After having a good discussion environment, Wang Luo and Lu Youyou quickly figured out the Yueyang people's gameplay.

In fact, this routine is very simple and common, and Lu Youyou had expected it.

As a living fossil of the Immortal Alliance who has followed Lu Zhiyao for 700 years and then ruled for 500 years, there are very few tricks in the political field that she has not seen. Long before Gao Yuanwang became good at dancing, she had already figured out the ideas of the Yueyang people, and now she just got a piece of evidence from Wang Luo.

It's simple, just one word: kneel.

Simple, but practical.

As early as the primitive and barbaric era, when humans had not even established the basic framework of civilization... kneeling and begging for mercy became the supreme magic weapon for many weak ethnic groups to survive.

It would be best to be the winner of the war, but in the long years, whether it is an individual or a group, it is almost impossible to win all the time. There are too few examples. Even the immortal civilization that once flourished for ten thousand years was wiped out with the fall of the Heavenly Court... Learning to survive in failure and learning to kneel down and surrender to the winner is the key to the continuation of civilization.

Today's Yueyang has chosen this path very sensibly and practically. In fact, after Bu Tianjun launched a self-destructive impeachment in Guanghan Palace of the Immortal Alliance, but was counterattacked by Lu Youyou on the spot and was unrecognizable, the people of Yueyang had only the way to sincerely apologize and beg for forgiveness.

However, there is also a difference between apologies.

Some people apologize, highlighting that they are not convinced in their hearts, and they just say sorry coldly and walk away, not caring whether the other party accepts it. Their actual attitude is more like a provocation of bullying than an apology... But there are actually many such people. And many conflicts escalate from this.

Some people apologize by lying down and letting others ridicule them, and spit on their faces. Even if you curse my ancestors for eighteen generations, I will be as steady as a sacred mountain and not move a muscle... This kind of apology is well-behaved and generally does not intensify the conflict, but it often does not resolve the other party's anger.

A more sophisticated apology requires an extremely sincere attitude, with tears and even howling. It is obviously the party at fault, but it is a weak attitude, which makes the other party unable to start.

And a more sophisticated apology requires more stringent requirements on details. On the one hand, it is necessary to arouse the other party's empathy in a proper way, such as talking about family matters and building relationships, so that the other party feels close, and then it is necessary to show weakness and sincerely show one's own difficulties and shortcomings. Although it is not called moral kidnapping, it is actually moral kidnapping; on the other hand, it is necessary to actively cater to the other party's preferences and find the most cost-effective way for the other party to accept compensation.

Gao Yuanwang's approach at the meeting is a model of this: the murderous General Huang Long was calmed down by Gao Yuanwang's attack. Wang Luo was even bribed by a folk legend about Lu Zhiyao, and he waived the down payment of the bribe without hesitation!

In the formal meeting not long after, Yue Yang continued this strategy.

At the meeting, Bu Tianjun made a speech in person. The attitude of this lord of the revival was a complete reversal of black and white compared to the Guanghan Palace.

Although he could not kowtow and confess his guilt in front of the heads of state and important ministers of other countries like Gao Yuanwang due to his status as the lord of the country. But he took out a self-criticism written in blood, which was written with sincerity and was full of emotion when he read it, as if every word was crying blood.

Even though he knew that at least 100% of this posture was acting, as long as he was acting well enough, it didn't matter whether it was true or false.

As a dignified king, his attitude has reached such a point. Apart from making people sigh, "If I had known this would happen, why would I have done it in the first place?", there is really no harsher word to say.

So in the end, the kings of the three countries nodded together, and the tone of the action of Yueyang's wasteland removal was quickly established.

Overall, removing the hidden dangers of wasteland in Yueyang is naturally the first priority, but Zhu Wang and Mo Lin must also fully respect Yueyang's national conditions, understand some practical difficulties, and maintain Yueyang's stability to the greatest extent.

After all, wasteland removal is important, but it will cause serious civil unrest in Yueyang and even the Immortal Alliance because of wasteland removal, which will not be worth the loss.

After reaching a consensus at the king level, each country sent its important ministers to start the second round of meetings, focusing on discussing the implementation details, including personnel, regulations, etc. During this period, Wang Luo, as Lu Youyou's superior and subordinate, attended or sat in on most of them, met dozens of wealthy lords and court officials in Yueyang, and then deeply understood why a smart person like Bu Tianjun Gao Heng would know this would happen in the first place.

Unlike Zhuwang, which has always had an absolutely authoritative leadership core for more than 1,200 years, Yueyang's political situation is often in turmoil. Although due to the efforts of the Immortal Alliance, especially the decisive interference of the neighboring country Zhuwang, the political turmoil has never affected the basic unity of the country. But the people and families on the throne have changed more than once.

Before the Gao family came to power, Yueyang's predecessor, Bu Tianjun, lingered on the sickbed for decades, but he did not die, exhausting the majesty of the royal family. When he died, Yueyang was no longer Bu Tianjun's Yueyang, but a Yueyang ruled by the eight major families, two hundred city lords, and one thousand five county magistrates. Afterwards, the Gao family, the head of the wealthy family, was abdicated and became the king. The process was logical, but the price of being logical was that most of the power that the king should have was still in the hands of the ministers. Therefore, he was also helpless in many decisions.

After the chaos in Rongcheng, Yueyang was almost blamed. If we analyze it rationally, the earlier and more sincerely he kneels, the easier it is to get forgiveness and reduce losses. But not everyone in this world can act rationally, especially the family in question, who is more likely to be blinded by greed and challenge the defense of innocence knowing the risks. As the lord of the revival who was jointly promoted by the ministers, Bu Tianjun has the obligation to respond to the expectations of these ministers, even if he has to be ruined in Guanghan Palace.

And the faces of these ministers who made Bu Tianjun helpless in various meetings really opened Wang Luo's eyes. He even had a faint empathy with Bu Tianjun.

If he had woken up from the Dingling Palace and found that the remnants of Lingshan were such a group of people with such faces, instead of the well-behaved and lovely Shi Yue... I'm afraid he would have torn up the Ascension Record on the spot and bid farewell to Lingshan from then on.

Unfortunately, he will have to deal with these people with such faces next - as the chief member of the wasteland removal team, he has no choice but to go to Yueyang in person.

However, when Wang Luo actually went to Yueyang, he found that dealing with these ugly Yueyang officials was actually quite pleasant...

Because these people, when they are clearly unable to defeat them, will really lick their boots...

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