Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 365 Lu's Aesthetics

Generally speaking, there are three realms of referring to a deer as a horse.

The lowest level is to use power to control people, to test their obedience, and to make people feel dissatisfied.

The more advanced ones have eloquent tongues and sophistical words, among which the white horse is not a horse is a typical example. Such speaking skills are naturally ineffective for those with quick thinking, but the majestic Lord is willing to perform the speaking skills live. What a blessing is this? Is there anything else the listener might not be satisfied with?

And if the listener has insufficient intelligence and unclear logic, he will be directly biased by the words and respond in a confused manner. Although the white horse is not a horse is too contrary to common sense, even if people are convinced, it is difficult to calm down in their hearts.

A more advanced one is to seriously go back to the source, analyze the similarities and differences between horses and deer, use a large number of detailed arguments to build a full and self-consistent logical palace, and reasonably lead to the conclusion that deer is originally a horse, which subverts common sense. In this way, calling a deer a horse is not only not about using force to suppress others, but also a great innovation that breaks ignorance!

Lu Zhiyao is best at this type of innovation.

When she was on Lingshan Mountain, her Song brother Long Yang's theory convinced almost everyone on the mountain except the person involved. The level was truly astonishing!

Therefore, when she said that she would protect the saint's innocence in the name of the Lord, unlike the saint herself who immediately frowned and sighed, Wang Luo was eagerly anticipating his senior sister's long speech.

How can a person who has transformed into a desert be innocent?

"Sister Yi, you have witnessed the growth of the Immortal Alliance from the Battle of Dinghuang to the present. In your opinion, what is the standard for distinguishing desolation?"

The saint sighed and said: "Those who have their hearts in heaven are desolate, and all other things are just flashy and distracting."

This answer was beyond Wang Luo's expectation.

Is it desolate to have a heart for heaven? What kind of criterion is this? Among other things, today's mirages of taiwan are no shortage of beautification and exaggeration of the immortality of the old world. There are also many works of art that imagine the grand scenes of the heavens in the past, allowing the audience to involuntarily immerse themselves in them, as if they themselves have become the same person as the heaven and earth. Immortals who live a long life no longer need to worry about rent and milk powder money.

If one's heart is directed toward heaven, then every mirage of the old world can immediately transform into thousands of freshly created demons of wilderness.

However, the saint herself did not seem to intend to answer Wang Luo's questions in detail in her memory, and the time in her memory was still passing by.

Hearing this, Lu Zhiyao just nodded: "Sister Yi is indeed a saintly lady of great purity. She sees things more clearly than others. Unfortunately, too much transparency can easily lead to being conceited. It is impossible for ordinary people to possess it, and it is difficult for ordinary people to accept such a thorough understanding. They are accustomed to calculating the content of desolate poisons, and then comparing the symptoms of desolate poisons with the maps issued by the Immortal Alliance. However, whether it is desolate poisons or desolate symptoms, they are essentially just old people in the battle to determine desolation. , just words of experience gained from repeated failures and setbacks.”

The saint said: "So, you plan to revise these lessons of experience for me?"

"There is no need to say that it is just talk of experience, but it has been talked about for almost a hundred years since the transformation of desolation from heaven. A hundred years of experience have been accumulated, although there are often forced compromises at the practical level, such as the means of detecting desolate poisons. , the method of observing the symptoms of drought can often only be improvised... but if we really spare no resources and make careful identification, there will be few omissions and exceptions. Forcing to modify will not only hinder the work of the Immortal League in identifying the shortage. There was chaos in the moment, and people laughed at me, the dignified Lord of the Immortal Alliance, for even calling a deer a horse, which was so tasteless."

The saint was helpless and funny: "You, you, do you still need to pay attention to taste when you call a deer a horse..."

Lu Zhiyao heard the words and said with a smile: "Then I will demonstrate to Sister Yi the importance of taste, which can also add some interest to your simple boudoir. First, let's compare it according to the current practice of identifying famine. You meet the standards because of two points: First, the desolate poison penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and it needs to be suppressed with extreme magical power from time to time to prevent it from leaking out. If you are not careful, even the little bitch who builds the foundation can see it. Weird; secondly, you are not protected by the Great Law. Although you are in the Immortal League, you are like a wanderer on an isolated island in the outer sea. You have no roots and no support. Even a newly minted lawyer can see that you are strange, and this You can’t hide even one thing.”

Then, Lu Zhiyao changed the subject: "However, the malaria virus has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it may be that the patients have not been treated in time. It has only been a few decades since the war ended, and cases of long-term malaria virus infection are not uncommon. What's more, even patients who have been infected by the malaria virus are not uncommon. There is no precedent for treatment of people who have fallen into the abyss of desolation. Therefore, although being riddled with desolation is a warning sign, it cannot be used as a basis for drawing conclusions. Secondly, not being protected by the law may be illegal and lead to being beaten. The criminals who fall into law may also be ancient monks with unique magical powers. The Great Law was only born for more than fifty years, and it is far from perfect. The Immortal League vigorously promotes the training system of law practitioners, precisely to be able to better Good job of checking and filling in gaps.”

The saint retorted: "The poison of ordinary patients comes from the outside, but my poison comes from the Taiqing Palace that I carry. There is an essential difference between exogenous and endogenous."

Lu Zhiyao responded calmly: "The Immortal Alliance currently does not have the means to distinguish between external factors and internal factors."

"...What about the protection of the great law? It is impossible to reconcile the contradiction between me and the law. No matter how many adjustments you use, you will never be able to make the law tolerate me."

Lu Zhiyao smiled and said: "The perfection of the law does not happen overnight. The law cannot tolerate you, the founder of the law. It just shows that our regulation work still has a long way to go, and we need fellow Taoists to continue to work hard to accumulate blessings."

The saint was still waiting to say anything more, but Lu Zhiyao made a concluding speech.

"In fact, in the final analysis, rules are dead, and things are alive. You have fought for the Immortal Alliance since the Battle of Dinghuang. In the past fifty years after the war, you have been chivalrous and righteous in Yueyang, benefiting the people. If such a person is regarded as a wilderness demon and killed because of some black and white rules and regulations, then our work of identifying the wilderness is not putting the cart before the horse..."

"Wait, the things during the war are fine. But in the years after the war, I have almost been living in seclusion in Yueyang, rarely going out, how can I benefit the people?"

Lu Zhiyao said: "Saint, don't worry, I have many capable people in the Golden Deer Hall. Even in the foreign Yueyang, I can You can easily fabricate a hundred or eighty people who have received your great kindness. At that time, all kinds of banners, flower baskets, and umbrellas will be prepared. The folk newspapers will publish several rounds of articles about the heroes of Dinghuang who are willing to be unknown heroes and guard the center of the moon for decades... Even the two previous Bu Tianjuns will have to personally award you a medal. However, you, who have made outstanding contributions, are persecuted as a wilderness demon by a few people with ulterior motives, and even use the tragic history of the victims of Taiqing Huahuang in the past to incite hatred! Is it intolerable? "


For a while, the saint was really speechless and deeply shocked by Lu Zhiyao's aesthetics!

After a long time, she spoke faintly: "You are eloquent and may indeed deceive the world... But I am a person who has transformed the wilderness after all."

But Lu Zhiyao said seriously: "I know, what we want is a person who has transformed the wilderness!"

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