Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 345: Not worthy of my knowing

The fight in the martial arts arena ended hastily after half an hour.

The result can be said to be unsatisfactory to both sides.

Xiaochi, who has unlocked the flesh and blood of the alien beast, has an absolute advantage under the current limited conditions. Although his cultivation base is only at the late stage of the Golden Core, with the magical power of the alien beast, he can burst out Nascent Soul level power when necessary. And this is already an unbearable burden for opponents without any external assistance.

So after Zeng Zhiqiang, Xiaochi eliminated two military kings from White Key City one after another. There was almost no suspense in the process and it was a one-sided suppression.

However, in the last battle, when Xiaochi had the upper hand, his energy and blood suddenly went backwards, and the flesh and blood of the alien beasts on his body showed signs of losing control. However, he did not try to be brave. He immediately raised his hands and surrendered, retreated from the field, and accepted the emergency crowd. medical treatment.

At this point, the battle between the two teams naturally ended with the victory of everyone in White Key City. Teng Zheng and other secret guard battalion young masters were also very generous. After admitting defeat frankly, they left one after another.

But no matter how calm the posture is, he will fall short when victory is in sight. Especially before, Chen Junyi, who is quite powerful, was asked to abstain directly and leave all the bets on Xiaochi alone. It is simply pretentious to the extreme before capsizing... Change If the city is shallower and the face is shallower, they will grab the ground with their heads and paint with their brains on the spot.

Therefore, for the secret guard battalion, this round of battle was not only lost, but also a shame.

But the situation on the other side was equally embarrassing. Zhou Rui and others were confident that they were superior in strength and came to avenge their shame. However, they were kicked out of the field one after another by the weakest one, Xiaochi, who was almost a civilian. The scene was a complete mess...

Indeed, the secret guard camp used a trick, using the flesh and blood of alien animals in a place that should be free of all external forces. But having said that, they had already predicted that the other party would cheat before they came, and Wang Luo even conducted special training. They came here after accepting this prerequisite! What you want is to win despite the opponent's deception!

In the end, the other party did cheat, but the deception combined with Li Xiong's little story made it appear fair and aboveboard. Moreover, all the rules were informed in advance, and the other party strictly abided by them. As for the external force of the flesh and blood of alien beasts... Judging from the painful posture of Xiaochi when his energy and blood were retrograde at the end, it was a privilege that could only be used after bearing a sufficient price. .

Under such circumstances, if you lose, you lose. There is really nothing to complain about.

For such a lose-lose result, neither side will naturally give up. Fortunately, this team battle is just an appetizer, and the main course will be a day later.


During the rest time of the second half of the day, Li Xiong did not bother Wang Luo and others again. Instead, he stayed with Zhou Rui to help them prepare for the main drama that followed. It also gave the distinguished guests time to digest the short story.

Wang Luo immediately contacted Lu Youyou with the Ascension Record and relayed Li Xiong's story.

Lu Youyou was not much surprised by this: "The Yueyang people's research and utilization of wasteland creatures began from the moment the country was founded, with the tacit approval of the Lord himself. And such research must involve many marginal fields, and a little Carelessness is breaking the law and causing direct backlash from the Great Law. There have been many similar cases for more than a thousand years, but after all, Yueyang is one of the five powerful countries. Problems occasionally arise, as long as there is no spillover to other countries. country, then other countries can’t find any trouble with them. After all, among the hundreds of countries in the Immortal Alliance, who dares to say that their own country is clean?”

Wang Luo then asked: "So the secret guard camp is studying the use of the flesh and blood of alien beasts, you already knew?"

Lu Youyou said: "This is not even a question that I need to know."

These words were said so domineeringly that Wang Luo couldn't help but applaud: "So, how do you think the secret guard camp's research and utilization of the flesh and blood of alien beasts is related to the loopholes in the Desolation Barrier this time?"

Lu Youyou gave a very simple answer: "The Secret Guard Camp is the apple of the Yue Central Military Forces. If there is a problem with such a major strategy, then the loopholes in the Desolation Barrier will not be so small, and the chaos in Rong City will become Millions of desolate beasts surged along Ningyuan Pavilion... But the secret guard camp camped at Qiyue Lake, which may have caused some special changes, leading to holes in the barrier. Didn't the descendants of Saint Taiqing live there. Is it nearby? Let's investigate in this direction. As for Li Xiong, I don't know much about this person, but I vaguely remember that he is still available, and since he is available, he should be used."

At this point, Lu Youyou simply and clearly helped Wang Luo sort out the direction of his next move, and then the conversation between the two came to an end - it was still the same reason. The Lord of Lu Kingdom was very busy, especially during his short stay in Yueyang. After the vacation, returning home will only make you twice as busy.

As for the details that were insignificant and not worthy of Lu Youyou's knowledge, she naturally stopped giving guidance and Wang Luo decided everything on the spot.

for example……

"Master Wangshan, how should we deal with the flesh and blood of the strange beasts in the secret guard camp?"

Not long after Wang Luo closed the Ascension Record, Zhou Rui and others rushed into Wang Luo's room, all with sad faces.

From the end of the morning round, they have been thinking about how to win the highlight of the team battle cleanly and beautifully under the current conditions, so as to avenge their previous humiliation.

However, the conclusion is very pessimistic.

At first glance, the rules of team battles are less restrictive than those of round battles. Both sides can use formations and simple military formation magic weapons, and are allowed to take limited amounts of elixirs. Then the advantages brought by the flesh and blood of alien beasts will be greatly diluted. It is undoubtedly a good thing for Zhou Rui and others who have excellent overall strength.

But after a simple brainstorming, especially after the narration of Zeng Zhiqiang and other witnesses, everyone was somewhat surprised to find that compared with conventional external forces such as magic weapons and formations. The flesh and blood of the beasts seemed to be an "independent multiplication area"! Because it almost directly acts on the practitioner's body cultivation, it is equivalent to an amplification effect on all other auxiliary external forces!

So the conclusion is that in the second round of team battles, with the reduction of constraints, the situation faced by Zhou Rui and others is even worse!

After a discussion, several people were completely unable to get to the point. When asking Huang Long for advice, the old general also frankly admitted that if they went to the frontal battle under such conditions, they would definitely lose. Even a veteran like him who had fought hundreds of battles had no good way to reverse the outcome.

In fact, the Secret Guard Camp is likely to use this actual combat exercise as an opportunity to show the seventh floor the results of their research and training in Prison Moon Lake, so the outcome is impossible to be suspenseful. Of course, under such conditions, even if Zhou Rui and others lost to the Secret Guard Camp, it would be a glorious defeat, but who wants to lose?

In order to avoid being used as a cushion by the Secret Guard Camp, everyone can only seek help from the omnipotent Lingshan Mountain Master.

Wang Luo's answer to this is also very simple.

"It is impossible to win with the difference in the flesh and blood of the alien beasts. No matter who you ask to design tactics, you can't win."

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise and even despair, Wang Luo continued to say the next sentence.

"So, why do you have to fight against enemies with the flesh and blood of alien beasts?"

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