Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 243 Useless Things

Beside the scarlet flame, the transformation was completed silently.

Looking at the puppet master with a blush gradually appearing on his outline, Wang Luo clapped his hands gently and said, "Okay, Comrade Dahuang, congratulations on abandoning the darkness and turning to the light, completing the cocoon-breaking ceremony, and serving me from now on..."

The red light on the puppet master suddenly flickered: "My name is not Dahuang..."

"No, from now on, you will be called Dahuang. Remember your name as you remember your duty."

As he spoke, Wang Luo raised his hand, holding his fingers in a condescending manner as if squeezing something. The next moment, the puppet master covered in red light covered his chest with his hands and groaned in pain.

" actually learned this trick?"

Wang Luo just smiled and did not answer.

The heart-to-heart talk is over. As the dominant party, there is no need to explain so much to Dahuang.

But the doubts in Dahuang's heart were actually faced by Wang Luo himself... It was obvious that his talent in the barren forbidden method was a bit too strong. The forbidden method he had previously extracted from Yan Fuxue's body could also be understood as the innate Taoist body's strong digestion ability. , Wang Luo has a high level of understanding. However, in the decisive battle with Dahuang in the Governor's Mansion later, he resisted the transformation to a god-level and remained indifferent, and was able to reverse the transformation afterwards. This is no longer something that can be explained by simple talent.

After truly mastering the Forbidden Law of Desolation and even condensing the golden elixir based on Desolate Poison, Wang Luo's understanding of this power reached an unprecedented level. He already had the answer to many things without even interrogating Da Huang.

Why is it that Dahuang, with his majestic status as a god, cannot complete the transformation of a newly promoted golden elixir - strictly speaking, Wang Luo had not even started condensing the elixir when he first set foot in the Governor's Mansion - on his own home court? Why can Wang Luo, in turn, easily transform rhubarb?

Because this kind of ceremony is essentially neither a fight for realm nor a fight for talent, but a fight for father... What determines the upper and lower ranks is family background. The natives of the wasteland are higher than the "immigrants" converted from the Immortal Alliance, and the immigrants from the Immortal Alliance are higher than the natives of the Immortal Alliance. Then, Wang Luo's status in this chain of contempt is inexplicably high.

Therefore, Wang Luo was able to firmly control a desolate demon whose realm was two levels higher than his. Moreover, this kind of control is so stable and comprehensive that it is even better than that of the master of Lingshan Mountain over his disciples, so that at this time, Wang Luo's most loyal dog has suddenly changed from Shi Yue to Dahuang!

And then, this kind of privilege is even a basic component of the concept of desolation, so Dahuang has no room to struggle at all, and is firmly marked as belonging to Wang Luo.

This kind of mark was something that Wang Luo thought was traces of a kind of divine magic when he was picking up Yan Fu's skills before. But now it seems that he himself is the god.

"Rhubarb, two questions."

"Again, another problem? Uh-huh!"

After a heart-breaking howl, Da Huang no longer dared to make any unnecessary comments: "Master, please tell me."

"First, where did Han Guming and Han Wu go?"

"Han Guming's old house, where they ambush Han Ying."

This answer surprised Wang Luo: "Why are they targeting Han Ying?"

Dahuang raised his eyes next to the fire - even though this dark world is essentially a world made up of spiritual thoughts, and all actions have no practical meaning, he still prefers to be sneaky.

"Because Han Ying is Lu Youyou."

"...Tsk, how did you know? Han Guming doesn't even know how to protect this little secret, right?"

There was a hint of schadenfreude in Dahuang's tone: "Of course he handled himself cleanly, and his memory operation was almost flawless, but his clone was not under his control. If Han Wu was contaminated, Han Ying's identity would inevitably be exposed. Oh, I wish you the best, Lord of the Kingdom , but fell into such a situation, the immortal alliance’s strength is also exhausted.”

Wang Luo glanced at him, his eyes flashing red.

Dahuang clearly sensed the threat, but still kept talking: "Master, I really admire your ability, and I am convinced that you accepted me as your slave. But since you have such ability, you might as well go to the wilderness..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Luo clenched his right hand again, interrupting all the nonsense with a gesture of power.

"Second question, can you control Han Guming?"

Dahuang groaned: "No, you can't. The cocoon-breaking ceremony is essentially a ceremony that gives people freedom, not a ceremony that enslaves others. Strictly speaking, Master, you are abusing your power now... Moreover, the person who transformed him It’s Mu Yuqing. After Mu Yuqing’s death, Han Guming will be a free man.”

After that, Dahuang added: "Master, Han Guming is hopeless. I don't know how you can maintain a free stance with such a pure bloodline. But as far as I know, there has never been anyone, He can return to his original state after breaking out of the cocoon. You can find ways to remove the desolate poison in his body to the point where you think there is no way to go, but his position will still be firmly on the side of Tianzhizuo. Me, you can make me live and die, or even make me die, but you can't make me loyal to the Immortal Alliance! I can't even say false words!"

Wang Luo was silent for a moment, then said: "Then read to me: I hereby swear that I completely renounce any membership in any sect, king, country or organization to which I have belonged..."

Before he finished speaking, Dahuang, who was possessed by red light, exploded his head with a bang.

Although it was just a world of spiritual thoughts, Dahuang was hit hard by this, and he instantly became sluggish, turning into a wriggling cocoon of flesh, and could no longer speak.

"……Useless things."

Reluctantly giving up the interrogation of Da Huang, Wang Luo returned his mind to reality.

The long conversation in the world of mind took only a short moment in reality. At this time, the sky outside the Governor's Mansion still retained the afterglow left by his fierce battle with Yuanying Da Huang, and in the distance to the west, a clear and proportional space tear could be seen - that was Guan Dingnan's work.

Finally, around the Governor's Mansion, there were already more than two hundred fully armed wasteland removal team members, displaying various weapons and aiming at Wang Luo.

A middle-aged man who looked like a captain said hesitantly: "Master Wang, I wonder if you mind explaining..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another captain: "What do you need to explain? Can't you see the wild fire he just released, or can't you see his close connection with the remains of the wild demon? According to the Dinghuang Law, we only need to kill this wild creature immediately, leaving no bones behind!"

Then, he sacrificed the flying sword. Although he didn't really start it immediately, he was only a thought away from activating the sword energy.

Looking at the dedicated and fearless members of the wasteland clearing team around him, Wang Luo could only sigh again.

"...Useless things."

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