Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 421: Contingency Plan

Rongcheng in summer has always been known for its pleasant climate. The humid air from the southeast, Huaizhou Sea, carries the rich aura of Zhouguo rainforest all the way through Rongcheng, and is blocked by Lingshan and the surrounding mountains, turning it into nourishing food. The rain from all things removes the heat from a vast area covering hundreds of miles.

However, this year, the moist air that visited Rongcheng on time found that it was in vain. The place where Rongcheng was originally located has turned into a fertile plain, with a clear river running through it like a ribbon outside a gift box. . Along both sides of the river, countless construction sites shimmering with treasures are being developed and consolidated day and night, completely marking this newly developed land with the imprint of the Immortal Alliance.

This pride seemed to be able to move the world, so the humid air stayed here for a while, forgetting the old friend Rong City, which was slowly moving westward, and made new friends from all the countries of the Immortal Alliance.

For the pioneers, this undoubtedly became a big trouble. It has just arrived in early summer, and Rongcheng is already as anxious as a furnace. Many urban areas have already broken the high temperature records that have been maintained for decades. Viewed from a distance, this three-dimensional city is like a Tianjun Dan furnace. The air around him was so hot that it twisted and rolled.

And the earth veins that should have been used to maintain the large formation under the city and temporarily adjust the climate have now been transported further west to support the increasingly tense front line of pioneering... As a result, the more than 20 million Rongcheng people can only experience hundreds of Years ago, when the Great Formation and Earth Lines were not yet established, the ancestors' feeling of being self-reliant also made various magic weapons used to cool down the city sell well for a while.

Fortunately, in this era of national cultivation, even the scorching heat wave is essentially a minor trouble. As long as the city lord's palace can distribute various subsidies on time, the people's pioneering enthusiasm will not subside at all.

At the same time, in the west area of ​​Lingshan, which is only a hundred miles away from Rongcheng, where the main camp of the pioneer army is stationed, it is a completely different scene.

Outside the mountain fortress, on the iron-shaped school ground, a piece of plain white sand is open to the sunlight overhead. At first glance, it looks like a natural rock-baking holy land in summer. However, in fact, there is a gentle breeze inside the school grounds, bringing the fragrance of flowers and plants. The snow-white sand is like tiny jade stones, faintly cool, making people feel as if they are still in the beautiful season of spring.

The earth veins separated from Rongcheng City effectively supported the magnificent formation around the fortress, making the climate here almost completely under human control. Although we were on the front line of pioneering, it was a bit more comfortable than the days at the rear.

However, sitting in this comfortable school field, Ma Cong could not feel any emotions related to comfort at all.

He looked blankly at the dossier in his hand that was constantly lighting up with new words, as if he were a puppet controlled by light signals and could only make regular and rigid sounds.

"Okay, next one, No. 31, Zhang Jinbo."

And as he called, a burly man who seemed to be barely on the edge of middle age approached from the queue in the distance with nervous steps.

"Well, hello, Brother Xiaoma, I am Zhang Jinbo from Lifeng Camp. We were in the same camp before..."

However, Ma Cong didn't even raise his eyelids and said dullly: "Let's talk about the symptoms first."

The burly man obviously had thick eyebrows, big eyes and a beard, and he had a rather ferocious look. At this moment, Ma Cong responded with a cold face, but he couldn't help showing a shy and embarrassed expression, and shivered: "Yes, yes... this, I want to ask For a moment, around..."

Ma Cong said calmly: "Don't worry, as you can see, there is a white sand barrier under my feet. A three-meter radius is an absolutely private area. Your words will not be heard by others. So, let's talk about the symptoms first."

Zhang Jinbo nodded quickly: "Okay, my symptoms are..."

As he spoke, he took out a small booklet from the pocket of his robe and read out the words he had written in advance.

"Two months ago, I had a regular conversation with my wife, but her expression was..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ma Cong.

"Okay, the time is wrong. It's only been more than a month since this poison first appeared. Don't blame Huangdu for what happened two months ago. Find your own reasons. Next."

Zhang Jinbo was shocked: "No, I remembered it wrong, it was a month ago!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the white sand under Zhang Jinbo's feet suddenly changed color. The cool white jade sand turned into blood red and brought extremely high temperatures, which immediately burned Zhang Jinbo to the point of jumping.

Ma Cong said calmly: "In the Tiezi School, Baisha also has a simple lie detection function. There is no need to lie in front of me. Brother Zhang, go back. The problem of married life is not to rely on crooked ways like brainwashing." It can be solved.”

Seeing that the number he had waited in line for a long time to get was about to be invalidated, Zhang Jinbo knelt down on the spot and said: "Brother Xiao Ma, just listen to what I have to say! My wife may indeed be uneasy, but we have lived together for so many years and still can't do it." With a daughter, it is impossible for her to suddenly change her mind and abandon her family at this time, she must be affected by the desolate poison!"

Ma Cong sighed, but before he could speak, Zhang Jinbo had already knocked his head down.

