Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 431: Old friend, as if meeting for the first time

The city of Baiyao gradually entered the midsummer season and became extremely busy.

After Yueyang officially launched the backup reclamation plan, the city, which had just calmed down from the two-year reclamation work, had to put on the armor again and rush to the battlefield.

With the joint efforts of the two major families of the Northern Territory Merchant Group, more than ten majestic construction sites appeared inside and outside Baiyao City overnight, and thousands of local workers were recruited at the same time, and more people were still gathering from all directions.

Even the sky above Baiyao City was busy, and the people in the city were sometimes shrouded by sudden dark clouds - not the dark clouds that brought down the June snow, but a group of huge dragons of the wind. They either carried or pulled giant magic tools and array bases from Zhuwang, Molin, Ziwu... and other countries. The essence of the hundred countries of the Immortal Alliance gathered here in a short period of time.

Also gathered here were merchants, artists, and workers from the hundred countries of the Immortal Alliance, who either took shuttles or dragons; or simply walked on foot. Just like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, they converge in Baiyao City, looking for their own opportunities.

For example, on this day, on Wei Street, which is most famous for its street food in Baiyao City, there was suddenly a home-style restaurant with an unprepossessing appearance. It occupied a long-vacant store on the street. On the first day of opening, the store was surrounded by people.

The landlord here is a wonderful person who would rather let the store be vacant for 10,000 years than reduce the rent by one spiritual leaf. And considering that his asking price is more than twice the regular market price here, someone occupied such a store but only operated a home-style business, which immediately aroused the curiosity of the neighbors.

Then people discovered that this restaurant not only operated home-style dishes, but also exotic home-style dishes. The rich meat aroma wafting from the back kitchen was a wonderful flavor that people had never come into contact with. As for whether this wonderful flavor is suitable... it can be seen from the long queue outside the store.

Although it is an exotic flavor, the cooking methods and seasoning styles of some dishes are slightly different from the local taste of Yueyang. But good food, especially street food, always has something in common. Moreover, this home-style restaurant not only has delicious food, but also uses solid ingredients and is quite affordable. Considering that foreign specialties account for a large proportion of the ingredients used in these exotic home-style dishes, one cannot help but wonder how the owner of this small restaurant can make a profit?

Out of curiosity, some people will naturally ask generously, and the owner will not keep it a secret, and will answer directly: "Your city lord invited me here, the rent is free, and the ingredients are also shipped directly from my hometown by him. During this period of time, I have been operating in your Baiyao City, and there are additional allowances. Even a fool can make a profit!"

All the diners were stunned by these words, and they felt that whether it was porridge or rice cakes in their mouths, they all tasted like melons at this moment.

City lord He Lan specially invited people from foreign countries to come to Wei Street to cook home-style dishes? ! What kind of unique new way of corruption is this?

And people's curiosity and confusion were soon answered. It was noon, when the home-style restaurant was extremely busy. A young man in red lightly parted the crowd, walked into the store, and greeted the boss warmly.

"Old Hong, long time no see."

The shop owner, who always had a stern face, immediately smiled warmly when he saw this man: "Master Wang, it's indeed been a long time no see! I didn't plan to come, but the Lord of He said that you were busy in Yueyang and couldn't even have a proper meal. So I thought I had to come over anyway."

As he said that, Old Hong shook his sleeves, and the corner of the lobby filled with messy furniture suddenly became a quiet empty space, revealing a clean empty table that had been prepared long ago.

"Master Wang, sit down first, and call for whatever you want to eat."

Wang Luo was not polite, and frankly enjoyed the treatment of free queue-jumping, and then ordered a few signature dishes that Old Hong had made thousands of times in Shijie. While busying himself, Lao Hong sighed with some regret: "It's a pity that Fang Qingqing and the others didn't come. Without a few helpers, the food tastes a little worse."

"Haha, that's easy. I'll come to help in the afternoon. I'll do the work of several of them."

Lao Hong heard the smile on his dark face, "After not seeing you for a few years, Master Wang is still the same Master Wang..."

But before he finished speaking, someone in the queue outside suddenly laughed and said, "Lao Hong, Lao Hong, you finally admit that without our help, your food will taste different!"

As he spoke, a plump and graceful woman, with a few other familiar faces, separated the crowd and walked into the store, looking proud at Lao Hong.

When Lao Hong saw these men whom he usually despised, his face was stiff for a while, but he couldn't help but laugh and scold: "You guys who eat shit, why don't you come to help!"

