Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 35 I just want to ask you what you think

In order to redeem the person, Wang Luo slightly disrupted his own plan, gave up the Haizhou cuisine with two stars from Merrill Lynch, and set out to return to the Little White House.

And his return was obviously beyond everyone's expectations. When he followed Qingyi and Qin Yu as if nothing had happened and stepped into the lobby on the first floor, he was met with a wave of overwhelming fear.

The young Qingyi walking in front was still unaware and was still calling for help from his colleagues.

"Where is Brother Han? Is Brother Han here? It's that doorman Lao Qin from the old meat factory in the East District again! I've offended someone again this time, and I can't stand it anymore... Wait, what's with your expression?! Is Lord Yuqing following me!?"

When the young Qingyi looked back in shock, he only saw the old lady who was still chattering, Qin Yu who was silent with his head down and eyebrows drooping, and a young man in white with a smile on his face.

"Isn't it all right? Don't scare me. You can easily attract me by making fun of Yuqing Patrol!"

The man in green was complaining when he saw a green shadow falling in front of him. Han Yu, the reliable senior he had been waiting for, appeared in front of him with a look of a father who regretted his unfilial son.

"Xiao Li, if you can't change your nagging, don't expect to have your clothes red in your life." Han Yu said, patting Xiao Li on the shoulder, indicating that he would take over here, and then he took over Qin Yu and the old lady skillfully.

He didn't have any special expressions or movements, and he was even more straightforward when he spoke, without the humility and courtesy of Xiao Li. But the old lady just liked this, and her tone immediately lowered, and her tone was no longer aggressive. After a while, she nodded frequently in appeasement, but she was still in a bad mood when she looked at Qin Yu.

Xiao Li, who was liberated, looked at Wang Luo curiously: "Who are you? Why do I feel like everyone is looking at you? Are you the star who recently starred in a mirage? I usually don't watch mirages..."

As a result, Xiao Li's mouth was not chattering enough, and he felt an amazing sense of oppression coming from all directions.

This made him even more confused, and he said aggrievedly: "Wait, did I say the wrong thing again? No way, is it a sin to not have watched mirages? You guys should be reasonable..."

Finally, a man in green with red collar jumped down from the third floor, grabbed Xiao Li, threw him to the second floor, and then looked at Wang Luo and asked cautiously: "What are you doing back again?"

Wang Luo pointed to Qin Yu not far away: "I am his guarantor, and I am here to take him back."

The man in green with red collar looked at Qin Yu with some doubts, as if he wanted to ask: That's it?

But soon he realized: That's it!

"Okay, okay, then you take the people back quickly!"

As he said that, the red-belted green-clothed man grabbed Qin Yu's arm and forced the bitter-faced man in front of Wang Luo like a free gift, then waved his long sleeves and used the green-clothed fairy method [Long Sleeves and Breeze] to send the two out of the small white building.

This breeze has no killing ability, it is only used to disperse the crowd and rectify the order of the venue, but it is also an out-and-out official fairy method. With the blessing of the great law, it naturally has a rank suppression on the common people. The breeze used by a red-belted green-clothed man, in theory, even a master who has been granted the Nascent Soul will shake three times.

However, after waving his sleeves, the red-belted green-clothed man was surprised to find that he seemed to be pushing the Nascent Soul! Although the other party was indeed moving with the wind, he only moved three feet horizontally in place, and even his steps did not stumble.

This is of course not because Wang Luo's cultivation is really at the level of the Nascent Soul, nor is it because the red-belted green-clothed man's cultivation is watered, but the most important official power in the long-sleeved breeze is completely ineffective!

The red-belted blue-clothed man was stunned for a moment, and could not help but think of a terrifying possibility.

Who can ignore the power of the official? Who can break the heart of Tao?

So the second breeze that was ready to go could not be waved.

Wang Luo was actually planning to take advantage of the situation to leave, but he stopped at this moment.

Because at this moment, he heard the exclamation of the chatterbox Xiao Li on the second floor.

"What? Zhang Simu wants to punish Senior Yuzhu? Why? They didn't have a grudge before, right? No, I ummm!"

The exclamation stopped abruptly, as if his mouth was filled with hot fire by his powerful colleagues, but the amount of information he provided was enough.

Wang Luo looked up at the second floor and whispered: "Zhang Simu, I remember."

