Everything was normal for Lu Zhiyao, but in the early morning of the next day, it seemed to have become a tragic joke.

The first to discover the abnormality were a group of overly energetic naughty children.

They took advantage of the early morning when the adults were tired and took care of the wounded and repaired the docks, so that the guards in the streets were relaxed. They boldly ran to an abandoned lakeside pier on the edge of the formation, and actually wanted to skip stones on Feng Lake.

Since the corpse phoenix resurrected by the Nether Sect died under the Yao Sword a few days ago, and the corpse sank back into Feng Lake, this lake, which was once famous for its charming lake light, fell into a dead silence. The lake water was as smooth as a mirror, like a magnificent crystal coffin.

Then, as if by coincidence, the moment the first child made a loud noise and threw a carefully hammered flat stone into the lake, the mirror surface shattered and the lake water boiled.

Countless bubbles floated up from the bottom of the lake and broke on the surface of the lake one after another. The waves pushed each other, making the lake surface in the early morning seem to be sprinkled with broken gold, reflecting a dazzling brilliance.

The youngest child, holding a small stone that he regarded as a secret weapon, stared at the brilliant light on the lake and the holy lotus flowers blooming in the light. On each lotus stood a white fairy. They wore dazzling fairy clothes and had a peaceful and calm smile on their faces.

Among these lotus fairies, the child saw his parents.

They hadn't seen each other for a long time. The adults in the same dock said that they went to a very far place... It turned out that they had never gone far, but were so close to him.

But why didn't they come to see him? Was it because he didn't listen and be a good child?

With a strong sense of grievance, he couldn't help but stagger forward.

At this time, there seemed to be a whistling wind in his ears. In the wind, his companions were calling out something, but he couldn't hear it clearly for a while.

On the lake, his parents finally turned around and saw him. They were not angry, but smiled and waved to him to go quickly and reunite as a family.

So he swayed his body left and right, as if he was trying to break free from some invisible restraints, and his feet pedaled harder and harder, running forward. At this time, the sound of the wind in his ears was even faster, as sharp as the shrill screams of humans.

He groaned and raised his hands to cover his ears. The world became extremely quiet at this moment, and the shrill wind disappeared... and the laughter of his parents was close to his ears.

Under the gaze of his parents, his steps became lighter, as if the restraints that had been wrapped around him before had disappeared. He ran quickly, and the dilapidated pier extended infinitely forward at this moment, like a bright and smooth road leading to the lotus bushes. On this road, his body became extremely light, like a clever flying bird...

However, just as he leaped and took off, a gust of wind blew in his face, blowing him back, back and forth... The lotus pond surrounded by fairy light shrank rapidly in his field of vision and moved away.

He wailed and struggled in pain, but he could not resist the oncoming evil wind. He could only watch his parents' smiles fade away and eventually shrink into a blurry light.

After that, his world fell into absolute darkness.

At the same time, the people of Yanwu near the dock gradually noticed the changes on the lake. They were surprised that the changes came silently, and they were even more surprised to see: a child of only eleven or twelve years old, with a magic talisman under his feet, running wildly in the streets of the fortress.

With his age and cultivation foundation, he was not yet able to control this powerful life-saving talisman. After running for a while, his blood was boiling, and black blood kept flowing out of his eyes, ears and nose. His legs and feet were torn apart, and the burnt flesh kept falling off along the way until the bones were exposed...

On his shoulder, he carried a strange-looking flowering tree half-covered with rags...


"Immortal, please save Adian!"

In the Fengtaiwu Fort in the center of the Yanwu formation, the shrill cry of a child was stirring in the hall.

Amid the cry, all the leaders of the six major families had livid or even pale faces.

The crying child was named Bai Lifu, a descendant of the Bai family, one of the six major families. His parents had already died in the first wave of the bloody Fenghu Lake, and the whole family was swallowed by the lake and buried at the bottom of the lake. Now only the Jindan Shenxing Talisman, which has been passed down for generations in the family and relied on to save lives, remains.

Bai Lifu had just started to draw in the Qi when he forcibly used the magic talisman. The spiritual power in the talisman almost broke his eight extraordinary meridians and burned the flesh and blood of his legs. When the adults in the dock rescued him in time, he had almost worn out his two feet...

But Bai Lifu didn't care about his injuries at all at this time, but cried, "It's all my fault. I had to take Douzi and Adian to the dock to skip stones. It's all my fault that Adian became like this! Immortals, you have great magical powers, please save Adian!"

Amid the trembling cries, people in the lobby focused their attention on Adian. Then they were all horrified.