"Okay! Wang Shanzhu, wait a moment, the real delicacy is just about to begin!"

However, the touching drama of the workers from Shijie meeting in a foreign country did not go smoothly after all.

Just when Fang Qingqing and others entered the kitchen to show their skills, Wang Luo was surrounded by the Baiyao people who were full of curiosity.

Because they saw that Wang Luo was easy to talk to, these locals approached him openly and began to ask questions.

"Wang Shanzhu, are you really the Wang Shanzhu of Lingshan? I heard that you are now the father of the He family, and you are the kind who have the final say? Then, can you help me get justice?"

"Wang Shanzhu, our Ye'er is really wronged!"

Wang Luo gave a very candid response to this sudden surge of public sentiment: "I don't travel alone. People from the City Lord's Mansion are always following me in disguise. If you have anything to say, you can directly Tell them, I can help you cheer."

As soon as he said this, half of the crowd surrounding him immediately dispersed, and the remaining half did not dare to talk casually anymore. They could only keep casting vigilant glances around, feeling that every familiar face of the neighborhood The faces of the neighbors have become extremely strange at this moment!

After Wang Luo solved his petition crisis with a joke, he turned his attention back to his old friends.

While eating the food, he asked casually: "Are you the only ones here?"

Although the voice was soft, it instantly reached the ears of every old neighbor. A few people were not surprised. As early as when Wang Luo first entered Stone Street, his cultivation was already different from ordinary people.

While helping Lao Hong with the spoon, Fang Qingqing replied casually: "It is said that the boss of Meiyuan also received the invitation, and the conditions are good, but he is too lazy to move..."

Zhang Dun interrupted: "Why are you too lazy to move? It's because I'm not thick-skinned enough and I don't want to be said to be trying to get in on Shanzhu Wang's popularity again after so many years."

Fang Qingqing cursed: "Fuck, we are all shameless together, right?"

Lao Hong also groaned, with murderous intent on his face.

Zhang Dun immediately closed his mouth and concentrated on chopping vegetables. His knife skills were fine and fast for a while.

Fang Qingqing added: "Of course, Mr. Kong also received the invitation, but he has not been in good health in the past two years, so he declined the invitation."

Wang Luo couldn't help but sigh: "More than two years ago, I thought that people like him would have to endure at least another thirty or forty years before they would have any physical problems."

Zhang Dun said: "Actually, I think he is quite strong, but he just doesn't want to come. A new small teahouse has opened next to his teahouse. She is a young girl who came from Shangcheng District to start a business. She is very smart..."

Fang Qingqing had to sigh again: "Kong Lao's Huang Yao dared to spread rumors. Don't you want to go back?"

Zhang Dun had no choice but to shut up and chop vegetables.

Wang Luo became interested: "Are there many people from Shangcheng District starting businesses on Stone Street?"

Fang Qingqing thought for a while and said: "It's okay, not as much as people originally expected. When you and Xiaoyue retook Stone Street, many neighbors thought that Stone Street would become the heart of Rongcheng in the future. Wait. Looking back after two years, that's probably what happened. Land prices have increased a lot, and there are a lot more outsiders, but it's not that exaggerated. After all, I expected my wife to go to the place where she became famous in Shangcheng District when she was young. The whole crowd is in a state of despair.”

Hearing this, Lao Hong couldn't help but speak: "They are all lunatics who got hysterical after eating too much shit! How can the whole city move to the wasteland and increase land prices? I really can't figure it out!"

Fang Qingqing smiled and said: "Lao Hong, you haven't read any news since you got home, and you haven't even entered a green house. Experts spend every day analyzing how beneficial the development of wasteland is to the Immortal League and Rongcheng. The wasteland that was swept away by Rong City has become fertile ground for gold, and Rong City..."

"Watch your fire!" Lao Hong shouted sharply, interrupting Fang Qingqing's chatter, and then let out a subtle sigh.

Wang Luo looked at him and said, "Old Hong, you don't have to serve the next two dishes."

Lao Hong shook his head: "It's all in the pot, let's make it."

"...Okay, I'll trouble you then." Wang Luo no longer tried to evade, but just looked at the food on the plate and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Being in a foreign land, but being able to see old friends and taste the long-lost Stone Street delicacies is an undoubted blessing in most cases. It is worthy of Wang Luo to celebrate with the wine that the Northern Territory Business Group paid homage to him. Ichiban.

But Wang Luo himself really couldn't be happy.

If he really wanted to see his old friend, then the Ning Yuan Tu passage was always open. Wouldn't he go to Stone Street by himself?

