Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 447 How to Carry Civilization

Squeak, squeak...

As the cradle swayed, Qin Yu suddenly heard the sound of bamboo and wood squeezing, soothing, relaxing, like a sleep-inducing tune.

At the same time, a refreshing fragrance lingered in his nose. Not far from the cradle, there was a small wooden table with an ancient incense burner on it. Waves of thin smoke flowed out of it, like a gentle hand caressing him.

And in the midst of this fragrant fragrance, the window on one side of the bamboo room suddenly lit up, and the warm sunlight outside the room gradually cast intoxicating like the late spring sunset.

Qin Yu couldn't help but be in a trance again. At this moment, he seemed to no longer be in the wilderness, and this bamboo room was not located in the secluded area... It was like the paradise that Qin Yu had occasionally dreamed of during his most painful years.

A warm little house, a warm sunshine, and... a lovely child.

In Qin Yu's trance, the creaking sound of the cradle was interspersed with a lively baby's laughter.

Hearing this voice, the last bit of vigilance in Qin Yu's heart suddenly collapsed, and he took a few steps forward and came to the cradle.

Then, he saw a charming baby's smiling face.

The pink face was flawless, and the round black eyes seemed to be condensed by the purest spirituality between heaven and earth, which instantly intoxicated him.

At the same time, it also made him realize why he entered the Netherworld from the three-tree pile in an instant, and then came to this bamboo room from the Netherworld.

It was the baby in front of him who was calling him, just like he did twenty years ago, summoning him here.

Yes, twenty years ago, he had been here, it was also this bamboo room, it was also this pink and jade-built baby, and it was also this innocent call.

"Dad, Dad..."

Then, Qin Yu's memory came to an abrupt end.

He remembered that he subconsciously approached the cradle and wanted to hold the baby who took the initiative to open his arms to him, but the next moment was a complete change. His arrival alarmed the owner of this place, so all the good things ended here.

This time, Qin Yu used up all his willpower, suppressed the urge to reach out and hug the baby, stopped in front of the cradle, swaying, barely maintaining the smile on his face from being distorted.

However, although he stopped hard. But the baby in the cradle did not wait for a hug, and the smile gradually turned into doubt, and another background began to surge in the dark and clear eyes.


Qin Yu knew that something was wrong and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. A dark color like a netherworld exploded from the cradle and filled the entire bamboo room.

Qin Yu immediately held his breath, pulled out a protective talisman that had been stacked in his sleeves for a long time, and propped up an elliptical blue shield to isolate the dark color from outside.

Hualala, hualala... The talisman that was theoretically enough to bear the attack of the god of transformation was disintegrating in an instant, and the talisman paper cracked and shattered like glass.

Fortunately, before the azure eggshell exploded, the dark color outside the shield disappeared. But the warm baby bamboo room also disappeared.

In its place, there was a wide jade palace, with an incredibly rich spiritual energy flowing in the palace. Almost instantly, Qin Yu felt that his foundation of Taoism, which had been damaged when he was down and out, had the throbbing of a dead tree coming back to life. Even the broken talisman paper in his hand seemed to be healed and rejuvenated, with small branches extending on both sides of the crack, entwining and merging together.

The palace was quite empty, with a complicated magic array in the middle. Countless fine silk threads were intertwined on the jade bricks on the ground and in the air, maintaining the spirituality of this place with a mysterious momentum that Qin Yu could not understand. And the benefits that can be obtained in the array are even more unimaginable.

In addition, there were exhibition stands of various shapes around the palace, on which a vast number of immortal skills were displayed.

Most of these skills were inherited from the old immortal calendar era. They were all top skills that could shake the nine states. Their storage media were also very different from today. Most of them were sealed in special magic weapons, five elements spirits, or clear aura groups. People who are not masters of magic cannot even touch them, let alone interpret the knowledge and feel the spirituality.

Qin Yu could barely recognize the fancy things on the display racks because he had a good foundation in miscellaneous studies and made up for some old calendar knowledge after joining the outer mountain gate of Lingshan. At this time, he certainly did not expect that he could learn from ancient and modern times and master the old world skills in an instant... He just couldn't help but be nervous and even afraid.

This hall where the old world skills are stored is probably the place where the wild demon who ravaged the front line of Lingshan practiced. He accidentally hit it and went deep into the enemy's lair!