"Brother Xiao Ma, although I am only a weapon refiner in the Li Feng Camp, I was injured in the fierce battle in the wilderness, so I can't stay in the frontline army. I, I don't have any other intentions now, even if she is really I can't bear it anymore, so I have to leave. At least, I have to worry about my daughter! That's all I have, can you... at least let me use the tree eye? Entanglement!”

Ma Cong looked at the tough guy who once faced life and death situations without even frowning. Now he was like mud. He sighed again and said, "Okay, but the other side of the tree eye... we have to wait a little longer."


Speaking of this, Ma Cong was really helpless.

Theoretically, for this desolate poison that suddenly became popular on the front line, if we can use the eyes of Jianmu Tree to provide a large-scale and all-round overview in time, and capture all the hidden desolate poison in time, then even if the root cause cannot be cured for the time being, the symptoms can actually be cured. That's enough.

After all, in essence, although this desolate poison is strange and sinister, it actually does not have much actual lethality. If you meet some mentally tough people, you might just smile and get over it - although generally mentally tough people won't get poisoned at all, but will continue to have good luck. Those who become poisonous are good people whose views are completely in line with public order and good customs.

As long as the transmission route of the wild poison is cut off, the rest of the matter is not difficult to deal with.

But the problem is that, on the one hand, the spread of this wild poison is surprisingly weird and difficult to prevent. From time to time, a victim would pop up from an unexpected corner. Although there had never been a large-scale outbreak, and there was no need to mobilize the entire army for a crackdown, it still caused the poison to spread, like a broken prostate.

On the other hand, due to the strange and difficult-to-prevent characteristics of wild poisons, Tree Eyes can be said to be effective at diagnosing patients with half the effort. The reason why Shu Quan keenly caught Wang Luo's side on the boundary line was because within a few kilometers, Wang Luo's true energy fluctuated the most intensely, which directly attracted the collective attention of a large number of tree eyes. And under the focus of countless gazes, the readings given by the tree eyes are also very subtle. If the soldiers on duty had not been cautious enough, they might have missed it.

So next, when Tree Eye's vision shifts from the uninhabited border to the mountain fortress area with hundreds of thousands of permanent soldiers and multiple complex formations...the chaotic and disordered readings can make the most specialized The old professor of this profession also scratched his head.

If people are not good enough, naturally they can only let those with tools work harder. Injecting more abundant spiritual power of the earth veins, coupled with vigorous orders, can stimulate the tree's eyes to penetrate ten times more sharply in a short period of time. Every inch of land and every creature in the area.

In this way, we can accurately capture the traces of desolate poison in a highly complex environment... However, the side effect is that the loss rate of the tree eyes will rise rapidly in a dizzying way. In just over a week, Half of the trees and trees around the mountain fortress were forced into dormancy. No matter how hard the maintenance team tried to fill them with spiritual springs to heal their fatigue... it was of no avail. And if the tree eyes are allowed to break, then this theoretically airtight insight network will no longer be able to perform even its most basic functions.

Therefore, the current response measure on the front line is to temporarily allocate a group of manpower to conduct preliminary manual screening, and make a simple judgment on suspected poisoning cases. Only those cases that are confirmed to be suspected of poisoning will be handed over to Shuyan for individual inspection. This trick has indeed effectively alleviated the work pressure of the tree eyes in the past two or three days, and also allowed the staff responsible for maintaining the tree eyes to breathe.

But as more and more people came to sign up for testing after hearing the news, soon, even if a batch was screened out directly through manual preliminary screening, the supply of tree eyes still exceeded the demand. For example, the file in Ma Cong's hand clearly contains an urgent notice from the rear, saying that there are no more tree eyes available at the moment, and he is asked to temporarily stop accepting new people.

But seeing the long queue waiting to be called on the school field, Ma Cong was very doubtful, could this really stop?

In other words, the above-mentioned transfer of these most capable Shenfeng battalion soldiers from the front line to be responsible for the manual preliminary screening of this matter is probably not only because they have the keenest sense of desolation, but also because if the situation becomes unstable, , at least you won’t suffer any loss when fighting with troublemakers...

In desperation, Ma Cong did not explain more to Zhang Jinbo and only said: "If you don't want to wait, just take the next number..."

"If you want to wait, if you want to wait! Just put me in line! I can wait, I can definitely wait!"

Zhang Jinbo thanked him profusely for a while, and wished he could kneel down and kowtow again, but Ma Cong waved his hand and blew Zhang Jinbo away with an unmerciful blast of wind.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at the file in his hand, wondering whether he should call the next number.

After all, Zhang Jinbo is easy to talk to and can deal with it with a procrastination trick, but the same cannot be said for others. And when Zhang Jinbo left the barrier technique, the excitement and joy on his face could not be hidden from others. Therefore, the people who queued up will definitely be inspired, and then they will be ready to fight to the death.

So his next job may be a bit difficult... No wonder Gong Daozi warned him from the beginning not to show any emotion during the manual preliminary screening process. Even if he treats his comrades, he must be as ruthless as he is to treat wild demons. ruthless.

