Lu Youyou's appearance immediately made Wang Luo breathe a sigh of relief.

Although at first glance, facing an opponent like Bai Cheng, an auspicious spirit deer whose cultivation realm has not yet reached a perfect level is not only a drop in the bucket, but a moth flying into the flame... But at this moment, the appearance of Lu Youyou has its own meaning. Very special meaning.

Before that, whether it was Lu Zhiyao or Lu Youyou, the two people who should have stepped forward to carry Bai Cheng first, but they chose to lie dormant. There was of course a reason for this.

And now, when Lu Youyou finally appears, it means that the opportunity Wang Luo has been waiting for has finally arrived.

However, Bai Cheng seemed to be unaware of the reversal of the situation at this moment. When she saw the sudden appearance of Lu Youyou, instead of being frightened, she was pleasantly surprised: "Xiao Luer, long time no see, you have changed so much."

Lu Youyou had no intention of greeting, and only responded with a cold warning.

"Bai Cheng, your plan has been defeated. Now you are tied up. I can spare your life."

But Bai Cheng chuckled and said: "You are really more dignified than before. You have been looking after the home of the senior sister for so many years, and you no longer know how to beg for cakes when you meet someone?"

"Bai Cheng! I'm not in the mood to joke with you. I'll only give you ten seconds! If you don't declare your own cultivation level, the Star Destroyer Divine Sword is waiting for you!"

Bai Cheng was threatened continuously, and finally suppressed his smile helplessly, and sighed: "Okay, let me play with this naughty little guy like you. You want me to declare myself a cultivator, but now I have sealed myself as a cultivator." If I can’t live in the golden elixir’s body, how do you expect me to declare myself?”

Lu Youyou said: "Take away your desolate poison, and don't leave any trace behind."

Bai Cheng was silent for a moment, looked at Lu Youyou, and said with a smile: "No wonder you went out of your way to confront me in person instead of just dropping the sword and making a mess. Because you can't guarantee that you can kill me by killing Bai Cheng. There is no guarantee that after killing me, the waste will dissipate on its own. That’s why you asked me to gather the waste in person, and then use the divine sword to punish me. Well, you are really much smarter than before. In another time and place, I would. I'd like to play with you for a while, but that's not possible right now. Wang Luo and I still have something to say, so just wait for me for a while, okay?"

This intimate and gentle tone of voice left Lu Youyou speechless for a moment, and also made Wang Luo feel a chill deep in his heart.

At this moment, Bai Cheng's frown and smile, every detail on his body, are the same as the amiable and lovely fourth senior sister in his memory, as if the more than a thousand years between reality and memory are just a bubble. Like a dream. Wang Luo couldn't feel any of the so-called desolation, poison, or resentment in Senior Sister Bai Cheng at this time, only the fresh warmth like the fragrant grass on the spiritual mountain.

However, Bai Cheng is no longer the Bai Cheng she used to be. Not only has she experienced the desolation of heaven, but she has also rebuilt her immortal body from the ashes of the earth, and her heart is forever burning with deep-seated resentment for everything in the past.

When he first met her in consciousness, Wang Luo once lamented that she was beyond recognition.

But at this moment, Bai Cheng could easily put on everything from the past as a mask, so that no one could see the flaws. At that moment, Wang Luo's heart swayed involuntarily with her laughter, and he almost smiled in response.

In an instant, she almost forgot her identity and position.

Even if it is only through the connection established secretly through the Bafang Cutting Formation, Bai Cheng can still easily incite people's hearts!

Therefore, it is no wonder that she can single-handedly, with only a golden elixir realm body, stir up chaos on the Lingshan front line. At this time, Bai Cheng's ability to control people's hearts and cognition has reached an incredible level. She is clearly standing in front of them, and people can turn a blind eye to her!

Before that, Lu Zhiyao and Lu Youyou had never taken action...Wang Luo was not entirely sure of Lu Zhiyao's reasons. But the direct reason why Lu Youyou stood on the sidelines was that she was not sure that she would appear in front of Bai Cheng accurately!

There is an extremely clever barrier around Bai Cheng. Under the influence of the barrier, people will naturally eliminate their hostility towards her and treat her as a natural affinity and someone they can get close to.

With just a smile or a look, people they meet for the first time can become sworn friends. It can even make a person who grew up in a wealthy family and is extremely cautious and sensitive about power struggles openly risk the world's disapproval and pass on confidential information related to pioneering. Share it with!

This is undoubtedly the pinnacle of the Immortal Bai Cheng's magic. At the same time, it is also the unique fate of the Bai family that she was born in, which was famous in all nine states.

Just like Senior Brother Qin Muzhou's Qin family bloodline, he naturally has an almost fatal attraction to the opposite sex. The Bai family's bloodline magical power is no less powerful.

