Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 403: An ominous sign

"Family members! I am your Zhou Guo Kuai Li Xiao Li who is always at the forefront! Now I am located in [Red Ridge] three hundred miles west of Lingshan Mountain! Please pay attention, family members, and go west from here Go, we are at the front line of this pioneering work. You can clearly see the blood rain in the wasteland, and you can also see the mountains moving westward. In the early spring, the Qingyuan flattened the blood plains and turned into red ridges. And this is the wonder of the red front! This is where the name "ridge" comes from. Oh, how can I put it this way? Although the official report has already been published, this strange scene of red ridge is still shocking! Now, let me adjust the position of the flower plate so that my family can see it again. Be clearer..."

"Since Zhu Wangrong City officially set off westward last month, it took more than a month to march hundreds of miles into the wilderness. Some family members have always felt that this was too slow. Find a beginner to enter the Mongolian College and have a foundation for entraining Qi. Children can walk hundreds of miles a day on the plains. It would be even more amazing if we wish the elites in the country to participate in summer camps. They can walk hundreds of miles a day even with hundreds of kilograms of weight on their backs. Guo's children really need to work harder! In short, the Xian Alliance has been secretly planning for a hundred years and concentrated the resources of hundreds of countries on Rong City. It only took one month to reach a hundred miles. Isn't it too slow? What's more, more than two years ago, Rong City? When the city was full of ambitions, it was suddenly attacked by two wild demons, and even Governor Han died unfortunately. Does the bad start mean that this pioneering trip is really difficult? "

"Family members, Xiao Li, I am going to give some explanations to the wishers. If you are familiar with history or are a little older, you should know that the pioneering actions of the Immortal Alliance have always been slow at the beginning and slow in the middle. Fast, then slow at the end. The reason for starting slowly is that everything is difficult at the beginning. Many plans made in advance often become empty talk when encountering practical difficulties. , it took a full two years, and the first half of the journey was as slow as a snail, and I had to go back from time to time, and I wanted to see saw on every hill. "

"But two years later, when the White Key City was settled, the former Lord Butian still held a commendation meeting in the Immortal League. Although the tragedy of the Huangtide's resurgence soon followed, at least at that meeting, Even the Lord of the Deer Kingdom nodded in approval of Yueyang's achievements in pioneering the wilderness. Speaking from a practical perspective, moving hundreds of miles northward in two years is already a very good achievement! If anyone in the family feels unconvinced, they think they did it alone. You can walk hundreds of miles in half a day, so you can go this way and see if the Lord of the Deer will commend you! Alas, if Xiao Li can get a commendation from the Lord of the Deer, he will ask me to close my house and retire on the spot. I’m also happy to do the Qinglu Lord’s business!”

"Ah, thank you [I want to see Xiao Li's women's clothing] for the money book, 'I wish Xiao Li will always be blacklisted as the king of the country and not be released'. Wow, brother, you are so cruel! Xiao Li admires the king of deer the most in his life. I have to go to the deer festival to pay homage to the heroic figure of the king. I have been looking forward to one day grabbing the souvenirs distributed by the king himself at the festival. Unfortunately, I have never been able to do so. If I were to be blacklisted by her, I would directly do it. Just jump down from here and be reincarnated!”

"Haha, thank you to my family [Jiu Zhuan is really intentional] for sending me the gift [Meng Po Soup], thank my family [Kuo Yue Zhenjun] for sending me the gift [Meng Po Soup], thank you... my family is really humorous, little one Li admires it. Let's go back to the topic and take a look at the scene on the front line of land reclamation. This opportunity is really rare right now. My family has searched all over Taixu Qinglu. I am afraid that we are the only one who can show you the real situation of land reclamation. It is really not easy to find a path that can bypass the patrolling soldiers. By the way, I have recently seen many Zhaotang laymen or Qinglu masters frequently publishing content about "professionals teach you to go to the front line in person". Let’s be serious, don’t believe it! Don’t imitate it!”

"This pioneer front line, from the west of Lingshan North District to the south of East District, are all restricted areas under military control. There are usually soldiers patrolling everywhere, and there are even formation monitoring. Once caught, the consequences will be very serious! And unless it is really If you are a professional like me, it would be impossible to break through the military control and arrive at the front line in person. Please stop blindly trying and add unnecessary burdens to the frontline soldiers. As for why I am an exception, this is true professionalism and false professionalism. There's a difference, hush, don't worry, family, someone seems to be chasing me, Xiao Li, I need to take shelter for a while..."

"Wait, don't get out of the sheath! I'm not a wild demon! I'm a human! Brothers, please forgive me, Xiao Li will never dare to break in again!"


Accompanied by a burst of harsh noise, the scene from the pioneering front line was suddenly fragmented and turned into scattered streams of light. In the blink of an eye, this lively Qinglu, which was already famous in the entire Taixu Illusion Realm, lost all its color. Then, while the onlookers in the hut were talking and wondering, an invisible force came from the inside out and drove all the Taixu Walkers out. Then the courtyard door slammed shut, and it was closed on the spot!

After a while, two humanoids covered in fire and with dazzling fairy lights appeared out of thin air. They stretched out their burning tentacles and put a seal in front of the Qinglu door. In an instant, the huge Qinglu stage faded and condensed, as if from the beginning. This time and space goes by independently.

Seeing these two humanoid beings descended from the sky, the tens of thousands of onlookers outside Qinglu suddenly became silent and did not dare to speak loudly. Because this is the messenger of Tianzun, he has the power to kill and seize in Taixuan Realm. Right now, we are just sealing off a green hut. If we really think about it, none of them who come to see the restricted area for fun will actually be able to escape!


At the same time, on a high mountain in Chilongdi, a young man holding a flower plate and wearing a camouflage robe raised his hands helplessly, slowly knelt on the ground, and then exhaled a long breath of fresh air in his stomach, making his true essence turbid and temporarily unusable, to show that he was absolutely harmless.

Otherwise, the flying swords pointing at his nose would hit him in the face and pierce him with holes!

"Brothers, I really didn't mean it..."

Kneeling on the ground, Xiao Li had just opened his mouth to beg for mercy, and was immediately hit by a soul-sucking talisman on his face, and his whole body stiffened immediately. Then a black-armored soldier, with a face full of anger, reached out and lifted this person, and the sword on his waist trembled slightly, and it was about to be unsheathed and bleed.

Fortunately, a middle-aged man who looked like a captain reached out and pressed on his sword handle, which suppressed the hunger of the flying sword and restored the sword master's mind.

"Xiao Ma, don't vent your anger on this kind of idler. Send him to the Qingping Division on the front line and let them expel him permanently. He wants to be blacklisted by the king, so let him get what he wants... We still have our own things to do."

The young soldier who was named nodded vigorously, and then tied the Qinglu Lord who sneaked in and didn't care about his life to a thick rope, pasted talisman paper on it, injected his true energy, and immediately made him fly into the sky and fly towards the camp behind Baili Mountain.

But when he turned back, his face was still ugly.

Even if he didn't vent his anger on the Zhou Guo people, it was really embarrassing for the front-line soldiers to have this important place on the front line be sneaked in by a Qinglu Lord who was only interested in attracting attention.

And it's okay to be embarrassed, but the net that should have been airtight was easily drilled out by someone, and the meaning of it is simply chilling.

This pioneering trip has only been started for a month...

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