Having a serious conversation with Lu Zhiyao is a chore.

It's not just that she talks too much out of confusion... many times, even when she speaks seriously, her thinking is still so quick that it seems like she is telling a joke, so that the listener naturally thinks that she is speaking out of confusion.

For example, now, Wang Luo is really amazed that the senior sister can switch from the theory of transformation of wasteland to ascension to the birth of a saint in just one sentence!

However, Senior Sister can jump over, but Wang Luo cannot.

Lu Zhiyao and the Holy Lady listened to the words just now, and the conversation went smoothly and naturally, as if they were a couple who had been having an affair for many years. In a few words, they constructed the idea that one of them was not in harmony with his original wife and was suing for divorce. A whole drama of dividing family property and demanding alimony.

But for Wang Luo, this conversation, which was as natural and smooth as a pregnant woman drinking red flowers, was simply a brush on the worldview!

Is the essence of transformation into ascension? The Immortal Alliance's great plan of billions of golden elixirs that have been praised for thousands of years was just Lu Zhiyao's words when he referred to deer as horses?

That is to say, not long after he woke up from Dingling Hall, his understanding of the new world only came from what he saw and heard in just a few months. Therefore, his worldview was not deeply rooted. He was only deeply shocked when he heard the words...

If he had been a serious top student like Shi Yue, or a general like Huang Long who had an extreme attitude on the issue of famine control, his faith would have collapsed and his soul would have been torn apart.

However, precisely because Wang Luo was able to think and digest those words rationally, he soon discovered that there were a lot of doubts in them.

First of all, defining Hua Huang as an alternative kind of ascension is indeed a wonderful explanation. But this does not explain the most important question: Why do humans and beasts change their temperaments drastically after the desolation, and regard the aboriginal people of Kyushu as life-or-death enemies?

Wang Luo had witnessed this with his own eyes. Yan Fuxue, the former leader of Rongcheng Hearers, who had devoted his life to Zhuwang, betrayed his life in an instant.

Even Han Guming was not exempt from this decisive change of stance. However, in the old immortal calendar era, one had never heard that one’s temperament would change drastically after ascending. The Heavenly Court occasionally transmits immortal instructions, and the people of Kyushu can use this to communicate harmoniously with the immortals... So, where is the source of the hostility after the transformation of the wilderness?

Is it pollution from the changes in heaven? Or something else? From this point of view, the original wasteland demon Rhubarb, which was recovered by him, immediately gave up his position after the secret technique was used. Why is this?

Secondly, in what she said just now, Lu Zhiyao said that she once ascended to heaven and belonged to the people who ascended to heaven. So... why didn't she transform into a desolate place? Can he even resolutely wave his sword to his old friends in Tianzhizuo and lead the survivors of the Nine Provinces Continent to establish an immortal alliance?

Finally...if the destination of becoming a god or above is to transform into a wasteland, then do you want to continue on the path of the wonderful golden elixir? In other words, after using the poison of desolation into the elixir, is he considered a person who has transformed into desolation?

And finally...

For a moment, the questions in Wang Luo's mind seemed to be in heat.

So his rationality quickly made him give up thinking.

When the problems faced are too dense, forced thinking will only lead to unwise results. At the same time, the saint's memories are not temporarily interrupted in a humane manner, but proceed step by step to the next step.

That is, the birth of a saint.


After Lu Zhiyao expressed her true feelings, the saint was silent for a long time before asking with some uncertainty.

"Should I laugh now?"

Lu Zhiyao could only sigh: "I'm not kidding."

The saint was still unsure: "But what you just said was obviously a joke."

"With my magnetic voice and moving eyes, whatever I say is never a joke."

"..." The saint was silent for a while, still at a loss, feeling that she might as well laugh.

On the other side, Lu Zhiyao saw that the other party could not understand it anyway, so she had to explain patiently: "The grand scene of billions of true immortals that I planned will probably have to wait until a thousand years, or even two or three thousand years later, and whether you or I, I'm afraid You won't even survive that day. At least you can't do it. You haven't ascended to heaven, and your lifespan is no more than a thousand years, and my master Song Yijing will give you the gift of a junior when he sees you..."

When the saint heard this, she was finally able to laugh naturally: "Yes, I am already old, so you want me to pass on this Taiqing Palace to future generations? That is, my child?"

Lu Zhiyao said: "Yes, this is the only way to continue your precious bloodline."

The saint thought for a long time and then asked with some caution: "What you mean by giving birth to a child is not... giving birth to a child in the conventional sense, right?"

Lu Zhiyao immediately laughed: "This depends on actual needs. When I was on Lingshan, I spent a lot of time studying the method of same-sex childbirth, and I gained a lot. If Sister Yi, you are willing to take the conventional form, I can always do it. Cooperate."

"I don't!"

"To be honest, I only studied theory in the past and never practiced it. Now the opportunity is rare. Sister Yi, why don't you fulfill my dream..."

However, the saint didn't continue arguing with Lu Zhiyao at all, she just looked at the other party with helpless eyes.

It was as if an elderly elder was looking at his little granddaughter rolling around on the floor in front of the toy stall.

But this kind of gaze just restrained Lu Zhiyao, causing her to quickly stop her smile and shrug.

"Okay, enough joking. Let's get down to business. The reproduction I'm talking about is not the conventional reproduction, because the children born in that way, whether they are born from the harmony of yin and yang or simply from mitosis, will inevitably be marked with the local mark at the moment the mark of life is given. And such a mark will pollute the wasteland in your blood."

The saint was a little confused.

Lu Zhiyao nodded: "There has been an example. During the defense of Longshou Mountain, I killed a pregnant woman in the land that was already desolate at that time...but the child in her belly was innocent."

The saint was surprised for a moment: "How could such a thing happen!?"

"After all, it's one corpse and two lives. It's not something worth publicizing. It's more likely to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so the news was blocked by me. Except for you, few people know, but the general principle is obvious. Therefore, today's left and right have stable enough rules, and no matter where you are, it's difficult for you to continue your special wasteland."

After a pause, Lu Zhiyao's expression became more serious.

"In fact, I am facing the same difficulty now, so I am actually asking for help from the Saint Lady. There is a pond of rebirth in the Taiqing Palace that you are in charge of. That pond guarantees that the inheritance of the Taiqing Sect will never change... Then, with a little modification, it can become a hotbed for our reproduction and growth."

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