Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 416: Nameless Poison

At first, everything went smoothly.

There was a strong team of top experts, strong support from the frontline fortress in terms of resources, and strong morale. Although they were facing almost unprecedented difficulties, it seemed that any difficulties would be easily solved.

A group of experts entered the game and found their positions while chatting and laughing. They even dismantled the tasks by themselves without the need for Hai Qingyun to personally command them. It was smooth as silk.

"I have been stationed at the foot of the Molin Holy Mountain for the past few years and have studied the art of weaving wasteland, so I will be in charge of filtering the threads of this life-weaving technique."

"Well, since Mr. Chen has taken the job of weaving wasteland, it seems that the job of awakening the spirit and returning to the original state can only be done by me. Mr. Hai, you can just let go when you perform the technique. As long as your stitches are not messy, I can definitely guarantee that the person's original state will return to its place."

"Then I will be responsible for miscellaneous tasks such as promoting blood circulation and producing marrow as usual. After practicing medicine for a hundred years, it is more comfortable to help others do miscellaneous tasks."

"Wow, Mr. Xiang, you are here again. How many medical masters in your country are trying their best to get the qualification to help you. Even I am eager to witness your miraculous blood-activating technique as an assistant . "

"Hehe, no matter how much I brag to you, I will not give my disciple to you, so save your breath."

"Hey, Mr. Xiang misunderstood me. I just chatted casually when I had nothing to do. It is up to the young people to decide who they want to join. How can I force them?"

"Hmph, what conspiracy have you planned again? You are planning to intercept my disciple halfway and use it to shut me up in the future, right?"

"...Mr. Xiang is a superb doctor, and I didn't expect him to be so active."

"Hehe, if you don't have an active mind when practicing medicine in Ziwu, you would have been beaten to death or disabled by unreasonable medical troublemakers."

While talking and laughing, Hai Qingyun presided over the formation to slowly rotate, making the shadows of the masters from various countries in the Immortal Alliance gradually become real.

Although the original bodies of these people are still scattered all over the country, at least in this formation used for consultation, they are like the original bodies in person, and can exert their full abilities.

After turning from virtual to real, everyone's consciousness attached to Hai Qingyun's millions of silk threads, using the silk threads as a medium to go deep into the tent and carefully observe the situation inside.

Under the unique perspective of the life-weaving technique, people quickly came to some trivial conclusions.

"Wow, this girl's talent and bones are quite good. She is a good embryo for cultivation."

"Humph, it's a pity that I don't know how to cherish it. She is obviously a good material for body cultivation, but she gave up halfway and turned to spiritual cultivation. It's okay to cultivate the spiritual cultivation in a mediocre way, but the path of physical cultivation was hastily cut off, which really left a root of disease."

"Help me to make up for it later. Anyway, this life-weaving technique is no different from recreating a physical body."

"As long as Hai Lao nods and Zhu Wangren reimburses the labor fee, I have no objection... However, Chen Lao, your point of view just now may be a bit biased. Pay attention here. This girl had a miscarriage when she was young, and the method seemed to be extremely violent, which directly cut off her opportunity to continue to cultivate the jade body."

"Hiss, it's true! And this trace is obviously caused by The master has repaired and covered it up. If it weren't for the deep weaving of life, it would be hard to see! These young girls nowadays are really..."

"What master? This trace is the work of Zhao Pusheng from the Pusheng Gate of Zhuwangrong City. His half-baked medical skills are not good enough, but he has mastered these strange skills..."

"Hehe, don't look down on other people's strange skills. Believe it or not, Zhao Pusheng can make more money than Hai Lao with this unique skill of stealing and using prostitutes as virgins."

"That's the truth, so when you sew later, see if you can learn this unique skill for reference."

Since this big formation is basically isolated from the inside and outside after it is in operation, people outside the formation can't hear the idle conversations in the formation at all, so these medical masters have no scruples when chatting.

As long as it doesn't delay the work at hand, chatting about all sorts of things can also be a way to activate thoughts and stimulate inspiration.

And these words fell into Wang Luo's ears outside the formation, which made him feel vaguely moved.

Did Shuquan have such an experience before?

He glanced at Fan Li, who looked worried beside him, and after a moment's hesitation, he asked in a whisper.

"Did Shuquan have a miscarriage before?"

Fan Li was shocked when he heard this, and after a moment's hesitation, he nodded and responded in a whisper: "... It is true. When Quan'er was in Meng Academy, she met a bad man. That man pretended to be in love with her, and in the name of double cultivation, he deceived her... deceived her miserably. In short, after that experience, Quan'er's temperament became eager for quick success and distrustful of human feelings. She is really not a bad person, but..."

