Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 375 Someone has begun to miss the days when someone was not around

Two years has a very different meaning for a young girl in the growing stage. When Wang Luo saw Shi Yue again, he was surprised to find that she was completely different from the strong and young girl in his impression. .

At this time, even if she was bare-faced without makeup, she still showed a somewhat mature and charming style. Her flawless eyes behind the mirror were as clear as before, but even deeper.

Two years later, the chief of Waishanmen has completely changed. After seeing Wang Luo, Shi Yue was equally surprised and exclaimed sincerely: "Ahhhhh!"

Amidst the screams, Shi Yue fell from a high altitude. Fortunately, she used a breath of pure Qi to hang her body before touching the clouds. Then she stepped on Zai Yun, who was temporarily cut from the clouds, and swayed unsteadily. Return to Wang Luo.

This craftsmanship is obviously not beautiful, but it must be done by golden elixir. Considering that two years ago, Shi Yue was still confused at the peak of foundation building... Wang Luo naturally applauded.

Just as the applause started, a gust of fragrant wind hit me and rushed into my arms.

"Lord Mountain Master!"

Shi Yue hugged Wang Luo hard, and couldn't help but grasp the dense red clothes with both hands.

"Lord Mountain Master..."

"Good morning." Wang Luo touched her head, "Thank you for recognizing me at a glance."

The two years that transformed Shi Yue were endlessly long for Wang Luo? From appearance to temperament, he was completely different from two years ago, but just as he could recognize the chief of the mountain sect outside his house, the chief also recognized the master of the mountain at a glance.


"Actually, I didn't recognize it at first sight." After Shi Yue calmed down, he let go of Wang Luo with some embarrassment, "It's because just now the Lord of the Deer Kingdom sent a message to me with his spiritual thoughts, saying that you finally woke up. But she was in Guanghan Palace and didn't have time to turn back, so she asked me to come over first and gave me the right to "temporary audience". However, I didn't expect that after the divine talisman was burned, although I saw the mountain owner, the mountain owner would not be there. Lord, you are actually waiting for me on the clouds, as if you are deliberately setting a trap..."

While sighing, Shi Yue even smiled bitterly: "I suddenly fell from a high altitude just now. It was like Hall Master Han was conducting a surprise test. My heart almost stopped. And when I looked up at you, I couldn't recognize the person at all. For a moment, I was even a little confused. I was so panicked that I almost didn't continue to decline... However, after I calmed down, I heard a voice in my head telling me that although my appearance has changed and my temperament is even different, you are the Wang Luo I know... I think, because I am still the chief of the outer mountain sect, I can’t help but recognize my own mountain master, right?”

Shi Yue's frank words made Wang Luo couldn't help but touch her head again.

"After all the twists and turns, it's worthy of you."

"Mountain Master, why did you... sleep for so long?"

Wang Luo asked back: "Didn't Lu Youyou tell you?"

Shi Yue smiled bitterly: "The Lord of the Deer Kingdom said that after meeting you, she wanted me to ask this question clearly first. She is also following orders from above, that's all..."

Speaking of the latter part, the tone was obviously a bit vain. Obviously, for people who were born in this world, it is simply unimaginable that the Lord of Zhuwang is already a heavenly being and a person above the heavenly beings.

And asking about the secrets of those unimaginable people is too heavy and dangerous for a person who has just successfully entered high school and immediately fell into heavy academic pressure and had to squeeze every spare time to study textbooks in the study room... .

Fortunately, Wang Luo fully understood all this and relieved her trouble with just one sentence.

"It's hard to explain in one sentence. I'll tell you slowly later when I find time."

Shi Yue then dropped his shoulders in relief.

Wang Luo added: "Tell me about the past two years."

Shi Yue immediately regained his composure and puffed up his chest, just like Little Red Riding Hood when he first met two years ago. He said enthusiastically: "Okay, in fact, in the past two years, I have been thinking that if you, the mountain master, wake up one day and want someone to tell you what happened in the past period, how should I summarize it for you in a concise and comprehensive way, but I didn't expect , after you wake up, you actually want me to tell you!"

"You are the most professional commentator I have ever seen. Of course, professional matters should be left to professionals."

"The mountain master is so complimentary." Shi Yue was even more embarrassed. After shrinking his head, he continued, "Back then, Yueyang..."

"Yueyang, don't rush in advance. Tell me about yourself."

Shi Yue was stunned when he heard this: "Me? But I have nothing to say?"

Wang Luo explained: "It's not about your figure, it's about your experience."

"..." Shi Yue took a deep breath and stroked her figure, which had nothing to say about. She felt that the feeling she had two years ago was finally back.

"In the past two years...I have basically been pushed by things. Lord Mountain Master, before I met you, I was a little girl who worried about food every day and was desperate for debt. But in just a few months, I became The Jade Lord of Stone Street and the chief of the Outer Mountain Sect not only met many people who were not qualified to meet in the past, but also had advice and suggestions on some important matters related to the family and the country, and even had the power to make decisions just by adapting to these. I’m overwhelmed.”

After a pause, Shi Yue tried to think of words to summarize his two magnificent years in the simplest words possible.

"In terms of cultivation, as you can see, I successfully condensed the elixir. I am in the Chuanhai Formation of Rongcheng Academy. When you first went to Yueyang, the academy sent me an invitation letter. But instead of inviting me to enroll in school, they invited me to teach..."

Wang Luo duly commented: "The character of the scholar is amazing."

Shi Yue smiled bitterly: "I guess they didn't expect me to really agree. They just followed my polite refusal and recruited me to the hospital as a student. Even if I was barely worthy of the pile of scattered things I had on me at the time, Dispatch, such as the assistant to the city lord, the president of the Lingshan Construction Investment Association, the sage from the Rongcheng Baixian Hall..."

Wang Luo commented again: "It may also be that you were able to work five jobs a day and were proficient in time management."

Shi Yue burst into laughter: "It's really possible! During that period when I was most busy, I actually enjoyed it a little bit. But then I discovered that those bits and pieces of errands were actually not as good as before. I am working part-time. Because when they send me a job and give me a stipend, they only value my identity and my relationship with a few big shots, but no one really cares about my ability... Of course, if they really care about my ability, then I I really can’t do it anymore. At least nine of the ten tasks I can’t do are paid, and I feel really guilty.”

"So later on, following the academy's invitation, I turned down most of those errands, and no longer had to take those unwelcome salaries. Now I am only responsible for two things. One is to take care of myself, and the other is to help you take care of Lingshan. The outer gate of the mountain.”

Wang Luo commented again: "You are taking money against your will. Can you really manage the outer gate of Lingshan Mountain like this?"


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