Of course, in theory, even immortal magical powers must remain dormant under the suppression of the Great Law, but as Bai Cheng himself said, the Great Law woven by Lu Zhiyao himself was particularly tolerant of her.

Therefore, before this barrier is broken, no matter how many methods the Immortal Alliance has, it will be of no avail. Lu Youyou, as the most powerful immortal weapon in the Immortal Alliance at this time, naturally has to appear when the time is right to make the final decision.

That is now.

The appearance of Lu Youyou means that the Bafang Fu-cutting Formation launched by Wang Luo using Bai Tianxin as a sacrifice has quietly accomplished its feat, breaking the most important protective barrier on Bai Cheng's body.

And without the protection of the barrier, Bai Cheng will face more than just the sharp edge of the Star Destroyer Sword... How can she be so confident?

Is there something missing from the entire chess game?

However, at this time, there was no room for omissions on the chessboard.


At the same time, far away on the front line of Zhuwang, the mountain fortress at the foot of Lingshan Mountain was surrounded and tightly bound by a powerful military formation.

The military formation started from the top of Lingshan Mountain in the east and ended at the border of the fairyland in Chilongdi in the west, and extended a hundred miles in the north and south. In the large formation, 100,000 elite soldiers were armed and sharp, and their killing intent frosted the earth.

General Hu Xiao, who came from the Nanxiang Dinghuang Army, had eyes like black ice, and his gaze pierced the fortress in the distance. The magic sword Xinghedang on his waist trembled faintly, and sprinkled light like broken stars. And every light can reflect the solemn faces around, and the magic weapons waiting to be unsheathed.

The Zhuwang military formation is ready to draw the sword.

The dragon head butchers from Molin stood proudly in the wild forest in the north of the fortress. They were extremely tall, and each one was five meters away, as if they were people with superb cultivation who had opened the law of heaven and earth. They were wearing incredibly thick azure heavy armor, and carrying silver dragon-breaking swords on their shoulders. With every breath, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth swept over them. Each of them only had the Jindan cultivation, but the Jindan they condensed was at least ten times larger than the common sense, and the fullness of their blood and qi was hundreds and thousands of times better than that of ordinary people!

The Mo Lin army formation was ready to draw their swords.

The Quanzhou secret guards of Yueyang occupied the Chilong land. They did not have a unified standard magic weapon. Each secret guard chose a different magic weapon and selected and decorated the robes and armor on their bodies according to their own preferences. Some were covered in heavy armor, like a small dragon head butcher, and some were almost naked...

At first glance, this group of Yueyang secret guards and the elite soldiers guarding them seemed like a mob. However, when the secret guards approached the wasteland, each of them stimulated the blood and flesh of the beasts in their bodies, and integrated the taboo power that was not in the ordinary form of the Immortal Alliance, these mobs suddenly showed the arrogant and savage spirit of the prehistoric times, when the beasts devoured the sun and the moon!

The Yueyang Army Formation is ready to draw the sword.

At the highest point of the coalition army formation, Lu Youyou stepped on the dome of the Qiling Hall, and with her own strength, she firmly grasped 100,000 elite soldiers in her palm. The blood and true essence of each soldier, and even the true meaning and distracting thoughts in their minds, were all reflected in her heart lake, and rose and fell with the ripples on the lake.

Drawing the sword of 100,000 swords was only a thought of Lu Youyou.

Compared with the Star-Destroying Sword, this formation composed of 100,000 elite soldiers was the key to Lu Youyou's final decision!

At this time, while holding the heart lake calm, she unfolded the Yao sword in her hand and pointed to the top of the mountain fortress from afar.

There, in the place where one can have a panoramic view of the frontier, there is an abrupt figure, a pretty woman who seems to be in her twenties, who ignores the 100,000 troops around her, chuckles, and looks at the distance in a daze and concentration.

The smile is sweet and gentle, but it seems to have an unquestionable guiding force, which makes people want to laugh and rejoice with it, and stir up waves in their hearts.

But Lu Youyou just kept silent, counting down the numbers in his heart. However, every time he counted a number, he would feel uneasy under the calm heart.

All this was too smooth.

It was just as smooth as when the theory was deduced.

Wang Luo went to Yueyang alone, using the Bai family as a sacrifice to activate the Eight Directions Dinghuang Formation to break Bai Cheng's barrier. After that, without the protection of the barrier, Bai Cheng, no matter how strong his ability was, could no longer move freely in the territory of the Immortal Alliance.

Lu Youyou immediately wrapped Bai Cheng tightly with a larger Dinghuang formation, and then directly responded with an extremely domineering and sharp barrier technique, which instantly blinded Bai Cheng's six senses. So much so that when 100,000 troops gathered around her quickly, she herself didn't even know anything about it.