Although Bai Lifu was seriously injured, he was not worth mentioning in front of a group of Yuanying, Huashen and even Heti ancestors, not to mention that there were real immortals sitting here, and it was nothing more than a change of mind to revive the dead.

But Adian... was already difficult for the immortals to save.

In fact, most people can no longer tell that the strange-looking thing is actually a living person... At first glance, it looks like a small withered tree with sparse branches. At the end of a short and thick branch pointing upward, a strange flower shaped like a lotus bloomed. The texture on the petals vaguely resembled human facial features. Two small branches extended upward from both sides of the trunk and were connected to the wings of the strange flower, as if they were blocking their ears with their hands.

Falling from heaven, Fenghu Lake is stained with blood, and cases of human body deformation caused by waste poison pollution are already common among people in the lobby. Therefore, people also know clearly that there is no cure for the deforestation - a few people with extremely strong resistance can reluctantly use the method of a strong man to cut off his wrist to uproot the deformed ends. However, once the deformation spreads to the torso, or the deformation starts from the vital parts of the body from the beginning, then even if the deformation is just an extra finger on the face and an eyeball opened on the body, the person is basically hopeless. .

As for A Dian, it is no longer a question of whether it can save lives, but how violent the poison has begun to brew in this strange tree. It is like a bomb with infinite power! If it weren't for the presence of a true immortal here, everyone in the lobby would have dispersed like birds and beasts long ago!

Therefore, at this moment, amidst Bai Lifu's cries, people could only feel a sense of sadness and coldness in their hearts.

"Sage, sage, please! Please!"

Then, amidst the crying, people gradually and unanimously focused their attention on the man in the middle of the hall, who was firmly occupying the throne of the hall master.

If at this moment, in this situation, there is anyone who can subvert common sense and reverse life and death, then... it must be her!

However, Lu Zhiyao, who was attracting everyone's attention, just looked down at the children in front of the steps, without showing any emotion in her eyes, and even contained sarcasm.

"Senior sister..." Qin Muzhou on the side finally lost his temper and spoke in a low voice.

Lu Zhiyao responded immediately.

"It's hopeless, next one."

The moment the voice fell, a sharp sword energy cut open the space... and cut the ferocious strange tree into two parts. The cross section was like the deep night, and like black fire boiling. In an instant, it was like a black fire. The strange tree was burned, leaving nothing behind!

The cries of children stopped abruptly at this moment, and the breathing of countless people also stopped at this moment.

Lu Zhiyao sneered and glanced at everyone: "It's okay for children to be naive and ignorant. Aren't you, the heads of the six major families, ignorant too?! A new round of the Desolate Demon's offensive on the lake has arrived! This time The sub-desolate poison has evolved again, and its spread can even directly penetrate the outer shield of the Yanwu Formation! At this time, instead of performing your duties and commanding the tribesmen to enter the formation to quell the desolation, you all gathered here to watch me. It’s a farewell for children. Is it possible that this tragedy is not enough and you want to watch it again?”

Hearing Lu Zhiyao's sharp words, everyone woke up as if from a dream and quickly dispersed. According to the rules of the past few days, they organized the people in Wubao to strengthen the formation to resist the invasion from the lake. Lu Zhiyao also left the hall master's throne and went to the edge of the formation to repair the flaws in the formation herself.

Qin Muzhou quietly followed behind him. When no one was around, he asked in a secret voice: "Senior sister, just now..."

Lu Zhiyao replied without looking back: "Ah, yes, the child just now can indeed be saved. If that boy Bai Lifu had come a moment later, he would have been completely hopeless."

"and you……"

"Then I'm going to squander the little bit of energy that Xiao Lu'er finally recovered!? Squander it on a bunch of kids who can't even understand human speech and insist on going to the dock to fetch water despite the ban!?"

Qin Muzhou argued subconsciously: "The children... are not sensible."

Lu Zhiyao said: "That's why we adults have to teach the children to be sensible. There are still more than 500,000 survivors in Yanwu, including tens of thousands of children...and I want to educate these tens of thousands of children. The first lesson is don’t seek death!”

After saying that, Lu Zhiyao turned around quickly and glared at Qin Muzhou.

"You and Bai Cheng don't have children yet, so there's no need for such overflowing fatherly love! Qin Muzhou, if you really want to rescue Bai Cheng, then from now on, get rid of all your indecision! Stop acting like a idiot!"

When Qin Muzhou heard this, he trembled all over, and the majestic immortal seemed to lose his mind.

Lu Zhiyao unceremoniously controlled the sword with her eyes and stabbed forward, causing Qin Muzhou to groan in pain and fall to his knees... But at the same time, the frustration in his heart was suddenly cleared.

