will pay a considerable price to turn others into wild demons, so you don't have to worry about the other person contaminating others during his escape."

Wang Luo smiled: "Then I'll borrow the old general's good words. In addition, I have an idea for the current situation..."

Huang Long was stunned when he heard this, and then he burst into a heartfelt laugh.

In the laughter, thousands of apricot yellow talisman papers flashed from the void, and as Huang Long's right hand was clenched, they gradually condensed into one place.

Mu Yuqing waited attentively, and the smile on her face unconsciously lost a little bit of ease.

But then, Huang Long pointed to the open space outside the camp behind him, and millions of talisman papers flew over in an instant and then sank into the ground.

Mu Yuqing was stunned when she saw this, not understanding why Huang Long would use his precious power in an empty space, but the next moment, she showed a look of shock and anger!

However, it was too late. This moment of hesitation was enough for Huang Long to drive millions of talisman papers along the Rongcheng ground vein map passed to him by Wang Luo, penetrate into the underground spiritual veins, and detonate the powerful and surging power in advance!

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, another column of fire shot up into the sky, and the dazzling light instantly overwhelmed Longtai Dingshan, as if a scorching sun rose in the suburbs of the city, and the fuel was ignited one step ahead, and the spiritual fire wrapped around Longtai Dingshan suddenly became sluggish!

Huang Long certainly would not miss the opportunity, and immediately stepped forward again, stretched out his left hand, and in a flash, he collected the ten-meter-high ancient white stone as a jade plate and held it in his palm!

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