But after a moment of tension, there was silence in the hall, and he ignored his arrival. So Qin Yu gritted his teeth and began to actively look for a way out.

Although the hall was empty, it seemed to be carved from a huge piece of jade, and there was no exit at all! Qin Yu walked around in it for a few times, and even dared to touch the secrets of the skills on several display racks, but still found nothing.

Then, just as he was gradually relaxing, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Today's homework is to practice the Bai family's five-element life-giving method. The direct descendants of the Bai family should draw the gold energy of Luzhou into the body before they can build the foundation of the great way. And the first chapter of the life-giving method will talk about how to swallow and spit out the gold energy of the ore vein..."

When the voice first sounded, Qin Yu was almost horrified, thinking that he had finally seen a ghost after wandering on this night road for a long time. But after a moment, he was a little surprised to find that the voice was just doing its own thing, reciting and explaining the skills in a steady tone.

Moreover, the woman's explanation was unusually simple. Not only did the technique itself only teach people to draw Qi into the body, but her way of choosing words and sentences seemed to be enlightening children - sometimes she even taught people to read and write!

So Qin Yu gradually realized. This was a place of practice specially built by the other party for the baby in the cradle. From drawing Qi, building foundation, golden elixir... all the way to Mahayana and even ascending to immortality, everything needed on the road of practice was complete in this hall.

However, this well-equipped hall was always empty. The woman's voice in the air, although it was easy to understand, was just a lonely soliloquy.

Qin Yu walked around the hall several times, and could not get away for a while, so he had to listen patiently. Although the woman was only talking about the entry-level method of life, the understanding contained in it was deeper than imagined, so that Qin Yu felt deeply inspired by the way of practice unconsciously, so he gradually immersed himself in it.

Then, he vaguely saw the shadow of a young girl appearing in the magic circle covered with fine lines. The girl sometimes sat cross-legged and breathed, and sometimes stood up to exercise her body. She practiced very hard and seriously, and her talent was even better. She made rapid progress in practice. She quickly mastered several basic skills of the Bai family, passed the Qi-inducing period, and began her own foundation-building journey.

But at this point, Qin Yu could not keep up with the other party's progress. Although he was a golden elixir in the past, compared with the ancient cultivators, his realm foundation was simply a mess. In the air, the lectures from the owner of this place soon reached the point where the whole text was a heavenly book. So Qin Yu originally wanted to learn a little, but was gradually excluded, and gradually he couldn't even concentrate, and sleepiness came.

After waking up suddenly, Qin Yu had changed his position again.

It was neither a bamboo room for babies nor a hall for practicing as a child, but... a messy warehouse.

The warehouse was probably located in a dark cave. It was vaguely visible that there was a rugged rock above the head. Under the illumination of several flickering candlelights, the shadows of the rocks were mottled and looked hideous.

The display in this cave warehouse was messy and disorderly. Various magic weapons and books were piled up like garbage.

Qin Yu was stunned after just one look.

Because these were almost all the creations of the Immortal Alliance. Beautifully printed books, fluffy and retractable clouds, lotus platforms for sitting on the ground, thin and cheap fire-starting talismans... all of them were what the people of the Immortal Alliance needed in their daily lives.

Although magic weapons with the same effect did exist in the old immortal calendar era, the new and old eras were completely different in terms of shape, design ideas, and the spiritual charm contained in them. As a citizen of the Immortal Alliance, Qin Yu would naturally not make a mistake.

He could even judge that many of the things in this warehouse were taken by the owner of this place without permission, similar to those purchased by Ling Ye, and even the seals on the goods when they were shipped out of the warehouse had not been properly unsealed. Although the owner of this place has a high level of immortal cultivation, he seems not to be very familiar with the things of the Immortal Alliance. Therefore, these looted things have not been well maintained and are even displayed in a mess.

Is this a spoils of war?

But Qin Yu soon found that it was not the case, because some things were still carefully arranged and placed - books, especially books introducing the history and culture of the Immortal Alliance, were carefully placed in a bright corner of the cave. In addition, various novels and painted books were also displayed. Qin Yu went over for a while and was surprised to find two magical ancient books!

"The last two volumes of "Taipingji"?! Or manuscripts? This novel... Isn't it because the author died in the chaos that it will never be completed?!"

When he was young, Qin Yu was also a fan of ancient novels. This Zhou Guo story serialized two hundred years ago made him especially love it. And the regret that this story has no ending also made him grit his teeth at the chaos of Zhou Guo back then.