Afterwards, Lu Youyou immersed herself in Wang Luo's world of consciousness, confronted and talked with Bai Cheng, and issued an ultimatum.

But in fact, Lu Youyou didn't need Bai Cheng to surrender.

She just needed him to stand obediently in the formation, waiting for the 100,000 troops to breathe together, making the formation more solid. Waiting for the southern Star-Destroying Divine Sword Fortress to attract the earth veins and fill the sword light of the Divine Sword, so as to burst out the most fierce sword attack.

With every second that passed, the binding force wrapped around Bai Cheng became stronger.

When Lu Youyou's countdown ends, there is no need for any unorthodox methods such as the Eight-Direction Fortune Reduction Formation. Lu Youyou will let the other party experience the peak attack of the Immortal Alliance Pioneer Army in person as the head of the Immortal Alliance!

In the world of consciousness, Lu Youyou said coldly: "Bai Cheng, you still have five seconds!"

Bai Cheng still chuckled, and his smile seemed helpless and doting: "Xiaolu, wait for me for a while, I just want to talk to Wang Luo."

"Four... three..."

"Hehe, wait until I finish talking..."

"Two... one!"

"... I'll come to play with you."


The next moment, on the top of the fortress, Bai Cheng suddenly turned his head and turned his sight from the distant wasteland to the east, and met Lu Youyou on the Qiling Hall!

In an instant, Lu Youyou's heart lake could no longer maintain stability, a ripple appeared, and quickly swept across the entire lake!

Why? !

Why can she see herself? She was now wrapped in the barrier, and should have been deaf and blind. Her attention was firmly attracted by the projection in the conscious world, and she had no time to sense the changes in the outside world.

Perhaps, as a Lingshan person, she was particularly sensitive to the Qiling Hall and the auspicious spirit deer in the hall? So even in the barrier, she could accurately capture her position and create the illusion of eye contact? !

Yes, this can only be an illusion. She couldn't see through the barrier, and couldn't make an effective resistance at this moment.

It can only be this way, it must be this way! Because the whole calculation against Bai Cheng is based on this most basic assumption!

If Wang Luo breaks Bai Cheng's barrier, Lu Youyou can't kill him immediately with a thunderous force, then... the Immortal Alliance will have no chance!

This is the result of Lu Youyou's deduction on the jade throne, not hesitating to burn her blood and sweat.

This is also the whisper from the Great Law that she heard in front of the top of Jianmu, accompanied by the breeze blowing the golden leaves.

So now, no matter how Bai Cheng pretends to be mysterious, Lu Youyou has already put the arrow on the string and has to shoot!

However, just when she counted down to the last word.

Just when the Yao Sword in her hand began to bloom with strange colors, and the fairy spirit attracted the Star-Destroying Sword.

A sudden voice sounded in the world of consciousness.

It also exploded like thunder on the top of Lingshan, spreading to everyone's ears.

"The order of the mountain master, the nine veins are cut off!"

As the voice sounded, everything between heaven and earth stagnated.

The boiling military formation, the rumbling earth veins, and even the whistling gale above, all were frozen on the spot under the order of the Lord of Lingshan Mountain.

As the flow was stagnant and the boiling was stopped, the spider-web-like chain tightly wrapped around Bai Cheng was also broken.

Nothing could cover the other party's eyes anymore, and nothing could kill her original body.

Bai Cheng, who was free, would slip away quietly from the 100,000 troops like a swimming fish.

Lu Youyou tried her best to arrange everything at the foot of Lingshan Mountain in Bai Cheng's ignorance, but it all vanished with this simple order from the Lord of the Mountain.

At this moment, not only Lu Youyou was at a loss, but the 100,000 troops were at a loss.

Even Bai Cheng fell into a brief stagnation.

It seemed that he was surprised that there were suddenly 100,000 more people around him.

It seemed that he was surprised that someone could stop a massacre at a critical moment.

"Wang Luo, how did you figure that out?"

In the world of consciousness, Bai Cheng asked seriously.

Wang Luo was silent for a moment, then answered seriously.

"I just thought of a simple question, a question that I should have thought of long ago, but seemed to have been blinded by someone's mind and could not think of at all, that is... what exactly is the blessing that the Eight-Directions Blessing Reduction Array reduces? For a person who has resurrected from the evil land of the netherworld, the blessing of the Immortal Alliance is no different from a deadly poison? And reducing your blessings will only make you stronger. So, from the beginning, you knew everything, right?"

Hearing this question, Bai Cheng laughed again.

And this time, her smile finally lost its past gentleness, but was twisted, sinister, and burned as if it were corroded by fire.

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