Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 269: Retreat to Advance

In most cases, anyone who can become the leader of a country will never be a fool if they have a week to prepare.

Even if the king himself has Alzheimer's disease, incontinence and copper smelting, as long as his staff can still function normally, his behavior will not be too outrageous. Even if he occasionally loses control, there will be a professional team to clean up his mess and make him look less stupid - unless he has a particularly aggressive competitor.

What's more, the contemporary Lord Butian is never a fool.

Gao Heng was born into the wealthy Gao family in Yueyang and served Lord Butian loyally for three generations, totaling more than two hundred years. However, the famine that happened a hundred years ago rolled back, and the owner of Red Tower turned into a famine and set up an ambush to seriously injure Lord Butian, leaving him in bed for decades. This depleted the monarch's reputation and virtue, so much so that when he passed away, his youngest son succeeded him as the king. After taking the throne, the Gao family arranged a grand abdication ceremony with almost no effort. And the whole country, and even the hundred countries of the Immortal Alliance, recognized this dynasty change.

And Gao Heng lived up to expectations. He worked hard during his twenty years in office and won the reputation as the Lord of ZTE. Many people in Yueyang regard him as the key to the national destiny for the next hundred years.

Now, this highly-popular leader of ZTE has raised a flag of rebellion against the leader of the Immortal Alliance at the very beginning!

Use offense instead of defense to gain the upper hand. Not only Lu Youyou can use this move, but Butianjun uses it even more radically and ruthlessly!

As soon as his arrogance came out, there was naturally an uproar in the venue. Changsheng Jun, the leader of Zhou Guo Kingdom who was the rotating host, gently tapped the table with his knuckles, as if a drop of clear spring fell in everyone's heart, and the commotion immediately stopped. .

"Bu Tianjun, let me remind you that the meeting has a set process and no one is allowed to take the initiative. I am giving you a warning."

After a pause, the old man added: "If the current chief must be impeached, please respect the impeachment process."

Gao Heng smiled calmly, leaned forward and said: "Sorry, I was rude, then I will follow the rules of the Immortal Alliance and exercise my emergency powers as a member of the Immortal Kulin Forest to formally impeach Chief Lu Youyou. This matter has a higher priority than For all the existing matters, I ask Changshengjun to follow the rules and advance the procedures."

Lord Changsheng was shocked when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but look at Lu Youyou.

Procedurally, this is indeed the case. There are only five official members of Xiankulin. Although there is an order of seats, for the sake of basic fairness, members of any seat have the right to object to this order in an emergency. Although The cost of impeachment is high, and few people have tried to challenge the position of chief before. But if someone does exercise this power, then Chang Shengjun, as the host, has no reason to object.

However, the program is a program, and Lu Youyou is Lu Youyou. Even if she is just a low-end version of the Lord, she still has the privilege to override the rules undeniably!

However, when Lu Youyou saw this, he just smiled calmly. Although he said nothing, his attitude was clear at a glance.

Just follow the rules, I don't mind.

So, amid the whispers in the audience, Lord Changsheng sighed: "Then, Lord Butian, please state your reasons."

Lord Butian nodded and said in a deep voice: "I think everyone here knows that from the moment the Immortal Alliance was founded, the Lords of Zhuwang Kingdom have enjoyed unique privileges, first Lu Zhiyao and then Lu Youyou. The chief of the Immortal Kulin Forest The name is never a false title, and they have never hesitated to exercise their privileges. For thousands of years, the Lord of Zhuwang has always firmly controlled the overall strategic direction of the Immortal Alliance in an unquestionable manner, and has even directly intervened in other countries. Internal affairs, in the most extreme cases, they even dare to cross the border to kill the leader of another country! "

After a pause, Gao Heng knew very well that these words would cause an emotional backlash in the audience, and then changed the topic and said: "But also, for thousands of years, we have always acquiesced in the existence of this privilege because we believe that they have the ability. Make good use of this privilege. Facts have proved that even the most unreasonable behavior can still prove that they are right because of their merit and ability. "

After properly dispelling the audience's backlash, Gao Heng once again stated his actual point of view.

"However, to this day, I have to wonder whether Lu Youyou still has the ability to exercise her privileges well? What's more, I have to wonder whether she has been corrupted by her privileges and started to neglect public affairs for personal reasons!"

After that, before the audience's emotions surged again, Lord Butian once again accurately predicted the emotion and said: "A week ago, the Lord of the Deer Kingdom used his chief privileges to ask Tianzun to block the illusion, and he publicly accused Yue Yang. Indulging the Desolate Demon has led to chaos in Rong City. Over the past week, our country has carefully investigated and discovered that there are indeed traces of Desolate Demon contamination in the country. The Ningyuan Diagram directly showed strange phenomena, but it was cleverly disguised by the Desolate Demon. So much so that no one could discover it before..."

At this point, Butianjun paused at the right time, allowing the audience in the venue enough time to raise questions.

I thought you were going to fight back and make unreasonable excuses, but then you just confessed on the spot? Then what else are you impeaching? Grandstanding?

However, when the heads of the hundreds of kingdoms were confused, Wang Luo, who was sitting high up, couldn't help but frown: "He has a hand."

Han Xingyan glanced at him but did not ask, as if he had no curiosity at all.

The person who was in charge of asking questions was the conscientious host Changsheng Jun: "Butian Jun, I don't quite understand what you are saying. Desolation has always been pervasive, and no country or family dares to say that their Dinghuang barrier will always be infallible, and the disaster of desolation has never been eliminated. The omissions in Yueyang cannot be taken for granted, but it is reasonable. If something went wrong, you should apologize and make corrections. Why do you want to impeach the victim?"

Butian Jun then said: "Yes, if something went wrong, rectification and apology are all due; Rongcheng has suffered I can understand that Yue Yang was severely injured and was dissatisfied with him. But Lord Lu made a sudden national speech and put Yue Yang in a situation where he almost betrayed the Immortal Alliance. Is this an overreaction? "

After a pause, Lord Bu Tian said, "Of course, if it was just an overreaction, I would admit it. After all, Yue Yang was indeed at fault. But combined with the following incident, I have to question Lord Lu's motives!"

As he said this, he stretched out his hand to Changshengjun to show something. The old man frowned and nodded.

The next moment, several melon seeds for taking pictures appeared in Lord Bu Tianjun's hands with golden light, and then he pinched the shell and presented the pictures recorded in it to everyone present.

The background of the picture was Guanghan Fairy Palace. On a winding corridor, Lord Bu Tian was chatting and laughing with several rulers of Yue Yang's neighboring countries.

That was the scene of the Immortal Alliance holding a temporary meeting in Guanghan Palace due to the sudden change of the pioneer in Rongcheng. Soon after, a special delegation was sent to Rongcheng.

Next, as Lord Bu Tian shook his finger, the focus of the picture also changed. Not far from the heads of several countries, there was a graceful girl, who was carefully sticking half of her face out from behind a pillar, with a look of pride that her trick had succeeded!

However, this cute and innocent expression, at this moment, was meaningful to everyone in the meeting!

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