Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 396: Better to work overtime

Wang Luo's words made Guan Dingnan unable to react for a long time.

"Master Wang, did I not explain it clearly before? This mountain is used as a pioneer to open up the wilderness. The upper limit of the imaginary enemy is the ancient wild demons in the deepest part of the wilderness. Theoretically, even if the true immortals of the old world are resurrected, they will be hit head-on by the Baili Mountain Fortress with four major spiritual veins, and most of them will collapse and overflow. Although the mountain fortress is only in its infancy and the spiritual veins are only a small hill, there is no need for us to risk our lives, right? Xiaohe is a good girl, and it is too pitiful for her to be widowed at such a young age..."

However, Wang Luo did not argue with him and just smiled. With a Tongtian Talisman, he moved himself to the position where he had entered the Baili Mountain Fortress before.

Seeing this, Guan Dingnan marveled at the awesomeness of the Taiqing Xuan Gong, and at the same time lamented that he could not beat the owner of the Lingshan Mountain.

Seeing that Wang Luo insisted on entering the formation again, he could only control the formation diagram on the observation deck, carefully stimulate the mountain-opening intention, and first try to use some flying sand and rocks to test Wang Luo's endurance. He thought that if there was really a risk, he would risk damaging the formation diagram and slightly injuring himself, the eye of the formation, to stop the mountain-opening intention in time, and never hurt Wang Luo's life... Then he could use this as an excuse to apply for maintenance and medical expenses from his superiors.

You can't let your sister take care of everything.

But after a while, Guan Dingnan's uneasiness turned into surprise, and then into horror.

Because it was different from the previous time when Wang Luo broke into the formation, he was always a step away from breaking through the mountain barrier, so that he could only take a different approach in the end... At this time, Wang Luo was in the crushing force of the mountain-opening intention. No matter how the sand and stones swept and the rocks flew in the air, he remained unmoved, even like a fish in water!

Sometimes his posture was as light as a feather, without any effort at all. Sometimes it is as strong as a mountain. As long as it stands still, it can easily break the boulders and rocks rolling in front of it, making the mountain-opening intention of Baili Mountain Lei seem like a huge wave hitting the shore, which is in vain.

However, once this mountain-opening intention is activated, it will become an endless sweeping force. If one wave fails, another wave will rise. The initial flying sand and rocks failed, and soon the sand and rocks in the formation gathered. When the boulders did not work, there were dozens of meters high cliffs with the rumbling sound of the earth, rolling ruthlessly from the front and back.

The rocks in this formation are blessed by the mountain-opening intention, and they are no longer ordinary things, but like magical weapons with spirits. The cliffs sandwiched on both sides are faintly shrouded in clear light while moving, and they have the earth's [immovable] magical power. Ordinary flying swords, thunder and fire cannot hurt them, and their squeezing force is far beyond the scope of human power.

Under the double-team, the only way out is to go up to the sky - going down to the ground is like walking into a trap, and the ground pressure that has increased by a hundred times will crush you into dust. However, the sky is also a dead end, because after taking off, the ground under your feet will quickly generate ten times and a hundred times the gravity, forcibly pulling you back. Even if you try to escape in the air at all costs, you will find that you have completely lost your bearings in the vast sky - the effect of the green mountains blocking your view is still there.

Sure enough, facing the pressure of the cliff, Wang Luo did not block it hard, and immediately flew into the air with his Qi, but before he flew a few hundred meters high, his momentum began to drop sharply and it was difficult to continue. The red cloud clothes seemed to be soaked in water, and someone pulled the hem of the clothes down hard.

After a moment of stalemate in the air, the gravity of the earth, under the blessing of the infinite power of the mountain-opening intention, quickly superimposed to a point that no one could bear, and Wang Luo fell down like a meteorite. On the ground, there were already countless jagged rocks, waiting for the food to fall to the ground like hungry beasts.

On the observation deck, Guan Dingnan couldn't help but sigh and prepared to call a halt to the formation.

Wang Luo had persisted in the formation for much longer than expected. No matter how unformed this Baili Mountain Fortress was, it was still the top formation of the Immortal Alliance that affected the mountains and rivers. Moreover, although the mountain fortress was unformed, the mountain-opening intention and the four spiritual veins were formed. Even if the ancient demon of the Mahayana period was really called into the formation at this time, it might be able to break the formation directly with its powerful cultivation. But if you stay in the formation for too long, and let the infinite force continue to accumulate, you will inevitably be crushed by the increasingly heavy pressure.

Since Wang Luo did not have the explosive power to break the formation with one blow, the final result was doomed early.

However, when Wang Luo fell from the air, he saw that many parts of the formation diagram were shining and hot, as if they could not bear the burden. Before Guan Dingnan could check carefully, he heard a crisp sound of glass cracking in his ears.

Along with this crisp sound that came out of nowhere, Wang Luo's figure in the distance also disappeared in mid-air. At the moment when he was about to fall to the ground and be swallowed by countless rocks, he disappeared in the formation out of thin air!

In theory, once entering the formation, the gate of heaven and earth is firmly locked. Except for the Taiqing Xuan Gong performed by the Ascension Record, there is no possibility of any instant movement! And the means by which Wang Luo disappeared from mid-air is completely different from before...

In an instant, the Kanyu lieutenant realized the problem.

He was actually using the two magical powers of Baili Mountain Fortress, which was a contradiction in itself!

When Wang Luo broke into the mountain fortress before, he was stuck at the last level, the endless mountains. At that time, he flew into the Gangfeng layer to isolate the green mountains from his eyes, and then fell with all his strength in order to bypass the mountain fortress. However, he was firmly blocked by the endless mountains of the last layer of the mountain fortress magical power that controlled the spatial distance, and finally gave up helplessly.

But at this time, Wang Luo surprisingly used the contradiction between the mountain-opening intention to pull the enemy closer and the endless mountains to refuse the enemy to approach. Taking advantage of the momentum of falling, he broke through the last barrier!

As for how he broke through the green mountains blocking his view in the air several hundred meters away, it was no longer important. Because when Guan Dingnan figured out these tricks, Wang Luo had already stood on the observation deck again.

The reason is not so important after the result is determined. Anyway, everything in the formation is recorded in the formation diagram, and we can find someone to analyze it slowly later.

Guan Dingnan just sighed and said, "I didn't expect that the mountain master, who seems to have a gentle and indifferent personality, is a person who doesn't let grudges last overnight. After failing to break through the front for the first time, he thought of a revenge plan so quickly... The means really opened Dingnan's eyes."

In this regard, Wang Luo didn't say much, but just patted Guan Dingnan on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Thank you for your hard work overtime."

Guan Dingnan was almost crying without tears: "You deserve the hard work, you deserve the hard work..."

Although Baili Mountain Fort was not designed by him, he was in charge of building it. Now that such a serious loophole has been discovered, the construction plan that has just been finalized must be overturned and started over. Now not only can the old professors in the mathematics group prepare pensions, but he himself also has to prepare to buy insurance in advance.

However, even so, he still has to thank Wang Luo.

It is better to work overtime now than to work overtime during the war. It is better to receive pensions now than to have the vast civilization of the earth collapse after the war, and there is not even an organization to issue pensions!

However, Wang Luo did not wait for Guan Dingnan to express his gratitude with Guan Xiaohe's marriage as usual, and he retreated to Lingshan in a flash.

The contradiction of using Bailishanlei's magical power just now was caused by a whim, as if he suddenly felt unwilling to fail in the first breakthrough, and the unwillingness brought inspiration to break the formation.

But recalling it later, he couldn't help but wonder: where did this whim come from?

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