In the small building of Qingping Division, no matter how soft the voice was, the blue-clothed people could hear it, but Wang Luo still deliberately lowered the volume.

Some words, spoken softly, are more important.


Wang Luo was not in a hurry to pay attention to Yu Zhu, but followed the procedure to send Qin Yu out of the Little White Building. The bitter-faced man thanked him softly, bowed to Wang Luo seriously, and then slowly returned to the Shi Mansion, his numb posture like a walking corpse.

If it were free time, Wang Luo would definitely go up and carefully study his fate to see what made a person who was supposed to have peach blossoms repeatedly die in peach blossoms! Unfortunately, just like the last meeting, Wang Luo was not idle.

Calculating the time, Shi Yue and Zhang Yu should meet, and Wang Luo was very curious about the result of the meeting.

Zhang Yu, Zhang Simu, this is probably not a coincidence, right?


Time goes back one hour.

In the east of Shijie, north of Xiangshan Road, where the dining culture is most developed, there is a tall building that rises from the ground, shaped like a bamboo shoot, crystal clear, surrounded by an elegant pocket garden. Outside the garden are all kinds of noisy shops, and lush flowers and trees are blooming between the shops. Its design aesthetics are full of the gorgeous style of the upper city, but it is cleverly integrated into the underlying urban landscape of Shijie.

Looking at the entire Rongcheng, there are only a handful of buildings that can combine both styles, and they are even more unique in Stone Street. As a result, it became a landmark building on Stone Street along with Qingpingsi's five-story white building.

It is the residence of Zhang Yu, the richest man in Stone Street.

If you are more familiar with the history of Rongcheng, especially the history related to Stone Street, you will know that this modern bamboo shoot building has an extremely long history, which can even be traced back to more than 8,000 years ago.

At that time, Rongcheng was still called Lingxi Town. After more than a thousand years of pioneering and management, the ancestors of the Shi family finally reclaimed the wasteland at the foot of Lingshan Mountain into a prosperous town. As the family itself grew and prospered, the Shi family courtyard first established in Lingxi Town became increasingly small and inadequate. So the head of the Shi family at that time found another location and built a spacious and elegant house.

In the following thousands of years, the house has been renovated hundreds of times, and it has always been the residence of the head of the Shi family and the core of Lingxi town/city. The original ancestral house has gradually been used for commemoration and sacrifice. Until more than 900 years ago in the New Immortal Calendar, the declining Shi family could not afford to maintain their mansion, so they had to sell it exclusively to the upstart Zhang family of Shijie - together with a jade talisman in their hands. The family moved back to the ancestral home, which was once considered small and small.

For more than two hundred years, the Shi family lived in their ancestral home, witnessing the upstarts of Shi Street constantly renovating the old and dilapidated compound, making it more beautiful and stranger.

Fortunately, there is a hospitable host in the Bamboo Bamboo Building at this time, introducing the many changes in the past two hundred years to the new guests.

"...This three-story atrium collects all kinds of rare spiritual plants from five states and hundreds of countries. The ability to incorporate spiritual plants with different growth environments is thanks to this rich and pure divine glass cover. This thing is an old The heritage of the times, which has gone through the changes of heaven without losing its magical power, is much more precious than the flowers and plants in Shaozhong. When I hired the craftsmen of Xinglan Village to expand this building, I decided that no matter the cost, it should be done with abundance and purity. The three or four floors are built with the divine glass cover as the core. This is not only to complete the beautiful scenery like a hanging garden, but also to commemorate the original owner of this thing, which is the Shi family.”

Zhang Yu put his hands behind his back and sighed with emotion: "Every time I see this cultural treasure, I will remind myself of two points. First, the Shi family is the pioneer of Rongcheng and the former ruler of Shijie. Their influence has long been deeply rooted. So much so that every corner of this land is engraved with the imprint of the Shi family. At any time, we must maintain respect for this family that has been passed down for nearly ten thousand years. Secondly, there is nothing in this world that lasts forever, strong. Like Lingshan in the past, it was destroyed due to a natural disaster, and the prosperity like the Shi family in Rongcheng will also decline due to the situation. Even the family heirlooms have to be sold to others. If I can't run the family conscientiously, future generations will inevitably be replaced by others. …”

After speaking, Zhang Yu turned around and looked at the young visitor.

"I wonder how Miss Shi Yue feels about this?"

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