Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 379: Fellow Travellers

At the entrance to the third floor of the circular hall, a little girl wearing a red hat and a yellow waistcoat bowed and apologized repeatedly to a tall man with white hair and golden eyes.

"I'm extremely sorry, brother, but there's really nothing we can do. We draw lots to determine the qualifications for the challenge. You can't jump in line, and there are no exceptions..."

The burly man obviously didn't buy it. He twisted his eyebrows and leaned forward a foot, making the little girl in the yellow waistcoat seem to be shrouded in a dark cloud.

"What do you mean there is no way? You have a hundred quotas a day, and I don't believe there is no room for maneuver! Did Mo Lin's female general rely on her own qualifications in the first month? Did your Marshal Guan also rely on his own qualifications? Did you enter by drawing lots?”

As he spoke, a sharp cold air spread everywhere, and the expensive leather clothes on his body even vaguely opened countless pairs of beast eyes, revealing his extremely extraordinary wealth and cultivation.

The little girl had begun to tremble at this time, but her tone was neither humble nor arrogant: "Brother, the two challenges you mentioned were applied for special venues from the Construction Investment Council in advance, and they did not take up the hundred daily challenge opportunities. . Brother, if you are interested, you can apply to the Construction Investment Commission..."

"Fuck! I don't understand this nonsense!" The white-haired man finally ran out of patience, "Do you even know who I am? I'm telling you, why don't you arrange something for me today..."

Before they finished speaking, the two handsome and elegant young men stepped down gracefully on the auspicious clouds and bowed their hands to the big white-haired man. The seals on their waists glowed slightly, making the big man's eyes turn white and he collapsed on the spot. Then the two of them moved to the left and right, like a farmer slaughtering a pig at the end of the year, lifting the big man up and walking away gracefully. The whole process was smooth and silky, without saying a word or saying anything nonsense, and did not even attract the attention of too many onlookers around him.

In fact, such things have been happening in endlessly, which is no longer surprising.

The entire Immortal League is the only one in the entire Immortal League that can challenge the celebrities of the old world with near-real scenes. On the one hand, the technology of the afterimage of the mind is basically the wish alone. On the other hand, this kind of promotion of the figures of the old world goes against the current mainstream values. Only Zhu Wang dared to set this precedent. Therefore, at least in the short term, Lingshan Theme Arena is a monopoly business. From all over the world, powerful people from hundreds of countries gather here. Huang Huaishou welcomes and sends away at least several of the country's first-class dignitaries every day...

There are always those idiots who are used to being arrogant in their own territory and can't restrain their ferocity even when they come to the foot of Lingshan Mountain. They always bother the commissioners of the Yue Choir to come and carry the pigs.

After the commissioner left, there was naturally no lack of ridicule and sarcasm for those who underestimated their own capabilities, as well as sighs of admiration for the strict management of the arena.

At the same time, Wang Luo, who was sitting on a stage surrounded by brocade flowers inside the door, watched the two commissioners go away with great interest, thinking wonderfully.

Others couldn't see the hall, but he could clearly "see" it at this time. In a mountain col a few miles away, the two Yue Choir Commissioners gently put down the big man and patted him on the shoulder. So the big man immediately woke up and took off his heavy leather jacket. His body suddenly shrank several times, turning into a slightly shy and frail young man. His domineering and domineering temperament no longer existed.

"Brothers, how are your acting skills?"

One of the commissioners immediately smiled and said: "That's very good. As expected of a theater major, I looked at your code and couldn't see any flaws."

The young man smiled shyly again: "It's also thanks to the extraordinary effectiveness of your costumes. With the blessing of the mental afterimage array, after putting on the costumes, it seems that you really become another person... I just don't know that I am playing the role of Hao Heng. Which country is this powerful man? I was a little uncomfortable when I received the script. I didn’t understand the character’s background, and I always felt that the acting was a bit lacking..."

The commissioner laughed and said: "It doesn't belong to any country. It's just made up out of thin air. Let people guess. Which country does it really reflect? It would be troublesome to be investigated carefully. Anyway, it can let people see that our Lingshan Arena is not partial. Okay. But brother, remember that things must be kept confidential. You have signed an agreement and left a mark. The consequences of leaking the secret will be serious. "

"Definitely not, definitely not!"


This kind of official scam is not worth mentioning when exposed, but it has actually deceived many people.

A middle-aged wealthy businessman sitting next to Wang Luo said with emotion: "This fighting arena has been open for several months, but there are still people who don't know the heights and heights of heaven and earth who come to test the law. The limit of one hundred places per day, even if The leaders of various countries have been unable to break through. If they want to challenge the old masters of Lingshan Mountain, they can only take the special channel of the Construction Investment Council. This place has attracted the attention of the world, but it can maintain its fair and impartial management, which is really admirable. ”

Wang Luo held in his hand the bronze talisman that Shi Yue had given him for being particularly fair and unbiased, and thought to himself that all the officials of this arena were actually arranged to come to the venue?

Theoretically, with Wang Luo's consistent luck, even if he tried to draw the qualifications openly, he would most likely be successful. However, after being immersed in fifteen years of memories, Wang Luo no longer wanted to use his privileges. Many things have prices that are marked invisibly.

So he decided to use Shi Yue's privileges. Facts have proved that a place that is impartial enough to hire professional actors to show its impartiality can naturally obtain qualifications for Wang Luo impartially.

However, this is not enough for outsiders.

However, the wealthy businessmen around him were talkative. He turned to talk to Wang Luo and said, "Little brother, are you alone? You are really lucky to be qualified. But the cost of admission is one hundred thousand souls." Ye, it would be a bit wasteful for you to work alone like this... But who do you admire, do you want to use this place to see the afterimage of your mind at a close distance? "

Wang Luo asked, "What about you?"

The wealthy businessman patted his big belly and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'm here to challenge you!"

Wang Luo was curious: "Single-handed?"

"Single-handed!" The wealthy businessman nodded vigorously, full of confidence, "This fighting arena has been open for three months, and although I have only won one lottery in person, I have been in the audience for thousands of challenges, and I have almost failed every time. I’ve seen it, so I’m quite confident about the outcome.”

With that said, he took the initiative to show off without waiting for Wang Luo to ask.

"My family has been in the arms business for generations. It is just next to our Zhuwang. The scale of the industry is not large, but the technology is absolutely excellent! Unfortunately, because it is adjacent to a superpower like Zhuwang, our family's skills have not been widely known. This time I plan to take advantage of this rare opportunity to build on the prestige that my family has built up over a century!”

Wang Luo heard it even more interestingly: "Are you planning to challenge Wang Luo?"

The wealthy businessman laughed and said: "It can't be anyone else! This arena contains all the strongest states of Lingshan people in the past generations, and some people who died in the middle path were not included. So except for the previous mountain masters, I think the rest are the lowest The beginning of transformation into a god. Even with my small body, even if I have stacks of divine weapons and armors, I can't hold on to the immortal energy of others. Fortunately, this latest King Shanzhu is young and has only a limited level of cultivation. A golden elixir, a Nascent Soul, and bare hands give people like us a chance to stand out!"

After a pause, the wealthy businessman looked sincerely convinced: "Actually, this is also an excellent business experience. This fighting arena is open for three months, and at least one-third of the people challenge Shanzhu Wang. And because he challenged him, he rented the arena. Magical elixirs account for 60 to 70% of the total. After all, those who challenge others are probably just joining in the fun, and those who challenge Mountain Master Wang probably feel that they have a good chance of winning if they have all the troops."

Wang Luo asked again: "Then how do you estimate your chances of winning?"

The wealthy businessman slapped his chest: "Instant kill!"

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