Fortunately, at this moment, a soldier with the same black armor and green cloak, but ten times more powerful than Ma Cong, stepped on the rainbow light and descended from the sky.

Ma Cong looked up and was surprised: "Captain?"

The person who came was none other than Ma Cong's immediate superior, Chang Feiran, who was known as the King of Soldiers. Although his military rank is not high, he enjoys high prestige on the front line, even surpassing marshal candidates like Jiang Shanghan. With his appearance, the originally agitated crowd in the queue immediately calmed down.

Chang Feiran glanced at Ma Cong, feeling a little helpless, and sighed: "Go and rest for a while. I feel like you are exhausted from this morning's reception."

Ma Cong cupped his hands and said, "I won't be brave in front of the captain. I'm really exhausted both physically and mentally. Before I took on this job, I never imagined... that the situation would be so serious."

Chang Feiran couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, when I just received a secret message from my superiors explaining the desolate poison, I thought I was poisoned by the desolate poison and hallucinating. Then I received an order and was transferred back from the border to be responsible for reception. At that time, I thought that the fortress commanders were collectively poisoned and began to act in reverse... But looking at it now, I have to admire the sharp perception of Lord Wang and the decisiveness of the marshal. Although the situation is bad, it is still under control. Okay, no more chatting. , You go and rest, I will support you here for a while."

"Ah, Captain, are you coming?"

"Well, you can't just watch your brothers charge ahead and do the dirty work, right? Anyway, I don't plan to be promoted to a general in the future. I don't need to care so much about face and popularity. While the shelf life of my false reputation has not expired, it's up to me. It would be best if you come here to show off."

After saying that, Chang Feiran patted Ma Cong on the shoulder and pushed him again: "Go, have a good rest, and if you have spare time, study the method of reviving and eradicating wilderness. You are quite talented in this way, maybe you can If you achieve great feats and create a magical way to conquer the wilderness beyond the tree's eyes, you will be able to leave your name in history."

At this time, Ma Cong really didn't have the energy to entertain jokes. He was only moved by the captain's care for him. He gave him a serious military salute and then quietly retreated to the dormitory area of ​​the fortress, preparing to eat some spiritual food and rest for a while.

But in fact, the moment he left the Tiezi Campus, when he was no longer stared at with blazing eyes by the hundreds of crowded queuers, 80% to 90% of the fatigue in his body had gone away.

It's just a manual preliminary screening, so you won't be tired enough to take a rest. So after a short breath adjustment, Ma Cong carefully folded the spiritual food packaging and put it away, and decided to go to the Green Wood Garden of the fortress to put some pressure on those who maintained the tree eyes. If they could improve the turnover efficiency of Tree Eyes, the soldiers of Shenfeng Battalion wouldn't have to work so hard to look bad on the school field.

As soon as he walked out of the dormitory area of ​​Shenfeng Camp, he saw a middle-aged uncle wearing a white gown and a green shawl walking towards him with a big smile. The green and white outfit is exactly the uniform of the personnel who maintain the surrounding tree eyes in the Green Wood Garden, and the uncle is not a stranger, and is even well-known in this fortress.

After all, just yesterday, Gong Daozi took several brothers and went to the Green Wood Garden to complain aggressively about his inactivity and failure to maintain the tree eyes. As a result, Gong Daozi had to be a grandson on the white sand for one night...

Although this middle-aged uncle has worked in Greenwood Park for many years and has considerable qualifications, and in the past, his work and reputation as a person were not bad, but these days, when the front line is most critical, he has shown an inexplicable... The greasy feeling of a middle-aged social animal. He is slow to do anything, and often wanders away when others are anxious. This makes people angry when they see him.

Seeing his happy face at this time, it was hard for Ma Cong to look good, and he was met with a sarcastic comment.

"Hey, Uncle Lin, what are you so happy about? It makes me feel happy too and relieves my fatigue."

But I heard Uncle Lin laugh: "Don't worry, I know what you want to say, Xiaoma. Uncle Lin's work efficiency was indeed a bit poor a few days ago, which caused you a lot of trouble. But my current problem has been solved, starting today , definitely work overtime to make sure the tree eyes in front of you are enough!”

These words made Ma Cong lose his arrogance and even feel a little inexplicable panic.

"Oh, then, that's good..."

After a pause, he felt that it was a bit rude to end the topic like this, so he ran out of words and asked, "What situation did Uncle Lin encounter a few days ago? Is he working while sick? Then, we may have been a little rude when we spoke before, so let's say sorry first Living."

Uncle Lin waved his hand vigorously and shook his head: "Oh, no, no, no need to be polite! It's not something wrong with me, it's just... a little family matter. You know my wife, right? The one who was with me in Greenwood Garden! I liked her before. I have been nagging me all of a sudden these past few days, as if I have nothing to do, I have to read me from morning to night, even when I am sleeping. Fortunately, I was really busy just now. I couldn't help it, so I chopped off her head, and it suddenly became easier, hahaha!"

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