Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 282 It’s better to burn the book

Wang Luo is quite confident in his plan to burn books.

Lu Zhiyao was willful and free-spirited throughout her life. Even when she was being chased by Song Yijing, she was still able to describe her new work to Wang Luo while running and laughing, "Reincarnated as a Tentacle King whose normal attack is all-attack and has mucus attached." The bright future of the best-selling Jiuzhou is a model that will not give up even if it sees the Yellow River.

But even for such a person, there are still things that are worrying about them and difficult to let go of.

And burning books in person is undoubtedly one of them.

It's a pity that Wang Luo's grand blueprint has just begun and was suppressed.

Just listen to Lu Youyou scream: "What are you going to do?!"

The next moment, Wang Luo felt a blur in front of his eyes and a light touch in his hand. Lu Youyou snatched the book "The Spiritual Mountain" with its lingering fragrance, which was so delicate, and carefully put it back in his arms.

As for Wang Luo, the newly promoted Huang Dan, he didn't even have time to react, let alone resist.

Lu Youyou put the manuscript away, her face turned red just now, and she said angrily: "This is not only the treasure of the Lord, but also my treasure! Are you going to burn it if you say it!?"

Wang Luo shook his head and admitted that he was indeed careless. The manuscript that can be collected by Lu Youyou is obviously of great value to her. Maybe she is the protagonist of the novel?

Having said that, I really want to see it...

After thinking about it, Wang Luo suggested: "What about burning books?"

Lu Youyou gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "My lord has always been willing to copy her favorite works by hand. After hundreds of years of accumulation, there are countless manuscripts..."

Wang Luo understood: "I understand, shall we burn down the house?"

"..." Lu Youyou was speechless for a moment, "I think you are a bit extreme! In short, burning books may not really irritate her, so why not change the collection? I know there are a few treasures that she really can't bear to have any damage."

"Good." Wang Luo couldn't help but admire, "Sure enough, you, the person who has been with her day and night for hundreds of years, are even more brutal when stabbing her in the back."

"Huh!" Lu Youyou didn't refute, but just gave Mo Yu next to him a look. The latter immediately understood and backed away gently.

After a while, Mo Yu returned and brought a collection that opened Wang Luo's eyes.

A pretty girl dressed in white and with a calm expression.

To be precise, it is a model of a young girl. However, this model is made extremely delicately and it is made of unknown materials. It looks lifelike. The skin, eyes, everything is the same as a real person.

The girl is not a stunning beauty, especially compared with Lu Youyou who is so close at hand, she suddenly looks mediocre. However, she has an unforgettable and unique temperament, as if every inch of her skin and every detail of her movements has an indescribable mysterious charm.

But this fairy charm, in Wang Luo's eyes, was so familiar that Wang Luo was so familiar that he was dumbfounded for a moment and didn't know what to say!

Because he also has this fairy charm! Its name is Innate Tao Body!

"So, this..."

Lu Youyou sighed: "This is the most proud work of the Lord."


"It's also the heroine who was so charming in the book just now."


"She spent a long time carving out the model of this character bit by bit with her own hands. At that time, I was always surprised that this girl was obviously her original fictional character, but when carving the model, she seemed to be referring to some real prototype... …Now I know the answer. Your Lord’s most proud work is ultimately you.”

It was obviously a line that sounded like a defeated dog wailing, but when Lu Youyou said it at this time, it didn't seem to be the least bit sad.

"By the way, I remembered something: Guess, after the Lord finished making this model, what did she do immediately?"

Wang Luo reported the correct answer without expression: "Look at the bottom of the skirt."

"Well, as expected of the mountain master, I really understand."

Lu Youyou smiled, approvingly, his smile was as flawless as the clear sky, and there was absolutely no trace of schadenfreude.

With that flawless smile, Wang Luo punched the model mercilessly and hit the model on the head.

However, the heavy punch that could theoretically shatter half a hill only caused dense circles of ripples on the surface of the model. All the power was dissolved and dissipated, and not a single drop fell on the model body.

Lu Youyou sighed: "I said, she doesn't want these treasures to be damaged at all, how can she not apply any defense? If she wants to destroy this model with brute force, I'm afraid Marshal Guan's magic weapon talisman won't be able to do it. arrive."

With that said, Lu Youyou waved and lifted the model from the air, and walked slowly to the golden Jianmu.

"Lord, if you are really still awake and still looking at this place, then please... look at me too."

As she spoke, her hands fell down quickly, like gentle water, but as fast as thunder and lightning.

The next moment, the model's head fell along with the plain hand.

The moment the model was decapitated, it also showed a complete disintegration. The model, which was as still as a real person, suddenly turned into countless snow-white foam and disappeared with the wind.

This gust of wind came inexplicably, because the Golden Formation is high in the sky and is actually a unified entity. Wind, rain, sun and moon are all governed by rules... But this gust of wind just came, not only blowing away the foam that the model had turned into, but also blowing off the wood on the building. Several golden leaves.

The fallen leaves were pulled by invisible force in mid-air and fell into Lu Youyou's hands. She looked at the veins on the leaves and her mood couldn't help but said: "Lord, you... are indeed awake. It's great."

After saying that, she held the leaf tightly, as if she was holding a priceless fairy treasure.

Wang Luo looked confused: "What are you doing?"

Lu Youyou woke up from her feelings when she was asked, shook her head and said: "Don't you want to verify whether she is awake? Now the conclusion has come out..."

"Are you satisfied if you shake just two leaves?"

"Otherwise, what else? Even destroying her favorite model will only make Jianmu lose its leaves. She must have some difficulty showing up."

Wang Luo sighed: "Whether there is really a problem, you can only know if you try again. You said before that she retired suddenly, and she didn't explain many things clearly, so she became the boss. Then she should have many serial works that have not been completed, right?"

"Yes, as I said before, in the first two hundred years after she retired, we could occasionally talk to each other during the Golden Deer Festival. She would still ask me to help her finish her unfinished works at that time, but after three I haven’t heard her voice again for more than a hundred years.”

Wang Luo thought for a while: "Show me one of her unfinished works, the one she is most devoted, enthusiastic and focused on."

"……what are you up to?"

"Tear down her official couple, reverse the character's attack and reception attributes, and then distribute it to the world as the original work."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Youyou didn't even have time to feel horrified by Wang Luo's inhumane words, when he discovered that dew had condensed lightly on the golden leaf in his hand.

"Honored Lord, she..." Lu Youyou felt unbelievable.

Wang Luo took one look and sneered: "She was so scared that she peed."

"...Can't you just assume that you're crying out of anger?"

"No, I was scared to death."

The next moment, before Wang Luo could say anything else, he felt as if someone had hit him in the head.

"Wang Luo, you bastard!"

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