Wang Luo gradually frowned.

He didn't care about Shuquan's nature, but he felt that this was a clue that needed to be paid attention to. Because it happened to be related to some other trivial things in his memory.

However, before Wang Luo could think deeply about the connection, he heard the famous doctors in the formation suddenly make doubtful sounds.

"Hmm? Isn't the progress a bit behind? I just tried to activate the blood, but I couldn't feel the veins taking shape. The blood and qi became a dead thing without a beginning or an end. Hai Lao, what do you think?"

Hai Qingyun gradually frowned, and after a while of silence, he said, "It is indeed a bit strange. This time, I wove the life along the traces left by Lord Wang Shan, starting from the meridians, and first sewed the framework for it. The blood and qi veins should have been firmly formed just now, so why can't they still accommodate the blood?"

"Is it firmly formed? In my opinion, it is somewhat superficial. On the surface, it looks like it is done, but inside it still lacks a bit of vitality, so it is difficult to revive... Mr. Chen, your filter is fine. Bar?"

"What are you talking about! If something goes wrong on my side, none of us who have sunk into the poisonous jar will be able to escape, and we will all be wiped out!"

"That's all, it's the first time for everyone to see it broken like this, so it's only reasonable to encounter an accident. But, Ebi, shouldn't we work harder?"

Hai Qingyun pondered for a moment and said: "If you can still withstand the pressure of the large formation, then I will ask for some help from the earth veins. Let's try to make up for it with brute force and see if we can make up for it."

"Okay, with this great ground formation on the front line of pioneering and the inexhaustible supply of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, I have been practicing medicine for so many years, and I have rarely fought such a rich battle. I really have to rely on Ebi's needlework skills and ingenuity to succeed throughout the whole process. , but it’s a waste of the experience this formation gave us.”

Despite the temporary setback, the experts did not change their optimism at all. Under the leadership of Hai Qingyun, they injected more spiritual power into the tent. For a time, as hundreds of millions of silk threads penetrated, the camping tent glowed in a trance. And under the light, good news came.

"Sure enough, it took a lot of effort to work a miracle, but the Qi and blood of Sanyang in the hands have returned to normal."

"My progress here has also caught up, and I can already sense the shape of the soul. This way, even if the worst happens, I can at least save one... soul specimen."

However, while the good news continued everywhere, Hai Qingyun, who was in the main formation, became more and more solemn, showing no signs of joy and barely participating in the chats among his peers.

His character has always been unkind, so people didn't notice anything wrong at first. It was only when he was in the first stage that his life-weaving technique was frustrated and he had to rely on brute force to pass the level. The paranoia in his heart that demanded perfection was at work. But soon, when cold sweat continued to leak out on Hai Qingyun's smooth jade face, he was no longer slow. People can also realize that something is wrong.

"Ebi, what's wrong? Is the pressure on the main formation too heavy? Then we might as well slow down a bit. Since everyone is broken into pieces like this, there is no golden rescue time to speak of, and there is no need to rush."

"Yes, although this great formation can make us have an inexhaustible supply of spiritual energy like the Mahayana True Monarch, the energy consumed is still at the level of the Golden Core Yuanying. Being too strong will be counterproductive... Or should I say, Mr. Hai, you have to be strong? reason?"

"Wait a minute, have the three Yang meridians of the hand been repaired before? Why is the flow of qi and blood not smooth again..."

As soon as he said this, Hai Qingyun immediately looked at Shu Quan's hands in the tent, and his expression immediately became even uglier.

"It's... a complete mess."

Although it was just an incomprehensible exclamation, the people in the formation were all experts who had reached the pinnacle of medical skills. They had actually noticed that there was something wrong throughout the whole process, and they just deliberately maintained an optimistic atmosphere while talking and laughing to avoid damaging the team's morale.

But now, it is obvious that the problems encountered by the team can no longer be solved only by using morale and strength to work miracles.

Even Hai Qingyun in the main formation is a little unsustainable, and there is no point in trying to show off for others.

At this time, Mr. Chen, the oldest and most senior member of the team, directly suggested: "Let's stop for a moment and review the problem. Sharpening the knife will not waste time chopping firewood."

Someone asked: "But if this life-weaving technique stops and is pulled repeatedly..."

"It would be difficult to break it into pieces. Besides, with a body in this shape, it is natural that it cannot be saved. We are medical practitioners, not magicians. There are always things we cannot do."

