Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 28 Just to get things back to the way they should be

Zhou Lu didn't stay in Shifu for long. After reluctantly cooperating with Zhao Xiuwen to solve half of the exercises, she had to go back to the academy.

Because she also had to work-study, as a poor student who barely passed the admission examination, Zhou Lu was not able to get any decent scholarships, and had to pay for her own living expenses while studying in the academy. Thanks to the college providing a lot of part-time jobs for this kind of students, with more money and less work, and with some support from Zhao Xiuwen, Zhou Lu was barely able to be self-reliant.

After sending Zhou Lu away, Zhao Xiuwen was not idle. He immediately packed up and ran to Academy Street in Shangcheng District.

As the name suggests, Academy Street was built next to Rongcheng Academy. However, over the past millennium, there have been more than one academy on this street that helps people condense their elixirs. Naturally, in addition to Chengyintang, other private cram schools will emerge at the right time. Most of these private schools are expensive, no less expensive than Chengyintang, and the children from wealthy families there often leave some chores, such as after-school homework, to poor families like Zhao Xiuwen.

Watching the young couple go away, Wang Luo felt more and more that the green bamboo in his hand was as light as a feather.

Although those two people were not impoverished, they were clearly struggling. But from beginning to end, they never had the slightest bit of greed for the green bamboo in Wang Luo's hands.

So, what weight can something like this that is not recognized by the Ascension Record and even looked down upon by poor people have?


Early the next morning, Wang Luo saw the weight of the feather in his hand.

When the sky was still dark, the sounds of bustling and hustle and bustle could be heard outside Shi Mansion.

"Brother Shen, are you here too? So early?"

"I haven't slept all night, can I get up early?"

"It's strange. Didn't we agree before that unless we are really urgent for money, we should not go to Shi Yatou to collect debts? Why did we suddenly change our mind..."

"Who knows, it was Mr. Kong who called me anyway, so I have to come, right?"

"Don't let Mr. Kong focus on the talisman in Shi Yatou's hand, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense! If you really want to target him, it's a sinister move... It's said that Shi Yue suddenly collected the debt. He didn't want to be exploited by the bank, so he took advantage of the bank's change of heart and paid off the debts of the neighbors first."

"Did you get it all together?! Really? Shi Xiu Sheng borrowed more than a million yuan in total, right? Shi Yue, that poor little fairy who can lose his wallet even if he buys groceries..."

"It is said that I met a noble person."

"What kind of noble person can fall in love with people from Stone Street? That's nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense, I've seen a real person! He's a man with a jade face who is nine feet tall and has black hair like a waterfall. He had a date with Shi Yue at Liji Shaorou, and he raised his finger and knocked the shit out of Li Dongyang's grandson!"

"Damn it, it's that person! No wonder, no wonder! I didn't expect that Xiao Yue, who has always been unlucky, would have a day like this."

"Haha, of course, people can be very prosperous. The Shi family is a big family that has served Lingshan in ancient times. This kind of family really has life-saving insurance measures when the family is in decline, dilapidated and declining. There are many such stories in the mirage, You will know just by looking at it. For example, there is probably a ring hidden in the Shi family's ancestral house, which contains a trace of the ancient monk's soul."

"For another example, the ancestors of the Shi family hid an oilcloth bag in a well in the Lingshan Scenic Area, and the spare nobleman was wrapped in the bag..."

As more and more people arrived, the discussion outside the hospital became more and more heated. By six o'clock in the morning, the small square outside the courtyard could no longer accommodate anyone, so that people had to spend their real energy to float in the air.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the light from the far east shines through the forest-like Shangcheng District and onto the stone streets, wrapping the floating neighbors in golden-red outlines like strings of over-fried silkworm chrysalis.

The noise of the crowd gradually faded away, as if they were expecting something together.

At half past seven, the courtyard door of Shi Mansion opened.

Wang Luo took the lead to step out, followed by Shi Yue with a solemn expression.

In front of the gate of Shifu, Kong Zhang had been waiting for a long time.

The old man got straight to the point: "A total of 73 people from the neighbors who originally provided the loan to Shi Xiusheng have arrived. The other neighbors are here as witnesses. Shi Yue, are you ready?"

The girl nodded and looked at Wang Luo.

Wang Luo took out twelve clear green bamboos, causing the crowd to make a small noise again.

"Holy crap, is this attitude serious!? And it's actually cash!"

"It seems that there is hope for the revival of the Shi family..."

Kong Zhang did not let the neighbors talk for too long. The old man raised his hand, instantly suppressed all the noise, and then said: "Then, all the neighbors, please take back the money you deserve in order."

After the third jade master spoke, the creditors came to Wang Luo one after another with IOUs, handing over the money with one hand and the note with the other... The debts of the 73 people were cleared in a short time.

Kong Zhang said: "The process has been confirmed to be correct. The Shi family's debt to Shijie has been paid off. From now on, the Shi family will still be one of the three jade owners. Do any of the neighbors have any objections?"

The crowd looked at each other, but no one answered.

Kong Zhang glanced at a wretched figure hiding in the middle of the air.

"Niu Er, this happened because of you, what do you say now?"

That man in a black vest was the middle-aged blind man who asked Shi Yue on behalf of the neighbors yesterday when he came to collect debts. At this time, Kong Zhang named him. He couldn't help but shrink his neck, and then showed a twisted and flattering smile: "Kong Zhang Master, my name is not Niu Er..."

"Then you will change your name to Niu Er from today on. What do you think of what I just said?"

The newcomer Niu Er smiled bitterly and said: "Master Kong, it's not my turn to speak about the Jade Master."

"It wasn't your turn to speak about the Shi family's debt, so why didn't you speak up anyway? So you should talk about it too."

Niu Er still wanted to shirk the blame, but he saw Kong Zhang suddenly took off his thick-soled glasses and pierced his eyes like a sharp sword.

"I want you to express your opinion, but can't you understand what I'm saying?!"

Niu Er was so excited that even his prostate trembled in an instant. He fell straight from mid-air. Fortunately, he had a great skill in entraining qi, so the fall only made him dizzy, which did not prevent him from speaking immediately.

"I, I have no objection! I support the Shi family's restoration of the status of Jade Master!"

Kong Zhang nodded: "Okay, remember to say the same to Zhang Yu when you go back."

"Ah? I, I don't know Zhang..."

Kong Zhang ignored this person and looked at Shi Yue: "First of all, I should congratulate you for finally taking the first step to revitalize the family. But I must ask one more question here. From now on, what will happen to the Shi family?" The talisman holder, is it you or this little friend Wang Luo? "

Shi Yue didn't hesitate: "Of course it's him."

Wang Luo immediately said: "Of course it's her."

Kong Zhang smiled: "It seems that the real Shi family is still responsible for the affairs of Shijie. Shi Yue, your character and ability are actually seen by the neighbors. You will be the jade master. Everyone Still agree.”

Shi Yue sighed: "I'm a little scared."

"Fear is a good thing. In today's era, the position of Jade Master is not as valuable as before, but it is still related to the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people in Stone Street. I, the third Jade Master, can be free and easy, Zhang Yu, the second The Jade Master can be selfish, but you are different. No matter how the Shi family declines, it is still the face and pillar of Shijie. It is the blessing of the people of Shijie that you can hold the talisman in fear. "

As he spoke, Kong Zhang also sighed: "These words are ironic for me, the master of jade talismans who has accomplished nothing, so you can just treat them as the nagging of an old man and forget it."

Shi Yue's lips moved, and after a long time, he solemnly said: "No, thank you for your continued care. I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

At the same time, all the surrounding neighbors were silently witnessing all this.

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