Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 360: Possessing a treasure is a crime

Wang Luo was not used to sentimentality, and the pain in his heart lasted only a tiny moment.

Then, he focused on this memory because it must contain something crucial.

And the foreshadowing of this memory may be very long, but Wang Luo would rather this foreshadowing be infinitely long...

At the same time, Lu Zhiyao and Saint Yi Yi were talking and laughing softly in the high sky Gangfeng layer, treating the Gangfeng as if it was nothing.

Through the conversation between the two, Wang Luo quickly sorted out the background of this memory.

Now is the 53rd year of the new Xian calendar, a year of literal reconstruction. Although the Xian League has stabilized the civilized territory with the Eight Directions Dinghuang Great Barrier, the territories are not completely connected. Chaos often occurs inside and outside the borders, and even some Dinghuang cities with slightly weaker defenses are often at risk of being breached. The Ningyuan Map, which was regarded as a treasure of the Xian League in later generations, has actually been torn and repaired...

In this era, the land of the Xian League is almost everywhere, and it is never peaceful. A person was complaining about the weather and discussing prices with you on the street two days ago, but suddenly a wild beast broke into the city and slapped his head off, and his brains were all over your pants... Such situations happen almost every day and every moment in the land of the Immortal Alliance.

Such a chaotic world is almost an unimaginable purgatory for people who live in a prosperous era in the 1200th year of the New Immortal Calendar.

But people born in chaotic times have long taken everything for granted - no matter how chaotic it is, can it be more chaotic than the decades when the heavenly calamity came and the heavenly way turned into wasteland? If the neighbors die, they die. Who hasn't had someone die in their family? If the liver and brain are splattered on the ground, can't you just flush it with water? Otherwise, can you move?

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of characteristics people who grew up in this chaotic world will have. To put it nicely, it is independence and martial arts, to put it bluntly, it is lawlessness.

And the Saint of Taiqing encountered such a group of lawless people.


A few days ago, Saint Yi Yi, who was wandering in the hills of the Northern Territory, which was not considered vast at the time, passed through a newly built small village in the upper reaches of the Baihe River and happened to encounter an attack by wild beasts.

Although the village had cultivators stationed with swords and Dinghuang Pillars distributed by the nearby city sects, they could not withstand the attacks of many wild beasts in turn, and the pillars were about to be broken and the lives of the people were charred.

The Saint then helped at the right time, teleporting the besieged wild beasts one by one into the strong wind layer and blowing them to ashes, thus saving the whole village. After that, she did not stay for long, and left in a hurry without even letting the villagers see her back clearly.

The villagers did not have time to thank the benefactor, which was extremely regretful. But after escaping death, there were still too many things to do: immediately report the warning of the wild beast attack to the surrounding cities, send people to treat the injured villagers, and repair the Dinghuang Pillars that were on the verge of collapse. For a while, naturally, there was no time to chase the back that could not be caught up at all.

However, after the urgent affairs were properly handled, the villagers had the energy to think about such a question.

Why did the life-saver leave in a hurry?

Was it because he had urgent matters and could not spare time for socializing? Or was it because he was used to being alone and impatient to deal with ordinary people?

Or was there some secret on him that could not be seen by others?

Especially when people later used the only remaining water mirror in the village to reproduce the scene of the benefactor destroying the wild beast, someone in the village was surprised to find that she had a faint taste of desolation when she raised her hands and feet!

Of course, ordinary people could not tell how accurate this surprising discovery was.

In the 53rd year of the new immortal calendar, the popularity of the immortal way was far less than that of later generations, and the grace of the great law had not yet penetrated the immortal alliance. Therefore, even the cultivators in the foundation-building period were almost one in a hundred. This small village in the upper reaches of the Baihe River was built in a place where the urban sect had not yet been fully covered, and it had a bit of pioneering attributes, so the sect assigned two young people in the foundation-building period to accompany it. Although these two people are not very strong, they can at least stabilize the wasteland pillar and make good use of the various magic weapons and materials issued by the sect to help the villagers settle down smoothly in the troubled times.

Even if they encounter an attack by a wild beast that is difficult to defeat, at least they can send a warning back to the city in time to notify people with strong enough cultivation to come... to collect the bodies of everyone.

And this time, one of them boldly put forward his own views in the post-event review.

"That mysterious woman obviously has the smell of wasteland... My biological parents died at the hands of the wasteland demon. I will never forget their smell even if I die! If you don't believe it, please look at the record in this water mirror and you will see the difference!"

Although objectively speaking, the picture left by the water mirror in the village is blurry, and it will not record any smell or true essence fluctuations, and it does not have the ability to identify wasteland, but...

Since this young man spoke so passionately and decisively, let alone the villagers present, even the Jindan Zhenren who received the warning and came to support after the incident could not help but believe his statement.

But then, the story becomes that a wild girl passed through the village, drove away many wild beasts, and saved hundreds of lives... This obviously doesn't make sense.

How could the wild girl save people?

Then there is only one explanation left.

"... Those wild beasts must have been driven by the wild girl!" The young man who proposed the hypothesis said confidently, "I saw clearly that those wild beasts came aggressively, but after the wild girl appeared, they suddenly disappeared without a trace, not to mention the corpses, not even a drop of blood was shed. So she simply used a trick to hide the wild beasts somewhere else!"

As for why the wild girl went to so much trouble to let go of the village that was about to be conquered, and instead deliberately used a sleight of hand to disguise herself as the village's savior, and did not seek any reward after the disguise, and just left without a care in the world...

"This is obviously a disguised fishing. To be honest, there are only a hundred people in our village at most, and most of them are ordinary people. There are only five people who have started to draw in qi. Even if they are all used to feed the wild beasts, they can't be called fine food! But the Wangcheng Sect, which is more than a hundred miles away from the village, has a fusion ancestor sitting in charge, and there are dozens of masters who have transformed into the spirit and the Nascent Soul! If she can use this village as bait to lure out those cultivators with higher realms, and at the same time disguise herself as a chivalrous man, so that those masters lose their vigilance, she can take the opportunity to sneak attack and have a good meal!"

As for why...

The questions below are no longer important. Because even if she can't answer now, she can wait until she catches the wild girl and slowly interrogate her and let her answer herself.

The young man who survived in the village undoubtedly put forward a very powerful hypothesis. As for desolation, even if it is just a hypothesis, as long as the force is strong enough, the person being questioned needs to prove his innocence.

After all, in this era, forcing people to prove their innocence is a very profitable business!

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