The most senior person was responsible for speaking out the ugly words, and the others suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Hai Qingyun also nodded at this time: "Let's stop for a moment, things are really weird. My life-weaving technique is perfect, and everyone's cooperation is also flawless. I have the right time and place under my control, and the progress should be smoother than I originally expected. But there is always an inexplicable pull back in the repaired part.”

Someone added: "Yes, and I think this pullback situation is quite weird. It's not that we didn't do a good enough job and left any hidden dangers. It's like someone is secretly exerting force on us in the opposite direction. Hai Lao While sewing, some people tried to remove the stitches using similar methods... Wait, speaking of this, don't you think that this symptom is somewhat similar to the symptoms of some debilitating diseases, which are all based on underlying contradictions? There was an unnatural collapse or regression in the body of the injured person, and it happened that this girl was completely dissolved due to the attack of devastation..."

Mr. Chen, who was responsible for eradicating the wasteland, immediately retorted: "Impossible! The filtering here has been very strict. Even if you look at it with the eyes of the border tree, it is absolutely impossible to see any trace of wasteland poison!"

"Well, Mr. Chen is the absolute authority in this regard. What's more, I have carefully observed just now that the desolate poison inside and outside the tent was thoroughly cleaned up with extremely skillful techniques before it was delivered, and there was almost no residue. Even if It’s not a big problem if Mr. Chen is not here to help. As for least in my field of vision, I can’t see the existence of Huangdu. However, if there is a trace of Huangdu, many things will be easy to explain. "

After hearing this, Wang Luo outside the formation finally thought of something and interrupted.

"Just look at it with the eyes of a tree."

All the doctors were astonished. They didn't expect that Wang Luo, a person outside the formation, could join the conversation in the formation at will... But they were not overly surprised and just nodded.

"If Master Wang Shan can use the tree's eyes, it would be a good idea to use the tree's eyes to observe."

Mr. Chen was somewhat disapproving: "Although the border tree eyes are extremely sharp, they are not specially used to treat people. Even the doctors in my formation cannot see things..."

Before he finished speaking, an invisible eye originating from Jianmu responded to the call of the mountain owner Wang Luo, quietly descended on everyone, and looked deeply into the tent.

In an instant, the feedback from the tree's eyes was like a torrent, violently impacting Wang Luo's consciousness.

However, Wang Luo was well prepared for this and quickly sifted out a set of subtle but undoubted data from the torrent.

To interpret this set of data in the correct way is to discover the breath of desolation.

Faint, but sure.


Wang Luo shook his head slightly and sighed.

Not long ago, when he rode the red cloud and returned from the wasteland to enter the country, he aroused the alertness of the border tree eyes, which in turn attracted the Pichen Shuttle. At that time, considering that Shu Quan's injury was urgent and there was no time for a complete review, the issue was temporarily suppressed. But now it seems that there was indeed a major hidden danger left at that time.

To put it simply, there is a kind of desolate poison in Shu Quan that people have never seen before.

The essence of desolate poison is not a simple toxin, but in many cases its mode of existence and principle of action are very similar to that of toxins. In the long process of humankind's desolation, new desolate poisons will continue to be discovered, thereby deepening the understanding of desolation... However, after thousands of years of desolation, the Immortal Alliance seems to have exhausted the possibility of desolate poisons long ago. It has been more than two hundred years since the last time a new species of wild poison was discovered.

So many authorities in the formation could not even think of the possibility of new waste poison in Shu Quan's body.

In fact, if the border tree eye layer had not been specially upgraded before Rongcheng officially headed west, no one would be sure of the existence of this new toxin until now!

And if we think about it further, the tree-eye renewal before heading west actually came quite inexplicably. Lu Youyou made the decision after receiving enlightenment from the Great Law directly on the Amyrlin Throne. To be able to directly affect Lu Youyou in the form of a great law, to put it bluntly, it is Lu Zhiyao's ghost that is causing trouble.

So, at that time, senior sister had already started playing chess with the immortal in the wasteland?

And the chess piece they jointly selected was Shu Quan in the tent?

Why? Just because she was cheated on? The Immortal League has a population of tens of billions, and the number of men and women who have encountered scum must be at least tens of millions. Why is Shu Quan special?

For a moment, Wang Luo's thoughts expanded rapidly.

However, before he could figure it all out, he heard an extremely familiar and kind voice coming from his ears.

"Wang Luo, what did you bring to me before?"

The next moment, Lu Youyou, with his sovereign power, came through the air and came to Wang Luo.

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