Although the Ning Yuan Tu passages in Baiyao City and Rong City are not open to the vast majority of people, Wang Luo has never been open to the vast majority of people.

If he really wanted to savor the delicacies of Stone Street, he only had to put down the bamboo slips, leave the information room, climb up to the Ningyuan High Platform, cross the passage, and return directly to Rong City... Why bother Lao Hong to go all the way to White Key City to open a shop?

Of course, from the perspective of sincerity, this move from White Key City can be said to be full of sincerity. It is difficult for people to find fault with it, so they can only accept it happily.

Therefore, Wang Luo would neither refuse Lao Hong's extra food nor criticize the White Key City Lord's Mansion, which was responsible for this matter - on the contrary, he would make a special trip to express his gratitude later.

At least it is necessary to find out who came up with this move - the move that made him seem to be able to take advantage of the enemy at this time.

Wang Luo quietly went north from Rongcheng, acting low-key and resolutely, precisely because what he wanted to do in Yueyang was vicious and ferocious, and there were many obstacles, so it was best to act alone and not involve others, making things complicated and troublesome, and even more so. Don't be tied down by others and tie your hands and feet.

But now, as if someone is deliberately stumbling upon him, Wang Luo suddenly has a group of old friends in White Key City... Is this a coincidence? Or is it a deliberate calculation? And this kind of intention, is it the intention to be filial, or is it the intention to calculate?

With these doubts, Wang Luo had a sumptuous working lunch, then said goodbye to everyone on Stone Street and came to a small building not far from the food street.

This wooden building is located in a corner of the bustling commercial district of Baiyao City. It looks ordinary from the outside and looks shabby among the fairy buildings in the commercial district. In fact... it is really nothing special. This small building is just the office of a small local chamber of commerce in Baiyao City. Due to its poor business, the small building is deserted and half of the space is vacant.

If we must summarize the special features of this small building, then: the small chamber of commerce in this building is surnamed Bai.

It is the family business of the Bai family, located at the foot of the behemoth of the Northern Territory Merchant Group. In the pioneering operation more than a hundred years ago, it was responsible for the trade management of several important strategic materials, which not only effectively supported the northward advance of Baiyao City, but also made several Bai family members rich during the pioneering period. With the end of the pioneering, the value of the chamber of commerce naturally plummeted. With the rapid departure of several founders, this small building was like a waste furnace that had been repaired. Just based on some necessary superficial efforts, the Bai family still paid some money to maintain its basic operation, and by the way, they placed some not-so-lovely family members to come and take care of the old age... In this way, a hundred years have passed unknowingly, and this small building has finally almost withered.

Until today, Wang Luo's arrival finally injected vitality into this lifeless small building.

When he stepped into the small building, the building was already noisy. A group of men and women in neat work clothes, like diligent worker bees, were hammering and arranging formations in various places in the building.

And a woman who seemed to have an extraordinary temperament, wearing a red round hat, was respectfully waiting for Wang Luo's arrival in front of the building.

When she saw Wang Luo, she immediately showed a warm, flattering, and decent smile. In the current Bai family, there are very few people who can master such a smile, and Bai Wei is undoubtedly the best among them.

From the position of the Lord of Baiyao City, she fell from grace and was almost banished to the cold palace by the family. Now she finally has the hope of revival, and she will never miss the opportunity.

"Master Wang, according to your request this morning, we have assigned someone to renovate this small building according to the formation diagram you gave us before... Please rest assured, they are all the elite forces in the family, and they will definitely complete the task with quality and quantity!"

Wang Luo nodded: "Consul Bai is thoughtful."

Bai Wei said: "It's all right... In fact, after you give us the formation diagram, just leave the rest of the work to us, and you don't have to bother to come and supervise in person."

Wang Luo smiled and said: "Of course, I have heard of the engineering capabilities of the Bai family, but the formation I want to set up today requires many details to be adjusted according to local conditions. The formation diagram I gave is just a sketch, so it's more reassuring to keep an eye on it in person later."

Bai Wei was stunned when he heard this: the formation of the five towers named by Wang Luo is a very mature city defense formation. Not to mention that Wang Luo gave a set of detailed formation diagrams, even without the formation diagram, with the skills of the elite formation masters of the Bai family, they can still set up the formation intact - it is almost a textbook-like classic formation.

Then, for such a large formation, Wang Luo actually wanted to adapt to local conditions and make temporary adjustments?

But Bai Wei certainly would not speak out his doubts, but nodded seriously: "Everything is under your command!"

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