Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 393 Childhood Shadow

Might Lingshan become the biggest flaw in pioneering?

Regarding Guan Xiaohe's question about integrity, Wang Luo chose to answer it with integrity.

"Of course there are risks, so you need to work overtime here to check for deficiencies. Of course, even so, the worst case scenario may still happen, that is, Lingshan has inherited a large number of old world traditions, and after going deep into the wilderness, The ancient desolate demon that had been dormant for thousands of years exploded from within, and desolation erupted directly on the west side of Rong City. With insufficient internal defense, half of the wishes were polluted, and half of the achievements of the Immortal Alliance's millennia of pioneering were destroyed in an instant..."

Wang Luo's straightforward answer could be called alarmist, but Guan Xiaohe smiled when he heard the words and nodded one after another: "That's right! This is how you should do things. Think about the worst case scenario in advance, and then write it down in detail. In the budget application report, only in this way can those gentlemen who don’t know the sufferings of the world obediently spend their money..."

As she spoke, she had written down Wang Luo's words word for word on a piece of official paper, and attached a melon seed containing the image as proof, and finally added the person's name engraved with the word Xiaohe. Chapter, once the ironclad evidence is presented in court, you're done.

This operation was so smooth that Wang Luo was amazed again and again.

No wonder the military academies from all over the world were vying for this ingenious genius. Compared with his talent in designing and controlling the machine, this kind of talent that is good at seizing every opportunity to apply for a budget and is sure to apply for it is the most important one. What a talent!

In fact, with the high popularity rate of Immortal Alliance practice and the emergence of talents, simple and outstanding talents are no longer enough to attract people's attention. The Immortal League has a population of tens of billions, and even a one-in-a-million or one-in-a-hundred-million genius is enough to dazzle even the pickiest person. However, there are really very few geniuses who have the talent of being one in a hundred thousand, a father who is a marshal, and a reputation in front of the country's leader Lu Youyou. Out.

After Guan Xiaohe was satisfied with the supporting evidence of the budget application, he didn't stay much, neatly packed up the sticker box, stuffed it back into his student uniform, waved to Wang Luo, and ran down the observation deck. After a while, you can vaguely hear her exhausted and panting voice from the corners of the stairs two floors below...

After Guan Xiaohe left, Guan Dingnan stood up from the corner. The bruises on his face had long disappeared, replaced by a curious face that was full of interest, but it was seventy-eight times the same as when Guan Xiaohe asked Wang Luo about his supernatural powers. Similar points.

"Mountain Master, what do you think of Xiaohe...?"

Wang Luo asked back: "Do you really think your head is harder than the bronze man's fist?"

Guan Dingnan couldn't help but smile bitterly, remained silent for a moment, and told a simple story.

"Xiaohe was not born like this. When she was young, she was also a child who loved beauty. Even the first treasure box she designed and assembled by herself was covered with floral paper. And she is different from me. Her facial features and eyebrows are more like those of my mother. , she is really pretty without makeup... so she has been loved by her mother since she was a child, and even her father could do nothing to her. At that time, Xiaohe was an extremely arrogant little bully at home and outside. When he drives a wooden man to hit my brother on the head, he often doesn’t even find a reason.”

After a brief sigh, Guan Dingnan added: "She comes from a rich family, is talented, and is beautiful. She is like the perfect embodiment in countless people's dreams. At that time, her self-confidence was so swollen that she felt that as long as she did it seriously, she would definitely be able to do it. Unparalleled in the world... At that time, she, like me, was studying general knowledge at the Meng College in Nanxiang. Most of the Meng Colleges recruited children of the Dinghuang Army and related people. As the daughter of a marshal, she was simply incompetent after enrolling. However, in such an environment that can be called home, she suffered the first setback in her life. "

After a pause, Guan Dingnan shook his head bitterly, and said leisurely: "When she was twelve years old, she dressed herself up in a gorgeous way and drove two white jade puppet waiters designed and made by herself. Under the admiration and adulation of countless people, , she confidently participated in the annual beauty pageant of Mongolian Academy. Shanzhu Wang, the images and data at that time have been destroyed by her. I can't tell you how beautiful she was at that time, but with your magical power, she should be. It’s not hard to imagine.”

Wang Luo nodded and drew a spiritual thought out of thin air. Like a wonderful pen, he quickly drew a beautiful little girl dressed up. The woman's facial features and figure were slightly adjusted based on Guan Xiaohe's appearance to suit the twelve-year-old age. set up. The moment he started writing, Guan Dingnan couldn't help but be amazed.

"The mountain master is a good painter! That's what Xiaohe looked like back then... To be fair, even if you don't take into account the shameless flattery, Xiaohe was really beautiful back then. Even if she didn't usually put too much emphasis on her appearance, it was still enough. She won the first place in the ordinary beauty pageant. Unfortunately, that year, she met an unusual opponent. It was a senior sister who was three years older than her. She had been unknown in Meng College for many years, but she participated in it during her graduation year. She won a beauty pageant that didn’t belong to her, and then…she shined.”

With that said, Guan Dingnan took out a painting and unfolded it in front of Wang Luo.

It was a photo taken at the beauty pageant. Although Guan Xiaohe's part was hidden, you could still see the lively scene of countless little girls competing for beauty. In the middle of the scroll, there is a woman with a particularly outstanding temperament. She only wears simple school uniforms. She has neither gorgeous dresses nor luxurious jewelry. However, her appearance is delicate and beautiful, and her temperament is elegant and pure. She is like a hibiscus emerging from the water, which makes her stand out from the crowd around her. Everyone wears heavy makeup and looks vulgar.

Wang Luo's eyes lit up: "So beautiful!"

Guan Dingnan smiled bitterly: "Right? Beauty is divided into different levels. My sister is beautiful, but she is only beautiful enough to make people nod and praise her secretly. But some people are so beautiful that people can't stop praising them."

Wang Luo said: "It's similar to Shi Yue to Han Ying."

Guan Dingnan was stunned, nodded silently, and gave a thumbs up, indicating that it was a good analogy.

"Then, in the beauty pageant that year, my sister lost miserably. Although many of her loyal fans firmly expressed their intention to vote for her, she herself voted for that senior sister at the first moment of the competition, and then announced that she would abstain. Xiaohe is arrogant and domineering, but she is a member of our Guan family after all, and never deceives herself about the number of wins and losses. And that beauty pageant also made her realize that she was not as beautiful as she thought."

Speaking of this, Guan Dingnan couldn't help shaking his head and said self-deprecatingly: "Forget it, who am I fooling? To be honest, Xiaohe was still a little unwilling at the time. After all, that senior sister had been unknown for many years, but she was the most dazzling little star in Meng Academy. When everyone voted, it was impossible not to consider the influence of these off-field factors. For us Guan family, winning is the most important thing, and hard strength is a reason for the loser to comfort himself. However, in the end, Xiaohe lost even in the number of votes. And since then, she has never been willing to spend any effort on her appearance."

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