Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 358 A life experience never imagined

"Yes, it's this river! The people are in front!"

"Chase, chase them!"

"Don't let the demon girl run away!"

"Wu De Sect, can you guys seal this river a little bit? Why are there still fish demons jumping?"

"Fuck you, Liu Shui Village Master, isn't the water your territory? You can't watch it yourself, and you still have the nerve to order us?"

"Just tell me whether it can be sealed or not? The thief bald is so full of nonsense!"

In the wild mountains and ridges, a crowd of noises scared the birds away and the beasts hibernated.

Nearly a hundred practitioners with different costumes but full of murderous aura were scattered on both sides of a big river, staring in all directions, as if searching for the murderer of their father.

And in a sparse woodland not far from the crowd, Wang Luo stood in the shade of the trees in surprise, watching with a blank mind.

The last time I experienced this kind of confusion was in Lingshan Dingling Hall.

So, what is this place?

The last moment, he was still in the Taiqing Palace, listening to the story of the Jingyi Pool told by the respected grandmother of the Yi family, and the next moment, in just one step, he was teleported to this extremely unfamiliar place without even feeling the warmth or coolness of the water.

Not only the scenery in front of him, but even the river breeze blowing in his face was unfamiliar and wet, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth flowing in every inch of space was completely different from any place he was familiar with.

What corner of the world was he teleported to...

At this moment, thinking about it, the first of the nine great mysterious skills that made Taiqing Sect famous in the nine states seemed to be this magical power of teleporting people. As early as 8,000 years ago, Taiqing Sect set up a teleportation array that could instantly teleport people from Jingzhou in the far west to Yan Island in the far east. The practical value was not high because both sides were uninhabited wilderness, but the symbolic meaning was very different.

And every time the leader of Taiqing Sect came to Lingshan to preach, in order to maintain the top status of his own sect, the theme must be around teleportation, because this is also the only unique skill of Taiqing Sect that is not inferior to Lingshan in the high-end field.

My thoughts drifted away for a while, and I felt two sharp eyes suddenly swept over not far away.

"Who is it!?"

A burly man wearing animal skins shouted, and at the same time, he swung his right hand hard and threw a hand axe with wind and thunder in front of him.

The big man had good cultivation and his moves were as fast as lightning. Wang Luo was in a trance for a while, and was actually approached by the hand axe. The withered wind and thunder on the axe were even more lethal, which made him alert immediately and subconsciously wanted to fight back.

However, although the intention came up, the body was out of control, and he couldn't move at this critical moment!

The next moment, the sound of wind and thunder exploded in Wang Luo's ears, making Wang Luo's consciousness buzz, but the sound soon faded away, passing by Wang Luo, rushing all the way behind him, hitting the forehead of a wild fox hiding in the bushes, and immediately blasting it to pieces.

"Fuck, it's just a blind mixed-haired fox!?"

The burly man stared with anger, a little unbelievable, and then spat, and recalled the hand axe, and fiercely swept a few times in the direction of the forest. In the end, he went to check other places unwillingly.

In the woods, Wang Luo only felt incredible.

The big man just now really found him, and in an instant, the two of them had clearly looked at each other. And with the other party's cultivation level of just entering the Nascent Soul, it is impossible for him to throw his life magic weapon in the wrong direction.

The wind and thunder axe was coming straight at him. Although it is not a top-notch magic weapon, it has obviously been carefully nurtured and polished by the big man for many years, and has been fed with the flesh and blood of many creatures. It can present the deadly wind and thunder, which is undoubtedly a murderous divine weapon. If Wang Luo does not deal with it seriously, he will be seriously injured even if he is born with a Taoist body.

However, just when the axe was about to hit, its trajectory changed inexplicably, and changed direction along with the big man's sharp eyes.

It seemed that the big man had never aimed at Wang Luo, and went straight to the insignificant wild fox from the beginning. And he didn't doubt it at all when he missed the attack, and he completely abandoned Wang Luo and was simply blind!

Wang Luo didn't think that the big man with good cultivation suddenly had hysteria, and among the more than 100 people on both sides of the river, there were many who were in the Nascent Soul realm! With so many masters gathered together, it would be difficult for ordinary illusions and divine control not to be noticed by third parties.

So, how did he do it just now? That magical power of the stars seemed to...

While thinking, someone in the crowd asked loudly: "Boss Ni, what did you find?"

The big man in animal skin called Boss Ni shook his head vigorously: "I saw it wrong, keep looking for yours."

In the distance of the crowd, there were a few laughs, and Boss Ni immediately glared at the people who laughed at him, and threw a flying axe at them, but was stopped by seven or eight flying magic weapons halfway.

"Boss Ni, calm down!"

"Don't fight at this time!"

As several people came up to persuade him, Boss Ni stopped indignantly.

Although this riot did not cause actual casualties, the restlessness of the hundreds of people was clearly revealed.

It was just a mob...but there must be some important reason for so many mobs to gather together.

At this time, someone in the crowd complained again.

"I say, is the information from Tingfeng Tower accurate? It only says that if we follow this river, we will definitely get something. But there are so many of us, and we have followed this white river for such a long distance, and we are almost entering the wilderness. Not to mention the wilderness girl, we haven't even seen a wilderness beast. Could it be that the information is wrong?"

Another old woman said sinisterly: "The girl has been wandering here for a long time and has had several dealings with the locals. I saw her face when I searched the souls in the nearby village. Even if the information from Tingfeng Tower is wrong, I believe my own eyes more. The girl must be hiding nearby, and we can't let her run away."

"Search!? You old devil, can you use the soul search technique indiscriminately?! It's one thing for us to hunt and remove the wasteland, but it's another thing to attack civilians..."

"Civilians? What civilians would deal with the girl? The way of heaven and the wasteland are incompatible. Those who compromise with the wasteland are no longer worthy of being called human beings. People like you who claim to be a noble and righteous family like to tie your own hands and feet. It's your freedom, but don't mind my business, otherwise, in my opinion, you are just a child of the wasteland demon!"

Seeing that another dispute was about to start, Wang Luo had no intention of listening to their arguments.

In the few short sentences of this group of people, several key words that shocked Wang Luo had already appeared.

Tingfeng Tower, that is the predecessor of Chilou, which is responsible for intelligence in the seventh floor of Yueyang. It was not until the framework of the seventh floor was built that it was renamed Chilou.

The name change happened more than 1,100 years ago... Most of the people in the Immortal Alliance today have never even heard of the name Tingfeng Tower.

In other words, when I stepped into Jingyi Pool, I was not only transferred to another space, but also traveled through time? !

No, it is more likely that this is a completely immersive illusion, reproducing what happened in Baihe more than 1,100 years ago.

Although what I hear and see now is extremely real, it is essentially just from someone's memory.

Because he was just a spectator, he couldn't even move when the flying axe came towards him just now.

However, if we continue to reason along this path, could it be that my current perspective belongs to...?

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from my ear.

"Saint Lady, guess who I am."

The next moment, a pair of unruly hands directly grasped his... plump... chest...

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