"Senior sister, did you already know about Bai Cheng?"

"Nonsense, I guessed it. You are usually so cheerful and decisive. I said you wanted to be an enemy of all the immortals, and you were willing to follow me against the will of heaven. But in the past few days, you suddenly seemed like your brain was filled with water... and Your only weakness is Bai Cheng, and you can easily guess the truth."

Qin Muzhou sighed: "I never imagined that the Bai family would actually attack her."

Lu Zhiyao punched Qin Muzhou unceremoniously, knocking Qin Muzhou's entire body into the ground. The aftermath even shook the formation, causing countless Yanwu cultivators to exclaim.

Lu Zhiyao waved her hand, signaling the people approaching from a distance to disperse as soon as possible, and then looked at Qin Muzhou and said angrily: "You should have thought with your knees that the Bai family would attack her! The Bai family has been passed down for thousands of years, and generations have been promoted. , there is only one person like her who is born to touch the line of fate of all living beings! Now the elders of the Heavenly Court are trying to establish the Immortal Law again, and one of the three pillars of the new law is the Bai family's fate of all living beings. Once the Immortal Law is established, everyone will The people it affects only have a sense of independence, but no independent stance! Bai Cheng can make the people he loves turn against each other in an instant, and those desolate demons can make the most loyal warriors switch sides in an instant! If you don't want to be killed from behind by your own people in the future! , we should have thought about these issues more clearly!”

Qin Muzhou gritted his teeth and said: "However, although Bai Cheng and I have very little qualifications, we are still people who have reached immortality. They..."

"The Bai family has no shortage of immortals! The Bai Wuhou who is standing in front of us now is more than ten generations higher than Bai Cheng, but he is only one of the five elders of the Bai family! Why do you think Bai Cheng can avoid being disappointed? Bi Qi’s sin, especially her most beloved monks are now standing on the opposite side of heaven!”

After an angry rebuke, Lu Zhiyao shook her head and stopped the topic for the time being.

"Qin Muzhou, I know that at this moment, you may not be able to hear what I say. But I have something to warn you after all: In this chaotic world, only ruthless people can have a good death. The more you If you don't follow the rules, the other party will be more likely to follow the rules. The more careless you are, the more scruples the other party will have. If you want to save Bai Cheng, you must be prepared to lose her. Cut off Bai Cheng's fingers one by one and send them to you, and you should turn a blind eye and swallow those fingers into your belly with a smile. Only in this way can you be reunited with her after the end...losing a few of Bai Cheng's fingers It's better to have your finger than to lose Bai Cheng. You must calculate the pros and cons clearly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the lake not far away exploded, and countless deformed objects and corpses of the dead shot straight into the sky like a volcano erupting! It dyed the entire sky red and then black, and then turned into a pouring rain of flesh and blood, falling suddenly.

A hurricane seemed to roll up on the calm lake, and the roaring tide rushed towards the large shield formation like a black mountain range in an instant.

Lu Zhiyao immediately put down Qin Muzhou, stepped forward, and firmly occupied the most prominent point in the formation. At the same time, in the continuous Wubao behind her, the spiritual stones accumulated by the six families for thousands of years were being stored. Burn like crazy as fuel!

As a result, the Yanwu Formation turned into an eternal rock that would never fall, allowing the waves of blood to hit it without moving. The blue shield light penetrated the heavy rain and reflected on the face of Bai Wuhou standing in mid-air.

Bai Wuhou looked down at Yanwu with an expressionless expression, but his eyes went directly past Lu Zhiyao, who was at the forefront, and came to Qin Muzhou.

That cold gaze made Qin Muzhou's heart suddenly tighten... It wasn't until Lu Zhiyao struck him in the head with a backhand sword energy, knocking him backwards for hundreds of meters, that he was out of Bai Wuhou's sight.

In response, Bai Wuhou finally showed a smile, which silently conveyed a message.

Lu Zhiyao, this time, there are really no rules.

But the next moment, his smile suddenly solidified.

Because right before his eyes, the blue semi-elliptical shield covering the smoke dock suddenly seemed to come alive, forming a blue giant standing tall and towering. The giant's figure was majestic, but his movements were as fast as lightning, almost at the moment it was formed. , and then slapped his face with a translucent fist that was even bigger than Wubao!


There was a thunderous explosion, and water waves rose to the sky again on Feng Lake. Bai Wuhou was punched down and fell straight to the bottom of the lake!

At the front of the formation, Lu Zhiyao slowly put away her fist that resonated with the shield, looking far away at the bottom of the lake with a smile on her face.

No rules, palm mouth.

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