Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 43 People go to higher places, pots flow to lower places

Wen Zhe from Jianmu District is a hero in the hearts of many Rongcheng people.

They belong directly to the Governor's Mansion and serve as the Governor's own eyes and ears. They often appear in various legends and stories about Lord Qingtian delivering justice to the common people. It is said that countless corrupt officials have stayed up all night and trembled because of the presence of these people.

But for people in Shijie, hearing about Jianmu District is often accompanied by not-so-good memories.

There have been too many actions similar to special inspections, all of which were initiated by those who heard about them. These governor's eyes and ears only need to say to the governor, "The rhythm pattern of Stone Street is contrary to the overall situation", and it will be difficult for Stone Street to enjoy all kinds of inclusive regulating measures, even the night snack rhythm.

If those who hear this say, "Stone Street culture is unique and quite different from other places," then the employment situation of hundreds of thousands of local people in other urban areas will be even more difficult. And if there is a case of breaking the law and it happens to be witnessed by someone who hears it, then "the people in Shijie are wild and untamed and disobedient to education", then the people in red and Qingyi in the Xiaobai Building of Qingpingsi will have to I have been working overtime for the next educational operation.

It is difficult for people in Stone Street to understand why the selfless and insightful listeners in the story are so picky about people and things in Stone Street, but the reality is so absurd and unreasonable. After experiencing countless absurdities, the people in Stone Street became numb.

Those who hear it will feel like a natural disaster.

At this time, the natural disaster from Jianmu District was watching indifferently outside Zhang's Meat Factory on the east side of Xiangshan Road.

Wang Luo, on the other hand, watched the humanoid natural disaster floating in the air with cold eyes.

The hearer in the Governor's Mansion looks very young, about thirty years old. He is dressed in a low-key but not low-key black robe. The golden elixir in his belly is full and clear, which is undoubtedly a high-quality characteristic. His soul is as condensed as the essence. Echoing the golden elixir, it shows absolute elite qualities. Under the night, even wearing black clothes, it looks like a star.

At this time, a team in red from the Qingping Division had arrived. Several Qingyi commanded their men in white and gray, busy sealing off the scene and dispersing the crowd of onlookers. However, these law enforcers who had absolute authority were all trembling and did not dare to There was no slightest carelessness, as if a disaster was imminent.

Obviously, the listener is neither the hero of Shijie people nor the hero of Shijie Qingping Company.

"If you are a spy, you still keep such a high profile, for fear that others will not know your authority. If your official authority is so high, why should you be a listener? Factory owners who are keen on exerting power should get out of here."

Wang Luo spoke softly and pointed his finger at the listener.

The listener immediately noticed something, turned his head suddenly, a pair of golden pupils bloomed with splendor...and then rolled his eyes, as if someone had hit his forehead with a brick, his consciousness was blurred by the strong impact, and he was floating in the air for a while. wandering. After a moment, the elite of the Governor's Mansion gritted his teeth and fled in panic!

The air at the scene condensed, and everyone's eyes were focused on the black back. Until the listener completely disappeared into the night, time still seemed to stand still.

After an unknown amount of time, a man's half-voiced roar came from the meat factory building, breaking the silence.

"I guarantee you with my life that we are unjust! The meat factory has been operating for so many years and there has never been a safety incident. If the meat is really poisonous, you guys who eat Shijie box lunches all day long will definitely be the first batch to be poisoned. Damn it! So let me go, I can walk on my own!"

With a roar, a fat man with blond hair and blue eyes appeared in everyone's sight. Two men in white clothes with copper seals on their waists held the fat man's arms and twisted him out of the factory.

The strange silence outside the factory made them a little surprised, and the force that suppressed the fat man couldn't help but relax, so Zhang Fuhong broke away with a slippery posture that did not suit his body, took a few steps back, pointed at them and cursed: "Dong Wu. Dong Liu, you two bastards, why are you pretending to be selfless! Who are you showing off to! The Chief Minister here is just listening to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Fuhong felt pain on his cheek, and a sharp slap in the face knocked back the rest of his words.

At some point, Zhang Yu, the second richest man in Stone Street, rushed to the scene and stopped his youngest son's nonsense with a decisive slap.

Zhang Fuhong was originally filled with righteous indignation, but when he saw his biological father, his emotions became sour like old wine.

"Dad, I..."


The second crisp slap wiped out all the old wine. Zhang Fuhong's mind was completely blank, and he looked up at his biological father in bewilderment.

Zhang Yu said coldly: "You can't even look at a factory, you have caused such a serious trouble, and you dare to openly defy the law. How many people do you want to drag down?"

After speaking, Zhang Yu turned around and said to a Qingyi who had been standing behind him: "Han Qingyi, please keep a close eye on the dog."

Han Yu smiled: "It's easy to say. With a local wise man like Boss Zhang, I believe that the case will come to light soon. The white people will be repaid with justice and the evildoers will be severely punished. Brothers of the Dong family, first bring Mr. Zhang to justice." Take it back to the building to settle down.”

Zhang Fuhong was shocked: "I was wronged! Han Yu, people say you are the most understanding person in Xiaobailou. You should be able to see that I am innocent!"

Han Yu sighed: "Thank you for your compliment, and then I must correct you on a basic concept. Regardless of whether I am the most knowledgeable person in the building, at least I am not the highest-ranking official, so whether you are innocent or not is not up to me. In fact, if someone had not helped to deal with the trouble floating in the sky just now, the words you shouted when you left, Mr. Zhang San, would be enough to bring disaster to many people, so don't waste time, it will be unworthy to continue to entangle."

"If I don't struggle, will you let you push all the charges on me!? If I really enter the Little White Building, will I still have a chance to speak!? Second brother has always..."

Before he finished speaking, Han Yu had raised his hand and cursed, and pasted a piece of yellow paper on Zhang Fuhong's mouth, making him unable to make any sound.

Then Han Yu looked at the red-clothed man who led the team and said, "Okay, Mr. Wen, the first person in charge of the factory area has been controlled, and the scene has been sealed intact. Experts can be stationed at any time for detailed inspection. The local people are orderly and emotionally stable. We can go home now."

The red-clothed man surnamed Wen was still a little hesitant and asked, "Is it that simple?"

"Otherwise, we can't find someone to chase the hearer back and make the situation more complicated, right? Our job responsibilities are written in the Qingyi manual, and there is no need to consider things outside the manual."


While speaking, Zhang Yu suddenly interrupted and said, "It can't be that simple. I suggest that all meat factory workers be temporarily controlled, and everyone in the entire production chain must be seriously interrogated."

Han Yu frowned and said, "Boss Zhang, what do you mean? The hearer has left, who are you pretending for? See?"

"The hearers left, but the reporters are still here." Zhang Yu replied without emotion, "Two Meng colleges, hundreds of children suffering from food poisoning, are enough to alarm those Shangcheng District reporters who are usually indifferent to Shijie and flock to the scene. If we don't make a good gesture now, tomorrow morning, there will be no need for your Qingping Division to investigate and judge, and all the responsibility for this accident will be pushed onto Shijie."

Han Yu said, "It may be Jinglixuan's problem."

Zhang Yu said, "Since it's not certain, then there's no need to say it. Has Han Qingyi seen enough of choosing prisoners between Shijie people and ordinary people?"

"Yes, then..." Han Yu turned his head and looked at his boss, "Sir Wen, what do you think of Boss Zhang's suggestion?"

Wen Hongyi was a little undecided, and turned his eyes to the side and asked, "What do the other two Jade Masters say?"

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