Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 271 Congratulations on falling into the trap perfectly

Facing Lord Butian's aggressive attitude, Lu Youyou just sat calmly on the raised seat with a slightly subtle look on his face.

Although according to the rules of the meeting, even if you are the chief, you should not take the floor before the host gives permission, but as we all know, a chief who will honestly abide by all the rules is not worthy of being the chief.

Then her silence and her subtle expression at this time seemed even more intriguing.

On the other side, Lord Butian was silent for a moment, but his heartbeat accelerated more and more, showing extreme tension... and anticipation.

Nervous, because anyone who raises a rebellion against Chief Xiankulin in Guanghan Palace has countless reasons to be nervous. The expectation was because his counterattack had already taken effect, and Lu Youyou was indeed forced into an extremely narrow road by him.

At the same time, Wang Luo also frowned slightly.

Because Butianjun did find a good enough angle, using Gong Qilan as the entry point to attack Lu Youyou's chief privilege, and he did catch the little girl's habit of sneaking around when she had nothing to do.


"Do not worry."

Suddenly, Han Xingyan's voice came to his ears.

"She has been guided by that Lord for more than seven hundred years."

Even if you really can't trust Lu Youyou, who has been the leader of the Immortal Alliance for five hundred years... you should at least trust Lu Zhiyao.

"Oh, that makes sense, then I'll wait and see."

At this time, the whispers of the heads of state in the venue had become more and more noisy. As the host, Lord Changsheng had to knock on the table again to make the Qingquan fall.

Then, he looked at Lu Youyou with a hint of confusion.

"Chief Lu," Lord Changsheng said, "Do you have anything to say about Lord Butian's issue?"

Lu Youyou smiled and said: "Of course, but it may be longer. I hope you can be mentally prepared."

After that, Lu Youyou spoke first without waiting for Lord Changsheng to nod.

"As for Lord Butian's question, my answer is very simple, because from the beginning there was no secret that you were thinking about. So naturally, neither Guanghan Immortal Palace nor Taixu Tianzun will have any reaction."

When Lord Butian heard this, he was shocked, then angry, but in the end it was funny.

However, before he could open his mouth to laugh, Lu Youyou had already continued his explanation.

"Let's take this photo you carefully prepared as an example. Everyone, please take a look."

As she spoke, she flicked her finger, and the scene that was supposed to be controlled by Lord Butian suddenly fell into her control.

Butianjun wanted to counterattack in a hurry, but he only felt that the scene was completely out of control, and he couldn't even find an entry point to counterattack!

At this time, the screen was under Lu Youyou's control, focusing on a pot of green plants in the corner of the corridor.

"The creatures who were present at the time and did not participate in the secret conversation, but heard all the conversations, clearly still have this thing. But I would like to ask everyone, is this considered peeking into secrets? Of course not, because the green plants in Guanghan Palace have not opened up spiritual intelligence, and human beings Similarly, although Gong Qilan likes to run around with the barrier skills I passed on to her, she has never been interested in conversations between adults. Even if I tell her, she can’t hear it.”

After saying that, before the audience could recover from this overbearing logic, Lu Youyou said again: "Of course, Lord Butian will definitely ask, if Gong Qilan really did not peek into the secret, Yueyang National Sacrifice Finally, what is the apocalypse instilled by the National Destiny? But in fact, if you change the angle a little, the answer will be clear. Secrets are being spied on, and secrets are not kept strictly. In essence, people do not want to know. But the specific method is not limited to being eavesdropped on the conversation. "

As he said that, Lu Youyou clearly showed a hint of sarcasm.

When that smile appeared, Wang Luo from above seemed to see his senior sister's face in a trance.

"Sometimes, even in face-to-face conversations, secrets may be revealed. Mr. Butian, you have always boasted that you are incredibly insightful. You can read other people's thoughts and deduce other people's secrets from just a few words... That's not true. Have you ever thought that one day, someone would spy on you in the same way?"

Before he finished speaking, Lord Butian's expression showed a slight change.

Although subtle, it is conclusive that for the leader of the Yueyang Kingdom who has been in the Yuanying realm for more than 20 years, this slight change is enough to show his inner shake.

"That's right, among the kings who talked to you at the beginning, some of them noticed your secret from your words, and later told me. From this perspective, you are indeed lax in keeping secrets. As for the informer I won’t tell you who the whistleblower is right now, and I won’t tell you the secrets mentioned by the informer either. Mr. Butian, why don’t you come and take a peek and see if you can find the answer?”

Lord Butian remained silent, and did not turn his gaze to look at the expressions of the neighboring kingdom leaders. He seemed to have completely regained his composure.

But Lu Youyou easily noticed his inner panic.

"Here, I can list a few alternatives to see which one you plan to choose, Mr. Butian. First, the scene in your hand should theoretically be after the national sacrifice. You are sure that you are not keeping the secret strictly, so Lawyer Yu Li The calculation technique was used to trace back one's own memory and lock this scene at this time, but in fact this is a real record - you had already noticed Lan'er's arrival at that time! It’s not that there are no flaws, and since you are a well-known insight expert in the Immortal League, and you know Lan’er will come in advance, it is naturally not difficult to find her.”

"Second, as to why you knew she would come, it's because she was half led here by you! That little guy is very greedy. Every time he smells the Yunjuan fruit, he can't help but come over. You happened to be carrying the Yunjuan fruit at that time. The kings who were spying with you should still remember the taste of that snack."

After that, without waiting for the kings who were named to speak out in a daze, Lu Youyou said: "Third, the reason why you calculated Lan'er is that you have long wanted to impeach me through these children I adopted in the fairy palace. For this reason, you also deliberately threatened Lan'er's most trusted best friend Xin'er - many of her family members are now in the sky prison of Yueyang Kingdom, and their lives and deaths depend on your words. So Xin'er was forced to tell you many things about Lan'er, and then you designed a simple and practical secret trap. Unfortunately, you don't know that the real secret is not the innocent Lan'er, but the neighboring king who was called by you as the background for the secret talk, but is better at insight than you."

At this time, Bu Tianjun's expression could not help but become gloomy.

But Lu Youyou's story has not yet been told, or rather, it has just entered the key point.

"Fourth, you designed these traps because you had long expected that there would be a day when I would hold you accountable. As the Lord of Yueyang, did you really only discover the changes in the Ningyuan Map after the chaos in Rongcheng? Or did you already know that Yueyang was infiltrated by the Desolate Demon, but pretended not to know!?"

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