Unexpectedly, in the wilderness, he actually saw the ending of Taipingji? !

Excited for a moment, he immediately took action. After simply blessing himself with a protective spiritual method, he reached out to take down the manuscript and flipped through a few pages, and he couldn't help but become more interested.

Yes, it is definitely the original work. Whether it is the wording or the unique font, it is exactly the same as the Taipingji in his memory!

So, although the author died tragically in the chaos, he had actually finished the story before his death, but the manuscript was stolen by the Desolate Demon and collected here?

Qin Yu felt incredible for a while, but soon, when he turned his attention back to the manuscript, he caught a glimpse of a girl's shadow, faintly appearing in front of a bookshelf not far away.

The shadow was vague, but Qin Yu could still recognize that she was the girl in the hall and the baby in the bamboo room.

Along an invisible timeline, the baby has grown up. Big enough to carry some heresy.

In front of Qin Yu, the shadow of a young girl excitedly reached out to take down a fairy alliance picture book, turned around, and moved her lips, as if asking her mother.

What exactly is this beautiful picture book?

The next moment, the familiar female voice sounded above her head again, and this time, she was no longer calm, but full of struggle and unwillingness.

Facing her daughter's curiosity, she sighed after a long time.

"These are civilizations..."


In an instant, everything in Qin Yu's mind suddenly became clear, and when he figured everything out, the warehouse in the cave was also shattered in front of him.

It was still the original bamboo room, but everything was no longer warm and exquisite. The bamboos that made up the four walls were withered and rotten, and there were many holes on the bamboo bodies. The filthy wind from the netherworld swaggered in from the gaps. Maggots were infested on the silk and blankets on the walls, and there were deformed pieces of meat twitching at the eaves of the bamboo room.

In the middle of the bamboo room, the cradle was still creaking, but the sound was extremely sharp and rapid, like a painful wail.

Qin Yu struggled to raise his eyes and looked into the cradle.

That brilliant and flawless smile was no longer there.

There was only a small skeleton that had been withered for thousands of years, like the dark dead tree, sealing and recording endless pain and resentment here.

After a long time, Qin Yu resisted the surging desire in his stomach, and trembled again to take out the talisman for emergency contact, and then injected everything he had at this time into it.

He had found the key to the wild demon.


After Qin Yu experienced a strange encounter and activated the talisman for some time.

On the west side of Lingshan Mountain, on the mountain fortress, after a long silence, a wave of cheers finally came.

The 100,000-man army was like a warm ocean. The hundreds of countries in the Immortal Alliance, countless dialects, countless accents intertwined and blended at this moment, resonating with joy.

On the top of the fortress, Guan Dingnan still held the holy sword tightly in his hand. Although he was confused and had almost no consciousness and thoughts... But this soldier's body had its own mark, driving him to stand unswervingly until the last moment and stabbed the key sword.

The real immortal Bai Cheng, who was raging on the front line of the pioneering front, finally shed all his blood in his hands and under his sword, and turned into a suddenly cold corpse.

At the same time, the poison of separation entrenched around the fortress also disappeared with the death of Bai Cheng.

In this battle, the Immortal Alliance won a great victory!

People didn't even care about what price the Immortal Alliance paid for this victory, because at this moment, nothing could be more important than victory itself!

However, amid countless cheers, people found that the person who should have appeared here and officially announced the victory in the most resolute tone did not come.

In the Qiling Hall, the Lord Zhu Wang, who suppressed 100,000 soldiers with his own strength, disappeared without a trace.

Was it because he had injured his vitality by suppressing 100,000 people before? Or was it for some other reason?

In the jubilant mood, some doubts were quickly washed away.

So, people naturally didn't see that the moment Lu Youyou was in the middle of Bai Cheng's heart, he ignored his injuries and forced the immortal law to move in an instant, and came to Baiyao City in the northern border of Yueyang along the Ningyuan channel.

Then, on the top of the high tower in the city, she saw Wang Luo, the biggest contributor to the reversal of the battle.

As expected, there was no trace of joy of victory on the other side's face.

"Wang Luo, don't be anxious, you... listen to my explanation first."

Wang Luo turned his head to look at Lu Youyou and nodded: "Okay, I'll listen."

After a pause, he said.

"I'm listening carefully."

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