In the Star Picking Pavilion, Wang Luo and Lu Youyou fell silent again, facing the shining light golden net on the ground and the unusually eye-catching hole.

After a while, Wang Luo spoke first: "Lord Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Youyou was silent for a while, and raised her little face: "You speak first."

Wang Luo then followed suit: "Based on the phenomenon just now, it is not difficult to conclude that making the Taixu Mirage can effectively promote Yueyang's Dinghuang barrier repair work, that is to say, praising Senior Sister is really useful!"

Lu Youyou was a little bit overwhelmed at the time: "Too ridiculous! This doesn't make sense at all!"

"After all, the entire Immortal Alliance's laws were set by her, and she is the greatest reason. Maybe she secretly added a rule when people were not prepared: the more people in the future praise her, the more her spirit in heaven will bless the future generations."

"She's not dead yet!"

"But she did go to heaven."

"You..." Lu Youyou was both angry and envious, "You really dare to say anything! ”

Wang Luo was curious: "I am curious, you have been with her for thousands of years, what else can you not say? You are her only relative in the world, even if you lift her skirt, she should not blame you. ”

"...Have you lifted it?"

"We used to eat and live together, and we have seen everything we should see, so there is no need to lift it deliberately."

"! ?"

When Lu Youyou was obviously short of breath, Wang Luo sighed and said: "In short, my conclusion is that Taixu Mirage is undoubtedly the most worthwhile breakthrough at the moment, perhaps because of Mirage itself, or perhaps because of the story of the senior sister and the Taiqing Saint that Mirage is based on... In short, I will continue to follow up with the Northern Territory Merchant Group, and Taixu Mirage should not relax. ”

Lu Youyou pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Then do as I just said, bring the two leading actors to see me first , after all, the reason for meeting them is relatively reasonable. "

After a pause, Lu Youyou said in an obviously playful tone: "Private anger, right?"

Wang Luo asked back: "No?"

Lu Youyou's playful attitude collapsed immediately, and she complained with a little sullenness: "How could there be no! Who dares to play the role of the Lord? I admire you for being able to watch it. "

Wang Luo laughed: "Ha, you really dislike those two people for being ugly, but you just said that they are both stunning beauties, how can you be picky?"

Lu Youyou explained: "If you really want to play the role of the Lord, appearance is not that important. You should also have a deep understanding of this. She has always been stunning, but it is really difficult for you to regard her as a beauty. Even if you keep a distance and stand far away, the thoughts about her in your mind are still very vivid. 's image, and it has nothing to do with beauty or ugliness... To be honest, I don't mind how beautiful or ugly the person who plays her is, but if the temperament is completely different, then it's best not to use her name, create your own role and script to play, play it however you want, I won't say much! "

Wang Luo shook his head: "If you ask so, not to mention that all literary and artistic works must avoid her, even history books will be difficult to write. What the real senior sister is like, it is enough for us two insiders to know, why should everyone in the world know what kind of heavy script she has created? "

Lu Youyou was obviously unwilling to hear this, but she couldn't argue, and finally could only sigh in a low voice: "If it's just a made-up story, describing a lord who looks at the moon in the water, then what is the meaning of all this to Dinghuang? "

Wang Luo thought about it and replied: "Then why not change your thinking, maybe the real senior sister's character is too corrupt, which will greatly affect the people of the Immortal Alliance, so it must be covered up with a large number of literary and artistic works. The better we cover it up, the easier it will be for her to maintain her reputation, and the Immortal Alliance's great cause of settling the wilderness will be..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Youyou could no longer bear it, and he turned his palm on the spot, as if summoning a mountain out of thin air, suppressing Wang Luo to kneel on one knee, and forcibly pressing a dent on the floor of the Star Picking Pavilion that was comparable to a hundred layers of steel.

Wang Luo coughed, suppressed the surging blood, and said: "The great cause of settling the wilderness will be preserved, and the spirit of my senior sister in heaven will also be relieved."

"...Do you have to finish it? You don't take my mountain-turning seal as encouragement! ? "

"That's what my senior sister did when she faced the master. This is the traditional culture of our Lingshan lineage."

Lu Youyou was speechless, and reluctantly dispersed the invisible seal, allowing Wang Luo to stand up, and then said: "Forget it, this issue is up to you, do whatever you want, I won't interfere. However, don't expect me to help you, I really can't stand it. At most, let those two actresses take advantage of my popularity, and then I will turn a blind eye to them. "

"Okay, then I will take my leave for now and go find those two female protagonists, and by the way, see what virtue and ability they have to affect Yueyang's great cause of settling the wilderness."


Wang Luo first found Ning Yi, who was temporarily staying at Jianyue Pavilion.

After not seeing each other for a few days, and getting rid of the entanglement of her die-hard fan Xin'er, this actress, who was once exhausted by the continuous viewing, was like a flower field that had been droughted and rained, and she was radiant again.

But this blooming flower, when seeing Wang Luo, was obviously in great panic and pale.

"Wang Wang Wang Mountain Master! ?" Ning Yi's voice trembled, and her eyes were wandering, looking for the terrifying shadow like crazy.

"Xin'er has been arrested and detained by Mo Yu because of her mischief these past few days. You won't be able to see her in a short time."

When Ning Yi heard this, she almost collapsed on the spot: "That's great..."

After eliminating the danger, Ning Yi quickly regained the demeanor of Yueyang's famous actress. She breathed out gently, and a pure heart seal was printed on her body, and she immediately regained her almost flawless appearance and temperament.

With a bright face, Ning Yi smiled and asked, "What are the orders from Master Wang Shan here?"

Wang Luo said: "It's still about the mirage of Taixu. We have talked a lot before in the Star Picking Pavilion, but to be honest, I have only been with my senior sister for more than ten years, and it was only in the old immortal calendar era. About her in the new immortal era I actually don’t know much about my experiences over the years. Maybe I don’t know as much as some folklorists.”

"Shan Lord Wang is too humble." Ning Yi seriously shook his head in denial, "After receiving this role, I actually worked hard on the history related to Lord Deer, but I had several long conversations with the Lord of the Mountain and I was deeply enlightened. Although you have only been with her for more than ten years, Mountain Master, you seem to understand each other better than many people who have been together for life. "

Wang Luo said: "Thank you very much for complimenting me so much, but next I want to introduce you to a real Lu Zhiyao expert. I hope you can study hard with her to play this role well."

Ning Yi was stunned for a moment, raised her head confidently, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Master Wang Shan, I dare say that in the entire Yueyang, there will be no one who can play the Lord better than me!"

At this moment, the actress had an overflowing confidence, and her temperament indeed had some of the charm of Lu Zhiyao!

"However, let me ask first, Mountain Master, what experts do you mean...?"

"Lu Youyou."


With a plop, Ning Yi fell to her knees on the spot. All her confidence was like a dream, and was lost along with some uncontrollable body fluids.

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