Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 385 The Battle for Orthodoxy

help me?

When he heard these two words, Wang Luo's heart couldn't help but move, and then he felt emotional.

Previously, Lu Youyou laughed at himself for being unable to change his weakness of being manipulated by Lu Zhiyao after 800 years. However, those two people seemed to be favored by others, but in fact they were like mother and daughter. They had been together day and night for thousands of years. When Lu Zhiyao was active alone, she was more than After seven hundred years, how could it be that Lu Youyou was manipulated unilaterally?

In my memory, every time the little deer raised her head and said help me with a serious face, Lu Zhiyao would definitely help her do it no matter how big or difficult it was.

For example, I have to go to the Golden Deer Hall to deal with the backlog of official business, and I can't come out for several months...

In a daze, Lu Youyou's greener but equally determined little face seemed to vaguely reappear in his mind. Wang Luo realized that this was the beginning of some memories that should not belong to him, so he immediately calmed down and gave an answer.

"I will promise you if you do somersaults."

Lu Youyou blushed on the spot: "Why does that woman tell you everything!?"

Wang Luo sighed in his heart, why don't you just tell me everything? Lu Zhiyao and Saint Taiqing have been cultivating together for fifteen years. They have really learned every posture with me... It is also true that Saint Taiqing, as the symbol of the sect's inheritance, is particularly persistent in memory and inheritance. What? Everything that should be remembered and shouldn't be remembered was piled into Jingyi Pond in minute detail, which caused Wang Luo to experience a lot of embarrassment in those fifteen years.

After a while, Lu Youyou also sighed and said: "Oh, that woman always seems to deliberately make things difficult for others! Two years ago, she suddenly told me that she wanted to stay in Yueyang for two years. You want me to take care of the beginning and end of the Yueyang eradication, and you want me to take care of Lingshan during this period, and you will return to Dingling Hall from Yueyang when you wake up, I..."

At this point, he stopped suddenly, and his face looked even more rosy.

Wang Luo smiled and added: "You don't need to worry about your lover being abducted by Yueyang Demon Girl. It will only take a few years at most. He will be kept in good condition and brought back for you to enjoy."

Lu Youyou suddenly jumped three feet high: "Why does that woman tell you everything?!"

Wang Luo thought to himself, she didn't say these words to me, but I guessed that she would say this... Now he has more precise control over many things about Lu Zhiyao.

However, this kind of accuracy is really not a good thing.

At the same time, he also vaguely felt that Lu Youyou had similar worries to him at this time, so that she, who had always been respectful to the Lord in the past, began to call "that woman" directly.

After sighing with emotion, Wang Luo returned to the topic again: "Sister, have you ever told you the truth about transforming wasteland?"

Lu Youyou shook her head, but then said: "She never said it clearly, even before she retired, she refused to elaborate on it with me, but this made me 70-80% sure. I think this is the effect she wanted. "

After a pause, Lu Youyou raised his hand slightly, causing an invisible tide to rise in the temporary conference room in the arena, slowly dissolving the dusty walls and floors, and finally appeared as a simple stone room, but Wang Luo felt... familiar.

"The Yin Gong Hall of the Hundred Halls of Lingshan?"

Lu Youyou nodded and said: "It is indeed designed with reference to the Seal Gong Hall on Lingshan Mountain, which specializes in secret arts and is not subject to outside prying eyes. This room is magical and superimposed with the afterimage formation of the mind. Some less important words can be said here. There shouldn’t be any risk.”

Then, Lu Youyou unfolded the answer that he had been brewing in his heart for a long time to Wang Luo: "The immortals who fell with the Heavenly Court during the Heavenly Tribulation are not dead, and quite a few of them escaped into the four left states of Heaven, dividing them. They are the immortal world on earth. And they and the Taoism passed down by them are like warriors tug-of-war, always trying to regain the way of heaven and recreate the heaven."

This conjecture is concise and concise, but it is a bit more advanced than what Wang Luo knew and realized in his memories.

During those fifteen years, Saintess and Lu Zhiyao had an unusual tacit understanding on many things. They usually disagreed on whether they should bake pancakes or steam rice during meals, but when they renovated Jingyi Pond, they even looked at each other. Communication does not require each other to naturally understand each other's thoughts and work together. Wang Luo, on the other hand, was immersed in memories. Although he could fully share the saint's five senses, he did not know her thoughts. Moreover, some knowledge was naturally accompanied by risks, and knowing too much would be detrimental. So to this day, Wang Luo's understanding of desolation has not actually expanded much compared to when he recalled the initial conversation. At this time, after hearing Lu Youyou's answer, he just nodded silently.

Lu Youyou added: "In the Battle of Dinghuang, the Lord and a group of heroes fought to the death, forcing the enemies to retreat to the west of Lingshan Mountain, and weaved the Great Law to establish the Immortal Alliance. But even if the way of heaven changes, the foundation of the Immortal Alliance is still the same. After all, it comes from the inheritance of the old world. Therefore, even if the immortals of the Transformation of Desolation temporarily retreat, as long as the Immortal Alliance continues to develop and the people of the Immortal Alliance continue to practice, they will one day gradually return to the old world and be polluted by the poison of desolation... So in these thousands of years. In the future, both the Lord and I will try to separate ourselves from the inheritance of the old world as much as possible. If it must be those irreplaceable precious inheritances, we will try to dilute them with ten times the new Taoism. In addition, we must actively promote the eradication of desolation in all directions in order to achieve the ultimate goal. Perform the ritual of alternation between the old and the new in a direct way, firmly holding the world’s immortality in your own hands.”

It was another concise and concise discussion, but it analyzed the situation around Tianzhi clearly.

“Over the past thousand years, the strategy for pioneering the wilderness formulated by the Honorable Lord and others has been advancing rapidly despite occasional setbacks. But the wilderness cannot just sit there and wait for death. Those former immortals, whom I have never met but have heard of, have been dormant in the four states for more than a thousand years. What kind of killer moves have they brewed? Just thinking about it occasionally makes people unable to sleep at night. And the Honorable Lord has always taught the other leaders of the Immortal Alliance not to be intoxicated by the temporary victory of settling the wilderness, and to always be vigilant against the reversal of the wilderness tide... But no matter what, even if the immortals in the wilderness have more conspiracies and trump cards, the battle line will not lie. The wider the territory of the Immortal Alliance, the narrower the territory of the wilderness, and the fewer resources they have to brew conspiracies. Logically speaking, after thousands of years of settling the wilderness, we should be getting closer and closer to victory. , but..."

Speaking of this, Lu Youyou raised his head, and his tone was a little hesitant: "But, just when Rongcheng was about to open up the wasteland, Lingshan, which was supposed to have been dormant, revived, and then revived a junior brother of the master who I had never had any impression of. At this point in time, Lingshan, as the leader of the old immortal way, inexplicably revived, which was too strange, and the master really let you be the master of the mountain. I really couldn't understand it for a while. Even if I must find someone to entrust Lingshan, it should be me! ? It was not until I integrated the two city academies last year and completed the design of the mind residual image formation that I gradually understood everything in the formation. Wang Luo, Lingshan must be revived, because if this Lingshan cannot be revived..."

Speaking of this, Lu Youyou sighed again.

And Wang Luo immediately gave a positive response.

"Then the revived Lingshan may not be the Lingshan you and I want to see. "

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