Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 263 A new battle is about to begin

In Taixu Illusion, Lu Youyou made a grand appearance like a dream, instantly grabbing everyone's attention.

The sky was dyed a clear and dazzling white gold by her, and her flawless face was surrounded by radiance, looking dignified and holy. Even her figure was as tall and majestic as Mo Lin's Dragon Head Mountain.

And this is the Lu Youyou who is familiar to people from hundreds of countries in the Immortal Alliance. Whenever there is a grand festival, she will appear in front of the public with such a posture, showing the supreme majesty of the number one person in the Immortal Alliance.

The next moment, Lu Youyou's voice echoed throughout Taixu.

"Everyone wishes the citizens well. My name is Lu Youyou. In view of the emergency situation that occurred in Rongcheng not long ago, I decided to deliver a speech to all the people across the country to clarify the relevant facts to avoid the spread of rumors and panic among the people."

"I swear to Taixu Tianzun in the name of the Chief of Xiankulin of Guanghan Palace; I swear to Jianmu in the name of the Lord of the Jade Seat of Jinlu Hall; I swear to everyone who hears the voice at this moment in the name of Lu Youyou. I swear: Everything I state is true, and everything I do is for the sake of hope and the Immortal Alliance."

"Last night, desolate demons came from the center of the moon and caused trouble in Rong City. They mastered unknown infiltration techniques and concealed themselves from the eyes of the trees in the city. They attacked suddenly and contaminated Governor Han Guming and several important officials of the Governor's Mansion. And because of Rong City's Due to the special governance structure, no one could control the situation within a short period of time. Due to my personal negligence, I was unable to prevent the situation from deteriorating immediately. Fortunately, the situation in the city was still not controlled by the governor. The people who were ordered to restrain the situation turned the tide in the critical moment. General Huang Long, the special envoy of Mo Lin, and Wang Luo, the leader of Lingshan Mountain... Thanks to their heroic fighting, the poisonous pollution did not spread in the end, and the culprits were also punished. However, at the same time, the disaster was still there. "Our losses are still heavy."

"Due to the chaos caused by the wild demon, Rongcheng suffered hundreds of casualties in just one night, most of which came from the Governor's Mansion. Governor Han Guming himself was the first to bear the brunt! In addition, Wang Luo, the Lord of Lingshan Mountain, and Huang Long, General Mo Lin, acted to turn the tide. Their cores were all polluted by the poison of desolation. Although they were lucky enough to survive, they each paid a heavy price."

“Here, as the Lord of the Golden Deer Hall’s Amyrlin Seat, I would like to sincerely apologize to every victim in this chaos. At the same time, I would also like to express my sincere condolences to the soldiers who are fighting on the front line. The highest respect.”

"As of now, the chaos in Rong City has been initially effectively controlled, the source of the pollution has been identified and punished, the infiltration technology it mastered has also been cracked, and the countermeasures are rapidly spreading to the garrison. But at the same time, this The desolation has not yet completely ended, and the garrison can still find the contaminants left by the desolate demon in every corner of the city. It will still take a long time for the city to return to normal operation, and whether the desolate demon still has a backup plan. It’s still unknown.”

"The chaos of the wilderness has brought us a painful lesson and warning: the strategies we think are perfect to quell the famine often become our shield. When it comes to the cessation of the famine, we cannot sit back and relax at any time. Generally speaking, , we must firmly believe that the Immortal Alliance will definitely win the battle between civilization and desolation, but when it comes to implementation, we must be cautious and vigilant at all times.”

"Afterwards, the Golden Deer Office will quickly organize manpower to go to Rongcheng and temporarily take over the responsibilities of the Governor's Mansion until the situation returns to stability. The Golden Deer Office will also reorganize the deduction of the previously formulated pioneering strategy."

"Finally, as the chief of the Immortal Dry Forest of Guanghan Palace, I request that the Immortal Alliance Conference be convened immediately to strictly investigate the source of this desolate demon. The desolation in Rong City must never happen again, and the desolation tide in White Key City a hundred years ago must never happen again. Not to be repeated!"

"That's all my speech."

"May the fire of civilization burn forever."

Lu Youyou's speech was not long. Soon, her figure dispersed like mist, and the sky in Taixu Illusion and the major cities in Zhuwang returned to its original appearance.

However, the stirring echo left by this speech in people's hearts cannot be dissipated for a long time.

Shock, grief, anger...extremely complex emotions continue to brew in people's hearts as time passes, becoming more extreme.

Then, when the emotion reaches its limit. The gag order imposed on Taixu Illusion suddenly disappeared.

People can already freely discuss the chaos in Rongcheng.

Then, Wang Luo exited the Taixu Illusion Realm in time, avoiding the surging public opinion that was more turbulent than the Taiyin River.

As a front-line witness to the chaos in Rong City and the person who made the first contribution, he did not really want to participate in these passionate public discussions. What's more, the development of the situation is completely foreseeable.

Lu Youyou's speech was not perfect, but as the leader of the Immortal Alliance, her strong voice in the Taixu Illusion Realm, as well as the timeliness of her speech, brought overwhelming advantages.

Before rumors spread and people's hearts began to wander, she used an absolutely forceful attitude to instill the truth. People accepted her whole words almost without reservation, and then followed her preset thinking trajectory to vent their emotions in the right direction.

Before Wang Luo left, the Taixu illusion was filled with the voices of people cursing Huang Mo and Yue Yang.

On the contrary, there are very few voices of doubt and accusation against Rongcheng and Zhuwang. Even if there are a few gangsters who hold conspiracy theories and skepticism, they will be quickly labeled as wild devils and then drowned in verbal and written criticism.

Lu Youyou's preemptive strategy of using offense instead of defense was undoubtedly a great success.

"That's awesome, Lord of the Deer Kingdom."

Wang Luo couldn't help but admire it.

"You're welcome, Master Wangshan."

The sudden voice behind them startled Wang Luo and Shi Yue.

Turning back, they saw the figure that had just covered the sky and the sun, standing there in a petite and delicate posture, smiling sweetly.

Wang Luo couldn't help but think that Shi Yue was right. This little Lu was a little small, but she was really beautiful.

However, the beautiful smile was fleeting, and Lu Youyou came back, of course, not to see Wang Luo's surprised expression.

She said seriously: "To make a long story short: Guanghan Palace's Immortal Alliance Conference will be held soon, and I need you to attend with me."

Then, Lu Youyou turned around and looked at the group of Mo Lin people who had just walked out of the basement with great interest.

"Of course, this also includes several generals of Mo Lin. You are all important parties involved. If you can help us to tell the truth in front of the heads of the countries of the Immortal Alliance..."

Huang Long laughed and interrupted: "Even if Lord Lu didn't say anything about this, I would not miss it. Don't worry, I will definitely be there to help you!"

"Okay, then we'll meet again in Guanghan Palace."

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